Response to D 4 (4667)

 Please, respond to following discussion with one paragraph using one reference from peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years. APA format required.

McCamy Claude

Alternative Health Modalities

Complementary health modalities are the use of natural therapies and healing cultures for medicinal purposes. Examples of the alternative of conventional medicines are:

Traditional Alternative Medicine

 In ancient years, traditional medicine was used as a source of health care and also in a spiritual and cultural belief system through the use of herbal medicine to improve health standards. In the contemporary world, traditional medicine has been integrated into health systems (Aveni et al., 2017). Examples of alternative medicine are Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, and Chinese oriental medicine.

Body Therapy

Body therapy is a form of healing through touch used by the ancient man as a powerful healing force. It is believed that to achieve optimum body functionalities, one has to maintain equilibrium in the life energies. Thus, today, hand techniques are used to restore a balance in the flow of this energy in a human’s body. The healing touch theory is based on physical, mental, and emotional health aspects which results cannot be effectively measured (Isidoro, Huang, & Sheen, 2016). Some of the body touch therapies include chiropractic and osteopathic medicine, massages, tai chi, and body movement therapies.

Diet and Herbs

 Nutrition is an important factor in leading a healthy lifestyle. A good diet helps in the maintenance of a healthy weight and reduces the risks of contracting chronic diseases which promotes health. A nutrient deficiency is a major problem in today’s society; this is caused by poor feeding habits that have led to obesity and the development of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetics, and cancer.  The health issues have instigated the development of dietary and herbal approaches such as dietary supplements in an attempt to achieve a balanced diet (Isidoro, Huang, & Sheen, 2016).

NSG 6101

answer in 2 paragraph to this post. APA, reference and citation need it. 

The existing instrument used to address my research will be a numerical scale from 1 through 7. This is a measurement tool of assigning numbers to perception in general from bad perception to good perception. In my research study we are assigning the numbers as response choices for the nurses to determine their perception of the interprofessional nursing rounds.  The description of this scale is that it will be a survey and include response choices of 1 is no benefit at all through 7 which would represent extremely beneficial. In other words, the response choices would be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 with a choice to circle one number in each question. Descriptive statistical analysis using an excel spreadsheet with numbers and calculating percentages will be used to generate the data. According to our text this is an example of indirect measurement. This type of technique would be an example of an ordinal level of measurement since it constitutes a ranking system (Gray, Grove & Sutherland, 2017).

            My study will be formulated from the quantitative literature review titled, Intensive care nurses’ perceptions of inter specialty trauma nursing rounds to improve trauma patient care – A quality improvement project. The study used a survey technique that was handed out by an independent person in order not to draw bias and was an anonymous form. The evaluation was conducted with questions regarding nurses’ perception of the interprofessional rounds ranging with a response from one to seven (Jennings & Mitchell, 2017). This study will provide the framework for my survey questions and data collection.


Gray, J., Grove, S. & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns & Grove’s the Practice of Nursing

Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Jennings, F. & Mitchell, M. (2017). Intensive care nurses’ perceptions of inter specialty

trauma nursing rounds to improve trauma patient care-A quality improvement project. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 40, 35-43. doi:


Anne Kolsky    4 posts   Re: Topic 8 DQ 1  Dependent and Independent Variables Defined:   A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it “depends” on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable (Helmenstine, 2018).   The PICOT question for the capstone project is, “Do preschool aged children (P) who are given early childhood screenings (I) compared to children who are not screened (C) score higher in assessments related to kindergarten readiness (O) upon entry to kindergarten (T)?” The independent variable is the early childhood screening and the dependent variable is the scores of the kindergarten readiness assessments.   The independent variable for the capstone study is the variable that can be controlled by the person conducting the research. In this case, the early childhood screens are the independent variable because the researcher can either conduct screenings or can do study reviews to determine which subjects have completed screenings. The dependent variable is the scores of all the children entering kindergarten that have been assessessed for kindergarten readiness using a standardized assessment tool. The scores between those who have been screened and those who have not been screened can be analyzed using a statistical comparative analysis to determine the difference by comparing the scores between the two samples. A two-sample t test comparison between the means should be sufficient to compare (CliffsNotes, 2016).  CliffsNotes. (2016). Two sample t test for comparing two means. Retrieved from  For-comparing-two-means  Helmenstine, T. (2018). What is the difference between independent and dependent variables?  Retrieved from

