
Week 3 Quiz


1.     Structural mobility occurs when

a.     An indivdual moves up the class ladder.

b.    An individual moves down the class ladder.

c.     A large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes.

d.    A member of a family belongs to a different class than his or her siblings.


2.     Social stratification is a system that

a.     Ranks society members into categories.

b.    Destroys competition between society members.

c.     Allows society members to choose their social standing.

d.    Reflects personal choices of society members.


3.     A sociologist who focuses on the way that multinational corporations headquartered in core nations exploit the local workers in their peripheral nation factories is using a _______ perspecitve to understand the global economy. 

a.     Functionalist

b.    Conflict

c.     Feminist

d.    Symbolic interactionist


4.     One flaw in modernization theory is the unwillingness to recognize _______.

a.     The semi-peripheral nations are incapable of industrializing.

b.    The peripheral nations prevent semi-peripheral nations from entering the global market.

c.     Its inherent ethnocentric bias.

d.    The importance of semi-peripheral nations industrializing.


5.     What is the one defining feature of a minority group?   

a.     Self-definition

b.    Numerical minority

c.     Lack of power

d.    Strong cultural identity


6.     What is discrimination?

a.     Biased thoughts against an individual or group.

b.    Biased actions against an individual or group.

c.     A belief that a race different than yours is inferior.

d.    Another word for stereotyping.


7.     Which of the following is the best example of a gender stereotype?

a.     Women are typically shorter than men.

b.    Men do not live as long as women.

c.     Women tend to be overly emotional, while men tend to be more levelheaded.

d.    Men hold more high-earning jobs than women.


8.     According to symbolic interactionist perspective, we ‘do gender’

a.     During half of our activities.

b.    Only when they apply to our biological sex.

c.     Only if we are actively following gender roles.

d.    All the time, in everything we do.




Assignmnet Due by 10-14-19


In order to function as change agents, social workers interact with others in a wide variety of organizations. Visiting a social work agency allows students of social work to get a glimpse of the form that these interactions may take.

For this Assignment, visit a social service agency in your area and interview a MSW-level social worker there. The agency cannot be a private practice. 

By Day 7 of this week, submit the name of the agency and the social worker, including their social work degree or licensure (e.g., MSW, LCSW, etc.), with whom you will collaborate for your Final Project that you will submit in Week 6.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your Project, do the following: 

  • Save your Project as a “.doc” file with the filename      “WK3Proj+last name+first initial.doc”. For example, Sally Ride’s filename      would be “WK3ProjRideS.doc”.
  • To upload your Project information, click on Projects      on the course navigation menu, and then click the “Project – Week 3” link.

Looking Ahead: Your Final Project, submitted in Week 6 of the course will be a 4- to 5-page written account of your agency visit, reflection on the experience, and analysis of course topics as related to your experience. Make sure to support ideas with evidence from course resources and additional research.
The final project should:

  • Describe the agency. Including: 
    • Services offered
    • Mission of the agency
    • Clientele or population served
  • Describe the social worker’s job activities and      professional roles
  • Explain what brought the social worker to the field and      their work history
  • Explain opportunities for advancement and what the      social worker does for professional development
  • Describe the social worker’s overall job satisfaction      and strategies they use for self-care
  • Analyze your experience. Specifically,
    • Discuss your thoughts and feelings related to the       agency, clientele, and type of work. 
    • Reflect on why you may have experienced these       reactions to the agency, clientele, and type of work.
  • Explain which social work values and ethics were      evident (or not evident) during the interview. 

  • Explain how social and economic justice relates to the      services provided or population served by this agency. 
  • Explain how cultural competence was demonstrated (or      not demonstrated) within the agency or by the social worker. 

M5Assignment 1: LASA 2: The Application Paper


By Monday, June 15, 2015, using the textbook and Argosy Online Library, write a 5-7 page paper using APA standards for citation of sources that focuses on the following:

Interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society.  Analyze their responses regarding:

1.  Identify each person’s class, race, and gender.

2.  What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives?  How do you see these stratifiers as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?

3.  Apply one of the sociological perspectives (structural-functional, social-conflict, or symbolic-interaction) to the individuals’ lives.  Why did you choose this particular perspective?  How does it explain each person’s life and life choices?

4.  What are some the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?

5.  Analyze each person’s components of culture (language, symbols, material objects, and behaviors) and relate them to his/her stratified position in society. 

Please post your completed paper in the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Described each person’s class, race, and gender.


Evaluated the role of social stratification.


Applied a sociological perspective to each subject.


Explained the benefits and limitations of the research methodology.


Analyzed the components of culture and related them to social stratification.


Presentation Components

Organization: Introduction, Transitions, Conclusion.


Style: Tone, Audience, Word Choice.


Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure.


APA Elements: Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations (when appropriate or assigned).







Briefly, summarize the current event. Relate your current event to class concepts/terms/ideas 0021004002019CC

Briefly, summarize the current event. Relate your current event to class concepts/terms/ideas 0021004002019CC


Briefly, summarize the current event. Relate your current event to class concepts/terms/ideas 0021004002019CC

Type of Service 


Urgency 6 to 7 hours 

Citation Style 


No. of Pages/Wordcount

1 page

No. of Sources/References 3


English US


Briefly, summarize the current event. Relate your current event to class concepts/terms/ideas. This is the most important part of your paper.

Students in Introduction to International Relations (IR) often comment that they are not sure they will do well in this class because they “don’t know as much about current events as some others students seem to.”

 Rest assured this is not a current events class.

 However, in order for you to get the most out of this class now and in the future, you will need to keep up with what is going on out there in the world so you can connect global events to the terms/concepts/ideas in IR. Current events are a way to encourage you to keep up with international relations issues. 

The objective of this assignment is to apply course theories and concepts/ideas to international issues. You will present one current event to the class during the semester. 

I leave you with this thought. Philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill said, “He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that.” 

Sources: There are suggestions, not limits.

Newsday from Associated Press


The Economist


The Guardian

Christian Science Monitor 

The New York Times

Der Spiegel (online in English) 

Foreign Affairs 

The Wall Street Journal

Foreign Policy 

No blogs

Financial Times 

La Monde (online in English)


BUS 311 Week 5 Final Paper

Focus of the Final Paper

The final assignment for the course is a Final Paper on two cases. The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight- to ten-page paper should integrate readings and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications.

Read the case study at the end of Chapter 15 and the case study at the end of Chapter 16, and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research using the Ashford Online Library. Each case study should be addressed in four to five pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of eight to ten pages.

Chapter 15 Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster

1. Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco “overpromised”? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers?

2. Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required?

3. Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling?

4. Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels?

Chapter 16 Case Study: A Bumpy Road for Toyota

1. Is Toyota’s focus on quality consistent with the Lean philosophy? Can a firm actually follow the Lean philosophy without having a strong quality focus? Explain.

2. Who are the “coordinators” referred to in the article? What role have they played in educating Toyota’s workforce in promoting the TPS (Toyota Production System) philosophy? Why are they so hard to replicate?

3. According to Hajime Oba, what is wrong with Detroit’s approach to Lean? Based on your understanding of American auto manufacturers, do you agree or disagree?

4. There is an old saying “Haste makes Waste.” How does this apply to what is happening in the Georgetown plant? What is Toyota doing about it?

forum respones

first response:

New! Future Issues

Staci Carpenter (Aug 22, 2016 2:08 PM) – Read by: 5Mark as ReadReply to This MessageReply


Hello everyone! Last week and forum of the course!

     Child and Family Specialists will face a number of issues as families and our world continue to change. I think of of the most pressing issues will be the multiple meanings of family. Powell (2007) presents that different government entities, employers, religions, and culture have different meanings of what family means. Families today are very diverse between family size, forms, ages, and roles (Powell 2007). Many families are beginning childless families and many families are no longer nuclear. Changing family structures (such as cohabitation, single parent families or blended families) could all influence child and family specialist services and support they offer to families. Now that same-sex marriage has been legalized child and family specialist may experience families of same-sex couples. Another factor may be that individuals consider their family those individuals that they choose or family of choice (Powell 2007). Family of choice may include individuals that are not biological or through a commitment. The Pew Research Center (2015) presents that the family is changing in a variety of ways including more mothers in the workforce, older parents, more educated parents, grandparents raising grandchildren, and changes in fertility. The diversity of families will continue to change and family specialists should be prepared for diversity in families and changes that may occur.

    Differing meaning of families can have an impact on how child and family professionals handle services and resources for families and children. The different definition of families may impact service eligibility or certain resources that are available to families.The differing family meanings could have impacts on family roles, family management, parenting styles, and communication. Child and family specialists need to be prepared for differing meaning of family so that they can address family needs appropriately. As the world changes so will families and specialists should be able to adjust and be flexible in the differing views and definitions of family. Child and family specialists should be ready to offer diverse support and services to a number of different families.



