Child Development Need This Done Friday October 11, 2019 By 3pm PACIFIC TIME ZONE!

APA Format and Work Cited Please!

1. Tell the the main question (thesis) for your exploratory essay. AGAIN

2. Pick 2 MORE/DIFFERENT Peer-Review Journal Articles that you think will contribute interesting information to your main question.

3. For each article:

a. Introduce the article: give the author, title, publication, date, and other relevant information.

b. Summarize the WHOLE article; what is the main point or argument that the author is making?

c. Discuss your reaction to the article: why is it interesting, how does this information affect your main question, why do you think this source is reliable? etc.

d. What questions do you have now? What do you want to find out more about now that you have this information? Now introduce article #2. Why do you think this article will give you even more information. This is where you can write some personal introspection on how the source helped you, allowed you to think differently about the problem, or even fell short of your expectations and led you in a new direction in your research, which forms a transition into your next source. 

Repeat steps 3 a,b,c,d with the second article.


Here is sample essay of the section 3a,b,c,d.

QUESTION: It is said that “the measure of the worth of a society is how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable citizens” (Sizer). This perception can be related to the prevalence of youth homelessness in America. How then has this been occurring in the wealthiest nation in history?


            Using the FIU database, I located a particularly useful overview from the National Alliance to End Homelessness. In a section titled “Causes of Youth Homelessness,” it first stated that the “same factors that contribute to adult homelessness such as poverty, lack of affordable housing, low education levels, unemployment, mental health, and substance abuse issues, can also play a role in the occurrence and duration of a youth’s homelessness.” These were good points that brought up questions in regards to parent-youth relationships and some of the long-term effects, which I decided to come back to later. Furthermore, it said that beyond these factors, “the phenomenon of youth homelessness is largely a reflection of family dysfunction and breakdown, specifically familial conflict, abuse, and disruption,” which I agreed with. Though the article did not specify further, some types of conflicts that came to mind were disputes over risky behavior such as promiscuity, opposing views on discipline, and sexual orientation. When it comes to domestic abuse there are many layers including physical, emotional, sexual, and mental that, along with the conflicts, leads to the deterioration of families. The brief continued to say that youth usually enter a state of homelessness as a result of running away from home- which the desire and reaction of escaping from these predicaments is understandable- or from being abandoned by their guardians. Additionally, it stated that family conflict is “more critical for youth than adults since they are, by virtue of their developmental stage in life, still largely financially, emotionally, and, depending on their age, legally dependent upon their families.”


            This information confirmed some of my previous knowledge on the subject of youth and families, but what about other types of influence. What about the system? Being released from institutional or other state care can be another cause of youth homelessness. For instance, foster care and juvenile correction facilities. I decided to next look at how the transition from foster care involve and represent the homeless youth population. In an article from the Child Welfare League of America, it stated that approximately 20,000 to 25,000 young people [16 and older] age out of the foster care system each year, meaning they are released due to their turning of age. I began to wonder how hopeless most of these youth must feel, knowing that they will have to fend for themselves. They are entering society after subsisting in a lifestyle where there has been a significant lack of nurture. Won’t this inhibit them in their reintegration into society? These individuals are frequently moved in and out of homes and they were placed in the foster care system because of parent abuse or neglect in the first place. With few social skills gained and resources available, these youth don’t have many options. Consequently, when they age out they face challenges such as homelessness. “Twenty-five percent of former foster youth nationwide reported that they had been homeless at least one night within two-and-a-half to four years after exiting foster care” (National Alliance to End Homelessness). The traumatic experiences before and after becoming homeless, will have long-lasting impressions throughout the course of their lives.

argumentative essay (outline inluded) 1200 words

The matter in question of the opioid crisis that rolls unrestrained throughout the United States, has a potential of being solved with the fulfillment of micromanaging the distribution of prescription opioids, broadening access to prescription drug monitoring programs, and making the overdose antidote; Naloxone more accessible.