NSG 6002

I only need to answer to this other student statement. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is believed to be the most important health care legislation enacted since the idea of Medicare and Medicaid came along. The aim of the ACA is to have better care, better health and to be cost-effective. According to Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, & Horowitz, “The central objective of the law is to improve healthcare quality and access to care while lowering healthcare costs” (2016, p.213). The affordable care act specific initiatives are to:

  1. Expand coverage,
  2. Hold insurance companies accountable,
  3. Lower health care costs,
  4. Guarantee more choice, and
  5. Enhance the quality of care for all Americans.

(“Affordable Care Act”, 2018)

            Currently, president Donald Trump and Congress wants to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The goal is to have an overall approach to expand access to coverage by requiring most U.S citizens and legal residents to have health insurance. There are multiple provisions of the Affordable Care Act such as individual mandate will require U.S citizens and legal residents to have qualifying health coverage. If an individual decides not to have coverage, then they must pay a tax penalty of “$695 per year up to a maximum of three times that amount” (“Summary of the Affordable Care Act”, 2013).

            In the year of 2017, results from polls on the view of the public about ACA varied. The public was split in its assessment of the ACA, but the majority of the people approved than disapproved of the law. In a survey, 57% of the people believed that the federal government should play a major role in improving the U.S health care system, “whereas 26% thought it should play a minor role and 15% thought it should play no role at all” (Blendon & Benson, 2017, p. 2).

            In my opinion, the government needs to let all Americans decide what they want to do about their own health insurance. I see both sides of the token. My son and I have health insurance and we are doing great with our coverage. However, my husband did not have insurance for a brief period of time in 2017. Now we need to pay the government a fee because he did not have insurance for a couple of months. It feels like the government is forcing many families to make a decision or pay for things we do not want to. This is a free country, this is the reason why I came to this county, to have freedom, to do whatever I want with my money. It feels like everything is falling apart when it comes to health care coverage and insurances. Hopefully, in the years to come, we as future Advanced Practice Nurses can truly come up with a system that will work for all Americans.


Affordable Care Act (February 15, 2018). Retrieved from

Blendon, R. J., & Bensons, J. M. (2017). Public Opinion about the Future of the Affordable Care Act. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(9). doi:10.1056/nejmsr1710032

Nash, D. B., Fabius, R. J., Skoufalos, A., Clarke, J., & Horowitz, M. R. (2016). Population health: creating a culture of wellness. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Summary of the Affordable Care Act. (2013). Retrieved from

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Nursing Standardized Simulation (Jesus Garcia)


                                  SCENARIO OVERVIEW

Jesus Garcia is a 28 years who was directly admitted to the medical unit on Tuesday evening with a diagnosis of dehydration. Fifteen days ago, Jesus underwent a partial colectomy with creation of a transverse colostomy. Jesus’ girlfriend Virginia has been taking care of him since discharge and reports that Jesus has resisted participation in colostomy care. Virginia needs to return to her full-time job and is concerned with how Jesus will manage without her at his side

                            REVIEW PRIOR TO SIMULATION

In order to prepare for the simulation, you are required to complete the pre-briefing questions below and submit to the faculty facilitating the simulation prior to the start of pre-briefing. If you do not complete the pre-briefing questions below and submit to faculty facilitating the simulation prior to the start of pre-briefing, you will not be permitted to participate in the simulation. 

Please keep in mind you will also be required to recognize a variety of signs and symptoms linked to abnormalities in these skills. 