Pew Research Center. (Dec. 2015). Parenting in America. Retrieved from http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2015/12/17/1-the-american-family-today/

Powell, L.H. & Cassidy, D. (2007). Family Life Education: Working with Families Across the Life Span (2nd Ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.


second response:

Forum 8 Future Issues

Rachel Froelich (Aug 24, 2016 7:17 PM) – Read by: 4Mark as ReadReply to This MessageReply


While I am sure there will be many issues arising over the next ten years, probably some we haven’t even thought of yet, one that I think will be pressing is the increasing reliance on technology. Technological advances will certainly be helpful as the field moves forward, but I think there will also be hindrances as a result of the proliferating use of technology, especially the internet. As stated in Powell & Cassidy (2007), “technology has enabled every-one to access information (both good and questionable) with ease” (p. 20). On one hand the ease of access allows people to find out more about child and family development on their own. On the other hand, it also allows people to find a lot of misinformation which can lead to complications in the work of child and family development specialists. I imagine that many professionals in this field spend a lot of time helping people relearn information that they thought they knew because they had the wrong information, and technology allows such misinformation to spread farther and wider, adding to the work that these professionals have to do. In addition, as children and teens use technology more and more, the need for regulating this use is ever-increasing (Berk, 2009). Of course this is something that parents are primarily responsible for, but child and family development specialists will likely have some role in it, especially when it comes to safety concerns. I am certainly not saying that technology is a bad thing. We must move forward and adapt to the changes around us, and technology certainly allows us to do many things that we couldn’t do without it; none of us would be in this class without the technological advances that have occurred over the last few decades. However, I do think that as professionals we will need to be increasingly cautious when working with children and families as technology and access to information continues to advance.


Berk, L. E. (2009). Child Development (9 ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Longman Publishers.

Powell, L. H., & Cassidy, D. (2007). Family Life Education (2nd ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveband Press, Inc.


DeVry Chicago ETHC 445 Week 3 Quiz

Grade Details – All Questions


 1. Question : Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic, but what happens when the inference circumvents logical reasoning?

  Student Answer:   No one will understand you.

      A fallacy has been committed.

     One has proven to be a good logician.

      One ought to use inductive reasoning.

     The syllogism is sound.



 2. Question : A car salesman says this, in order to get you to buy a new car from him:
“Buddy! You gotta buy this car. You’ve seen the commercials where Governor Ahnold is driving this car, haven’t you? You want to be like him, right?”
This type of faulty logic is an example of _____.

  Student Answer:    hasty generalization

      appeal to authority

     false dilemma

     false analogy

     free wheeling


 3. Question : Are you for or against the war on terrorism?
What fallacy is operating here?

  Student Answer:    Appeal to fear

     Straw man


     Appeal to false authority

      False dilemma


 4. Question : All used car salesmen are crooks.
One of them sold me a lemon.
Beware. Be cautious.
What kind of fallacy is operating here?

  Student Answer:    Hasty generalization

     Appeal to authority

      Special pleading

     Ad hominem reasoning



 5. Question : Measuring our country’s health by measuring the consumption of petroleum
is like measuring a person’s health my how much medical care he or she buys.
What kind of fallacy is operating here?

  Student Answer:   Hasty generalization

      Questionable statistics

      False analogy

     Invalid in form

     Confusing assumptions with facts


2 Discussion Replies

two Replies due at 6:30am

APA Format

200 words

2 sources plus biblical integration


Reply: As you reply, probe the answers. Did they justify why their list of concepts was so important—or non-obvious? Was their answer to the client persuasive? Each answer must be 200 words and use biblical integration and 2 sources.

1.       Five questions that I would ask myself as I counsel those who are suffering are: What is my theory of healing? My theory of healing would be one where the counselor and the client work together to filter issues that are tugging at the client’s mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. Somewhere between the point of assessment and healing the two become mutually obedient in a relationship that will provide peace and a sense of self-awareness.  I believe that healing does not take place all at once and that it is a process which leads me to question number 2.  How does healing of the whole person, the mind, spirit, and body take place?  I believe that healing in all these areas takes place first by submission of the client to want to get better and secondly by reminding ourselves that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (NKJV/NIV, 1985).  Another question is “Do I seek to use prayer both in and out of the counseling sessions?”  I believe that prayer is a beautiful language between human beings and the Father and that God hears our cries and responds to them.  I would also ask the question of what model of integration would I use with the client and would this model be appropriate to use with this particular client.  Last, but not least, I would ask my client if they believed in God or had a relationship with God so that I would know if and when it was appropriate to proceed from a spiritual perspective with this person.   I would tell my client that I alone could not remove the pain that they were suffering and that I could help them find hope by integrating my faith into the counseling session.  Sometimes, it takes a personal perspective to make things come to life for those that are in a state of despair and hopelessness.  I would also help my client confront any faulty thinking they have about suffering because there could be a number of reasons for the suffering and this would be one objective.  I would also observe the body language and non-verbal signals of my client and extend a warm, genuine, compassionate welcome to them.    


