Need appropriate APA REFRENCE

Me    6 posts   Re: Topic 4 DQ 1  I agree with you that the first step to bringing about change in the community is to know the community. One should acknowledge and understand the need for such change. It is usually very tempting to see that something needs fixing and quickly jump into a solution. One should resist this temptation and instead take the time to study the community to get a clear understanding of all the needed change.I, further, agree with you that understanding the healthcare system at the local level involves important questions such as those you mentioned. One needs to understand the services offered in the community so that they can be effective while implementing evidence-based practice. To implement the right change in the community, it is important for the healthcare professionals to put their biases aside and talk to the people on the ground, to get a good understanding of what matters most to the citizens. In the long run, this prevents the implementation of underused EBP initiatives (Saunders & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, 2018). Carrying out such an assessment for the community will help in the identification of the available community resources and how those services can be accessed for the benefit of the patient.I also agree with the insights of your mentor about the importance of focusing on lead education especially in this day and age. I think than this is an area that has not received a lot of attention and tends to be ignored yet it is very important especially for community health. Basing your research in this field will add to the exiting limited knowledge hence contribute to the future body of research. Generally, I find your post to be very informative. All the best.  References  Saunders, H., & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2018). Key considerations for selecting instruments when evaluating healthcare professionals’ EBP competencies: A discussion paper. Retrieved from:

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Terri O’Brien    25 posts   Alimatu – substantive credit and APA  Alimatu  As your link contains the journal name and other information, please revisit the link and then provide a complete reference in APA format so I can give you credit for this post.  Thank you.

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