1. What are common signs and symptoms of dehydration? 

2. What are complications you may see as a result of poor nutrition?

3. Describe nursing care and interventions for a client with a colostomy


NSG 6002

I need to answer to this post. APA format, reference and citation are very important 

        The landscape of healthcare continues to change as the needs of those who need the services live longer and face multiple illnesses due to genetics, lifestyle, or just by luck. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) aims to provide better care, better health, and be cost-effective (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, & Horowitz, 2016).  The ACA enables millions to become insured and contained several tools to maintain cost (Emanuwl, Sharfstain, Spiro, & O’Toole, 2016). Even with these goals, the ACA must continue to strive to better serve the changing healthcare arena. Many initiatives have been created, and much more are still in the process.

The CDC website list several initiatives, strategies and action plan aimed to improve health care (CDC, 2017). Listed is a few of them.

  1. Chronic Disease _The National Action Plan for Cancer Survivorship- establishes awareness on issues faced by survivors
  2. Healthy People- Awareness of health topics with resources and data
  3. National Strategy for Suicide Prevention-Resources on mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicide hotline  
  4. US National Vaccine Plan- Ensures safe supply and access, prevention strategies for prevention and disease of vaccines


CDC. (2017). National Health Initiatives, Strategies, and Action Plans.  Retrieved from

Emanual, Z., Sharfstein, J., Spiro, T., & O’Toole, M. (2016). State options to control healthcare cost and improve quality. Health Affairs. Retrieved from

Nash, D. B., Fabius, R. J., Skoufalos, A., Clarke, J., & Horowitz, M. R. (2016). Population health: creating a culture of wellness. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Anne Kolsky    3 posts   Re: Topic 10 DQ 1  Professional Journal  A good journal to begin the quest to reach the capstone short term and long-term goals would be the Journal of Early Childhood Research by SAGE journals. It meets all the criteria for scholarly research and acceptance of research. It is an international peer-reviewed forum for childhood research that bridges across disciplines. It applies theory and research gleaned from empirical and theoretical research related to learning and development in the early childhood years. It is particularly helpful for policymakers and practitioners working in complementary and related fields (SAGE, 2019).  Conference  The Early Childhood Summit 2020 would be a fantastic conference to speak at. It is billed as the largest early childhood conference (at least in the State of Arizona). It would have been even more appealing if it was offered during a Minnesota winter. It is geared for professionals, stakeholders and supporters of early childhood education and health. It invites those in education, health professions, tribal representatives, business and community leaders, school administrators, university and college faculty, and state and local policymakers. Topics included impacts, health and development, language and literacy, empowering leaders, public awareness and engagement, strengthening families, teaching and learning toolboxes and tribal communities. All together there are more than 80 sessions to choose from and several exhibitors on deck. The line-up of main speakers is lacking a health care professional, so signing up to speak would be a terrific opportunity to develop collaborations, teach others about the need to partner, and implement services  First Things First. (2019). Early childhood summit 2020. Retrieved from    SAGE journals. (2019). Journal of early childhood research. Retrieved from

response to peer d 3 (4667)

Respond to following discussion in one paragraph using one peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years old.


The American Heart Association

There are many national and local’s non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that promotes health and wellness to all people. The American Heart Association (AHA) is one of the oldest and more actively involved in people’s health and diseases prevention. According to the American Heart Association (n.d.), their goal is to “see a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.” They fund and conduct many researches, studies, events, and education materials to help fighting and preventing heart disease among all Americans and around the world. AHA promotes many ways to decrease heart diseases, which is the number one killer among people in the world. Regarding the promotion of wellness, we can certainly see how they encourage healthy eating habits, including recipes, types of foods that are healthy for the heart, cooking skills; healthy lifestyle, as stress management, quitting smoking, stress management, healthy sleep patterns, fitness, walking, exercising, and losing weight (AHA, n.d.). The AHA, at the same time, publishes studies and documents on many of the heart disease that most affect the population. They write and publish about aortic aneurysm, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrest, cardiomyopathy, cholesterol, congenital heart defects, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, murmurs, valve problems, HTN, strokes, smoking cessation, and many more (AHA, n.d.). An example of the American Heart Association work to treat and eradicate heart diseases are the Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage meant for healthcare providers published by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (Hemphill et al., 2015). The AHA helps all people across the country and even the globe despite their cultural or ethnic background. NGOs goal is to improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities and nations (Jacobsen, 2019).