2.       The guidelines counseling hurting people would be, (a) to practice, The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard, (McMinn, p. 11), (b) establish a counseling relationship the client can respect (p. 13) and will open up to the treatment, (c) serve wholeheartedly the client as if  serving our Lord. Must have empathy (Presentation Week 4 Lecture one), (d) be an observer, active listening and watching for non-verbal signals, to be able to see if something is bothering the client (e) we must recognize our own brokenness. Our brokenness leads us to a relationship with God. (p. 19 & 20). This way we can help others through their brokenness.I would say to this client that we are both here to help you alleviate your pain. Counseling is a process to find the cause of your pain. I have methods to give you as we progress to find that cause and as I give them to you, you must use them. The pain did not show up one day, it has been mounting for some time. Let’s take time and we will work this process together. We will either get rid of it or learn to live with it. All things are possible through our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t give up on me, you or the process. Let’s pray. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV


Discussion 2: Dual-Role Relationships

Consider this scenario:

You receive a hotline call at your mental health agency from a client requesting a same-day appointment. You are the only social worker available to work with clients at the time, as your coworker is out of town on vacation for 10 days. A 15-year-old boy struggling with depression (no suicidal ideation) and addiction calls asking for help. While you are gathering information over the phone, you realize that he happens to be the son of a friend. Do you continue the process, planning on providing him with services, or do you refer him to another mental health clinic that is over 30 miles away? Do you make him wait until your coworker returns? Do you contact his parents and tell them he called?

In certain geographical areas there may be limited resources and in turn a lack of opportunities for clients to obtain assistance. In some rural or otherwise isolated areas there might be situations that make it difficult to maintain ideal boundaries due to dual-role relationships. Dual-role relationships exist when a professional fills multiple roles at the same time, a situation that may be unavoidable in certain circumstances.

Understanding the significant impact of a dual-role relationship with a client is important in order to avoid harming the client. Further, recognizing the impact on the client and the relationship will assist in the creation of strong professional boundaries. In these situations, a social worker might feel his or her ability to maintain these boundaries is compromised or may even experience a value dilemma due to the existence of dual-role relationships.

Consider the importance of boundaries in a therapeutic relationship. Think about ways a social worker might violate the NASW Code of Ethics as it pertains to dual-role relationships. Is there ever a situation in which dual-role relationships are acceptable, or even preferable?

By Day 4

Post an explanation of how you might respond to the situation with the 15-year-old boy on the hotline. Include ways your decision may impact the client. Support your position with references to this week’s resources, professional experience, and additional research. How will you address a possible dual-role relationship?

Required Readings

Daley, M., R., & Hickman, S. (2011). Dual relations and beyond: Understanding and addressing ethical challenges for rural social work. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8(1). Retrieved from http://www.socialworker.com/jswve/spr11/spr11daleyhickman.pdf

Gonyea, J. L., Wright, D. W., & Earl‐Kulkosky, T. (2014). Navigating dual relationships in rural communities. Journal of marital and family therapy, 40(1), 125-136.

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.


Halabuza, D. (2014). Guidelines for social workers’ use of social networking websites. Journal Of Social Work Values & Ethics, 11(1), 23-32. 

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.


Mattison, M. (2018). Informed consent agreements: Standards of care for digital social work practices. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(2), 227-238.

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.


National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

Reamer, F. G. (2011, November 30). When bad things happen to good social workers: The perils of ethics mistakes. Social Work Today. Retrieved from http://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_113011.shtml

Reamer, F. G. (2017). Evolving ethical standards in the digital Age. Australian Social Work, 70(2), 148-159.

 Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Sawyer, S., & Prescott, D. (2011). Boundaries and dual relationships. Sexual Abuse: Journal Of Research And Treatment, 23(3), 365-380. doi:10.1177/1079063210381411

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.



1. which screening and/or assessment tool(s) you would use in your practice. Explain why you identified the specific instrument(s) given the type of practice and client population with whom you would like to work. Explain how and when you would use the tool(s). Explain how you would use the information gathered from the tool in a session. 

2. Provide two more different screening/assessment practice and explain how and when you would use the tool(s).

Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

y available. Identify the tools you think you would be most likely to use in your practice. 

 For   this Discussion, review the following resources and consider the    different screening and assessment tools currently available. Identify    the tools you think you would be most likely to use in your practice.  

American Psychiatric Association. (2018). Online assessment measures. Retrieved from https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/educational-resources/assessment-measures#Disorder

Beidas, R. S., Stewart, R. E., Walsh, L., Lucas, S., Downey, M. M., Jackson, K., … & Mandell, D. S. (2015). Free, brief, and validated: Standardized instruments for low-resource mental health settings. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 22(1), 5-19. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4310476/ 

SAMSHA. (n.d.) Screening tools. Retrieved from https://www.integration.samhsa.gov/clinical-practice/screening-tools