  1. Micromanaging the distribution of prescription opioid can allow clinicians to investigate prescription histories.
    1. Possessing a track on prescription use can identify early indications of mistrustful utilization.
    2. Bringing awareness to the clinicians will have them more engaged in the patients use.
  2. Broadening access to prescription drug monitoring programs has a potential of providing users with skills to maintain the prescription use.
    1. Users of opioids may be using the prescription incorrectly, which leads to further harm.
    2. The users that are currently addicted may want help but don’t have access to how or where to find it. 
  3. Making the overdose antidote; Naloxone more accessible, has a potential of lessening more overdose deaths.
    1. Having the antidote to become more accessible causes sudden opiate withdrawal effects.
    2. Users that no longer want to be an addict, have a easier transition into living a healthier life.


Iodine. (2017, April 14). How naloxone saves lives – and why it’s so controversial. Retrieved May 23, 2019, from

Narcan Uses, Side Effects, Interactions & Warnings. (2018, December 11). Retrieved May 23, 2019, from

Times, T. N. (2017, November 01). The Facts on America’s Opioid Epidemic. Retrieved May 23, 2019, from

Times, T. N. (2017, November 01). Retrieved May 23, 2019, from

thesis and outline due monday

You are required to submit the thesis and outline by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4 for instructor feedback.

The Poetry Essay is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5 and must include a title page (see the General Writing Requirements), a thesis/outline page, and the essay itself followed by a Works Cited/References page of any primary and/or secondary texts you cite in the essay.


Guidelines for Developing Your Paper Topic


Chapter 41 of the Kennedy and Gioia textbook (Chapter 43, pages 1132–1142 in the eText) provides some helpful pointers for reading poems, taking notes, brainstorming, developing a clearly-defined thesis statement, preparing an outline, writing a cogent literary analysis of a poem, and citing your sources. This chapter specifically addresses Robert Frost’s “Design,” which is studied in this course, so be sure to read it before doing any further work for this assignment. Also, take notice of the example of a poetry thesis and outline on pages 1344–1345 (pages 1135–1136 in the eText).


Choose 1 of the poems from the list below to address in your essay:

  • The Lamb” or “The Tiger” or “The Chimney Sweeper” by William Blake;
  • “Batter my heart, three-personed God” or “Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne (watch the video lecture on John Donne’s “Batter my heart, three-personed God” for more ideas to help you write your essay on this poem);
  • “Journey of the Magi” by T. S. Eliot;
  • “God’s Grandeur” or “Pied Beauty” or “Spring” by Gerard Manley Hopkins;
  • “Ode on a Grecian Urn” or “Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats;
  • “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley;
  • “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning (watch the video lecture on Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” for more ideas to help you write your essay on this poem);
  • “Sailing to Byzantium” by William Butler Yeats;
  • “The Road Not Taken” or “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost;
  • “It Sifts from Leaden Sieves” or “There’s No Frigate Like A Book” by Emily Dickinson (Read Gilbert and Gubar’s “The Freedom of Emily Dickinson” for more ideas to help you write your essay on Dickinson’s poetry);
  • “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson; and
  • “That Time of Year” (Sonnet 73) by William Shakespeare (watch the video lecture on William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” for more ideas to help you write your essay on this poem).


Consider the following questions for the poem that you have chosen:

  • What is or are the theme(s) of the poem?
  • Is there a literal setting or situation in the poem? What lines from the poem tell the reader this information? What details does the author include? 
  • Is the setting symbolic?
  • How would you describe the mood of the poem? What elements contribute to this mood?
  • Is the title significant to the poem’s content or meaning? How?
  • What major literary devices and figures of speech does the poet use to communicate the theme(s)? 
  • How are rhyme and other metrical devices used in the poem? Do they support the poem’s overall meaning? Why or why not?
  • Is the identity of the poem’s narrator clear? How would you describe this person? What information, if any, does the author provide about him or her?
  • Does the narrator seem to have a certain opinion of or attitude about the poem’s subject matter? How can you tell?