    Re: Topic 6 DQ 2

The clinical change proposal revolves around proper pain management, patient preferences, and reducing the impact on the nation’s current opioid crisis. The plan behind this is educating the patient on the causes behind the opioid crisis, as well as discussing pain management and pain management preferences with the patient before surgery. Nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgeons will work together to create a proper protocol for administering medications, writing prescriptions, and deciding on postoperative pain medication in the post-anesthesia care unit.

The initial proposal intervention was based around discharge teaching to reduce narcotic abuse, improper usage, overdose, medication diversion, and the proper storage and disposal of these medications (Hah, Bateman, Ratliff, Curtin, & Sun, 2017). However, through the research of the project it has come to my attention that patients should also be asked about their medication preferences in the post-operative period before surgery begins, this includes educating patients on the medications available based on levels of pain, as well as the patients preference to either receive narcotic medications or if the patient would prefer non-opioid methods of medication instead.

Through observation of the unit, I have also decided that the nursing staff should have frequent in-service teachings regarding medications and the center’s protocol for medications. As it stands, patients report pain and the nurse administers the medications prescribed by anesthesia without much discussion or patient input into the medications or the dosages they are receiving. Because patients are under anesthesia, they are by law, advised to avoid making important decisions, such as the types of medications they prefer to use or avoid. Therefore, the patient should state these preferences before surgery. It is also noted that some of the nurses in the unit tend to be heavy-handed with medication administration and provide little interventions into further assessing the patient. This has also led me into independent studies for each of the pain medications the unit currently utilizes, both narcotics and non-opioid options. This review will be used during the nursing in-service and will include the medications onset time, average peak of effect, and duration of effectiveness. Additionally, a chart of medication strength in comparison to one milligram of morphine, so that nursing staff has a strong understanding of the potency of the medications being used. These are the ways in which my research and the protocol have changed over the last six weeks.


Hah, J. M., Bateman, B. T., Ratliff, J., Curtin, C., & Sun, E. (2017, November). Chronic Opioid Use After Surgery: Implications for Perioperative Management in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic. Retrieved November 1, 2019, from

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Need appropriate APA REFRENCE

Me    6 posts   Re: Topic 4 DQ 1  I agree with you that the first step to bringing about change in the community is to know the community. One should acknowledge and understand the need for such change. It is usually very tempting to see that something needs fixing and quickly jump into a solution. One should resist this temptation and instead take the time to study the community to get a clear understanding of all the needed change.I, further, agree with you that understanding the healthcare system at the local level involves important questions such as those you mentioned. One needs to understand the services offered in the community so that they can be effective while implementing evidence-based practice. To implement the right change in the community, it is important for the healthcare professionals to put their biases aside and talk to the people on the ground, to get a good understanding of what matters most to the citizens. In the long run, this prevents the implementation of underused EBP initiatives (Saunders & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, 2018). Carrying out such an assessment for the community will help in the identification of the available community resources and how those services can be accessed for the benefit of the patient.I also agree with the insights of your mentor about the importance of focusing on lead education especially in this day and age. I think than this is an area that has not received a lot of attention and tends to be ignored yet it is very important especially for community health. Basing your research in this field will add to the exiting limited knowledge hence contribute to the future body of research. Generally, I find your post to be very informative. All the best.  References  Saunders, H., & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2018). Key considerations for selecting instruments when evaluating healthcare professionals’ EBP competencies: A discussion paper. Retrieved from:

This is what I need 

Terri O’Brien    25 posts   Alimatu – substantive credit and APA  Alimatu  As your link contains the journal name and other information, please revisit the link and then provide a complete reference in APA format so I can give you credit for this post.  Thank you.

this is what  i need