Bind the Learning
Bind the Learning
Critically reflect on your personal educational goals and describe three substantial reasons why reaching your goals is important to you. Explain how your emotions either help or hinder you in reaching your educational goals.
Little info below about me, that will help with the work about.
You already know I’m from Chicago. I also know you heard a lot of bad things that happening in Chicago. My dream was to move my kids from that city, because I felt I don’t belong there. I felt my family need more from me and I wanted more for them. I’m no longer childcare provider and I don’t work as a part time teacher at my son school anymore. I have my AA in Early Childhood Education, wanted to farther my education. I wanted to join military, but I spinal surgery July 1 2014, two years ago and I’m always in pain. My pain keeps me in and out the hospital. I don’t have a social life as much and pain management isn’t working for me. I can’t keep a job because of my pain and I feel it putting my life and goals on stand still. I Attended Crane High School and now I’m in Ashford (Education Studies). Teachers in Crane didn’t care about the students or the education. When I finish high and college in 2007 and 2015 (I was the first out of my grandmother children, my grandmother grandchildren, and mother kids to finish high school and college.) I’m going to keep farther my education. As you learn more about how development occurs, how personality forms, and how factors like society and culture impact behavior, you might find yourself gaining a deeper understanding of the many influences that have impacted your own life. This skill sort of stems from learning about research methods. When you acquire critical thinking skills, you really do doubt all sources of information you acquire. You fully understand the different steps of conducting studies, the problems that can occur at any step, and how each method are problematic in their own ways. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela. “Education is the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process.” It also prepares one for the ability of reasoning and judging, readying one to face the “world”. It’s the foundation of developing one’s mind and intellectual capability, without it, it is difficult to advance in life not only at a personal level, but also on a more global scale. I want to be a grammar school/middle school teacher. I want to take what I learn and pass it on to them. As a childcare provider I learn how to work with other kids that not mine. I learn to build a bond with that parents as well. I learn to take my time with my childcare kids. I feel that we can learn a lot from children. Yes, I had my ups and downs with kids, but I learn to stay calm at all time, because kids feed of your vibe as well. I know time-out don’t work for all kids. I don’t bribe a kid to behave. I feel I learn a lot from my past teachers, the reason because I learn to never give up on a student, I learn to keep an open-mind, I learn to control myself because you never know what a person is going through. I learn to build trust as well; I learn so much from past teachers.