NOTE: These questions are a means of getting your thoughts in order when you are collecting information for your essay. You do not need to include the answers to all of these questions in your essay; only include those answers that directly support your thesis statement.



Annotated Bibliography

 focus on learning how to use APA method for documenting sources. Your major assignment is an Annotated Bibliography. 

APA Title Page

Page 2 – APA Header – “Annotated Bibliography” as title of paper centered above the main text

First source, listed in APA Reference page style
Summary of source
Assessment of source – how useful it will be for the final paper and how it will be used

Second source, listed in APA Reference page style
Summary of source

Assessment of source – how useful it will be for the final paper and how it will be used

Third source, listed in APA Reference page style
Summary of source
Assessment of source – how useful it will be for the final paper and how it will be used.

After deciding on the topic for your researched argumentative essay, locate at least three credible sources in the South University Online Library. (You may include more if you like.) Take notes on your sources, following the methods outlined in the Week 3 lecture about note-taking. For each source, note the main idea, evaluate the credibility of the author, and consider how the text relates to your topic. Remember to create your references as you search for use in the bibliography and locating the articles again when you begin writing the essay.

Steps to Take

  1. Draft a references page in APA format.
  2. Include at least three sources.
  3. After each reference entry, provide a paragraph about the source, including the following:
    • Summarize relevant information from the source.
    • Evaluate the credibility of the author.
    • Explain how the source relates to the position you plan to argue in your research paper.

Topics I choose:

Payán, D. D., Sloane, D. C., Illum, J., Farris, T., & Lewis, L. B. (2017). Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Eating and School Lunch Meals among Adolescents: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(5), 661–669. 

2. Fairclough, S. J., Weaver, R. G., Johnson, S., & Rawlinson, J. (2018). Validation of an observation tool to assess physical activity-promoting physical education lessons in high schools: SOFIT+. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(5), 495–500. 

3. Haven’t decided 



  1. First, go to the “What Color is Your Parachute?” website and read “The Seven Rules to Keep in Mind about Taking Career Tests” toward the bottom of the web page. Keep these in mind when doing the assessments for this section and others we’ll do as part of the class.
  2. To get a Holland-like Code, use the O*NET Interest Profiler (preferred site) or go to “RCC Holland Code” and take the online test. Record your three letter interest codes.
  3. These sites use the Holland Code profile to help you explore related education and career options. Once you have your code, you can explore occupations at O*NET or try going to Career Zone and selecting “Assess Yourself.” Enter your letter code in steps on the hexagon. If you click on one of the occupations listed, information about that career is shown. If you use the University of Indiana site, you will be able to link to college majors that are often preferred by individuals with similar interests. (Also, the Self-Directed Search site has a section you can access without paying anything, but to use the whole site, you need to pay $9.95, which we do not expect you to do.)

Required for Participation Points

Each of you needs to submit a post to this Threaded Discussion in the Discussion Board on the following (Please include your code in the title of your post.):

  • Summarize your own Holland Code Profile. Which set of letters seems to best describe your interest areas? What does this mean to you? How well do you feel these summary codes describe you?
  • How does your Holland Code link with your academic major and possible career direction? Remember that within each major and career, typically there are a range of interests represented.
  • Help others interpret their codes. What do you share in terms of similarities and differences with other students based on their interest areas? I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with

Homework #3

 (Links to an external site.)human skullhumansForensics_Human_Skull_specimen_L_003.jpg (Links to an external site.)

Critical Race Theory

What is race? What is racism? What connections can we make back to our discussion of feminism? Is there again a biological component and an aspect of social construction when considering race? Is the alleged biological aspect a mere fallacy? What other grassroots movements can be associated with race and gender as part of the ongoing civil rights movement? How has activism changed over the course of the history of these movements? How have you personally been part of the solution rather than part of the problem in the quest for social change and the betterment of society for all? How can we connect philosophy in general to a discussion of race, class, and/or gender?


We are going to connect one of the readings for this week back to another reading from our syllabus from before this week. You may use any philosopher thus far from any week (either before or after the midterm) to make this connection to one of this week’s articles concerning race. Please refer back to your guidelines for in-text citations as quite a few are still not being properly formatted or punctuated. For full credit proper formatting and punctuation will be required. A bibliographic entry will not be required for this discussion.

Required: You must include the following 

  1. You will provide a quote from a reading from before Module 8 from our syllabus (with proper in-text citation).
  2. You will provide a quote from one of this week’s readings pertaining to race (with proper in-text citation).
  3. You will provide a brief explanation as to how you might use both of these quotes together in a paper. Consider: your papers should be making an argument. You should be making a case, proving a point, making/defending a claim. What argument then, would use your provided quotes as support? Briefly state your case.
  4. You will, as per usual, also comment on the original post of a classmate. Please keep in mind that vapid positivity and empty flattery does not push the conversation forward. We can and ought be both polite and critical. 

1 Paragraph

After reading Chapter One in American Ways, we can see that America is a country that is made up of various immigrants of diverse countries. In this paragraph, please answer this question that is related to this topic:

What has changed about you or your life since you moved to the US? In other words, as an immigrant in a new country, what is different for you now? Explain your answer in one paragraph. You need to have a topic sentence, three supporting points, and a conclusion. 

If you do not know how to develop and organize a paragraph, please review that here. 

This must be typed and submitted on Canvas. If you do not know how to do that, please see Fardokht, a librarian, or me. 

Example Paragraph

Moving to the United States has made me understand what it feels like to be a child again. The first reason is because at first, I couldn’t speak the language everyone else was using. For example, when someone asked me for help on the street, I could only respond by saying, “I don’t speak English.” This made me feel like I had no power or voice. The second reason why I feel like a young kid after moving to the US is because I have to take the classes that I had taken in high school all over again. For instance, in my high school, I took a world history class, and I even have a Bachelo’rs degree from my country, but now that I am starting in a new country, I have to re-take the same world history class and all the others ones before I get a new college degree. Finally, the last reason why I feel like a child is because I don’t get the respect that I deserve. In my country, I was a highly-respected accountant and one of the top banks. Because my English is limited and because my degree from my country is not valid here, I am not an accountant anymore. Now I am a student worker at the Business Office at Pierce College. In conclusion, these experiences as an immigrant have made me feel like I’m starting all over again, like a baby. It’s not easy.

Business Letter – Due in 10 Hours

You work for a local fitness club called Super Fit. The owners of Super Fit would like to expand their business and add a

running track and a large pool. They have drafted the following letter to send out to their current members, informing them of

the updates and new services. The owners have asked you to review this letter and rewrite it as necessary. As you read the

letter you realize it is not well written. Please rewrite the letter for the owners. Use the correct business letter format.

We are excitedly writing to let you know about some thrilling new changes here at Super Fit! We have decided to expand our

current business to fit our clients needs. So, as of March 2015, we will have a brand new running track and a new lap pool.

Both the running track and the pool will be very large, and will be able to accommodate many runners and swimmers. We will

also offer a few other new services too.

We are proud to note that your membership fee will not increase at all. We appreciate your business and hope you will consider

telling your friends about Super Fit and all that we offer! We would also like to offer you a 50% off of ones month’s fee if you

refer a friend to us and they sign a membership contract.

Remember, stay fit with Super Fit!

With love,

Bob and Joanie Goldman

Your task: Rewrite this letter for the fitness club. The letter will be sent out to all members; but for this assignment, please

send the letter to Jane Dough. Her address is 1475 NW Salmon Creek Road, Portland, OR 97229. Don’t forget to create a

letterhead for this letter as well (you will need to make up the address and phone number). You can add or remove information

as necessary to make this a strong letter; but keep the goal of the letter the same.

Here are some questions to consider before you rewrite the letter.

1. What is the purpose of this letter? In other words, what does the writer want the reader to ‘do or know’ when they are

done reading the letter?

2. Will you write this letter as direct or indirect?

3. Think about the flow of the letter; what information should come first in the letter?

4. What information can be left out of the letter or needs to be added to the letter?

5. What letter format will you use, block or modified block?

6. Are you going to use mixed or open punctuation?

7. How do you keep it interesting, but business based?



Persuasive Essay Final Draft

This assignment calls for you to revise your Persuasive Essay from week six into a final draft.  All good writers revise their work, often multiple times. Revising isn’t just looking for grammatical errors; editing alone is not revision (though we do want you to edit too). Revision literally means to “see again.” In the revision process, you improve your analytical skills, sometimes challenging your own ideas which can serve to deepen your argument.

Review the feedback your instructor provided on your rough draft as well as the information from the peer review in week seven.  As you begin revising your paper, be sure to consider the following:

·  Did I fulfill the assignment criteria?

·  Did I say what I intended to say?

·  Do I have a two-sided topic?

·  Is my thesis persuasive in nature?

·  Do all my paragraphs serve to support my thesis?

·  Is my argument convincing, my support logical, my evidence sufficient?

·  Does my conclusion sum up the essay?


The final draft of your essay should contain the same basic features as the rough draft:

·  A well-defined issue that is controversial by nature

·  A clear thesis statement that demonstrates the position you will be taking throughout the essay

·  A counter argument with at least one credible source defending the opposing viewpoint

·  A refutation to or compromise with the counter argument

·  From 500 to 700 words in length, typed in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced, with one inch margins

·  Written primarily in third person

·  Edited for spelling, mechanical, grammatical, and typing errors

The most important criteria for your final draft is that it is revised version of the rough draft!

View your assignment rubric.

Bind the Learning


Bind the Learning

Critically reflect on your personal educational goals and describe three substantial reasons why reaching your goals is important to you.  Explain how your emotions either help or hinder you in reaching your educational goals.


Little info below about me, that will help with the work about.


You already know I’m from Chicago. I also know you heard a lot of bad things that happening in Chicago. My dream was to move my kids from that city, because I felt I don’t belong there. I felt my family need more from me and I wanted more for them. I’m no longer childcare provider and I don’t work as a part time teacher at my son school anymore. I have my AA in Early Childhood Education, wanted to farther my education. I wanted to join military, but I spinal surgery July 1 2014, two years ago and I’m always in pain. My pain keeps me in and out the hospital. I don’t have a social life as much and pain management isn’t working for me. I can’t keep a job because of my pain and I feel it putting my life and goals on stand still. I Attended Crane High School and now I’m in Ashford (Education Studies). Teachers in Crane didn’t care about the students or the education.  When I finish high and college in 2007 and 2015 (I was the first out of my grandmother children, my grandmother grandchildren, and mother kids to finish high school and college.) I’m going to keep farther my education. As you learn more about how development occurs, how personality forms, and how factors like society and culture impact behavior, you might find yourself gaining a deeper understanding of the many influences that have impacted your own life. This skill sort of stems from learning about research methods. When you acquire critical thinking skills, you really do doubt all sources of information you acquire. You fully understand the different steps of conducting studies, the problems that can occur at any step, and how each method are problematic in their own ways. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela. “Education is the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process.” It also prepares one for the ability of reasoning and judging, readying one to face the “world”. It’s the foundation of developing one’s mind and intellectual capability, without it, it is difficult to advance in life not only at a personal level, but also on a more global scale. I want to be a grammar school/middle school teacher. I want to take what I learn and pass it on to them. As a childcare provider I learn how to work with other kids that not mine. I learn to build a bond with that parents as well. I learn to take my time with my childcare kids. I feel that we can learn a lot from children. Yes, I had my ups and downs with kids, but I learn to stay calm at all time, because kids feed of your vibe as well. I know time-out don’t work for all kids. I don’t bribe a kid to behave. I feel I learn a lot from my past teachers, the reason because I learn to never give up on a student, I learn to keep an open-mind, I learn to control myself because you never know what a person is going through. I learn to build trust as well; I learn so much from past teachers.