History of Art from Middle Ages to Modern Times Assignment for Dr. Smart Mituki

Question 1: Art of the Americas

This week, we studied a vast array of cultural objects produced in North, South, and Central America prior to 1492. Select one object from each of the following cultures: Aztec, Inca, and North (Native) American.

First, identify each object, including its name, date, medium, and location/geographical region of origin.

Then, in a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions for each object:

  1. What are the unique and specific visual characteristics of the object? How are these visual characteristics typical of the time and place in which the object was created?
  2. How does meaning or function of the object reflect the culture in which it was produced?

Question 2: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Realism

Beginning in the 19th century, artistic movements carry the suffix “-ism” to their name. Originally derived from Ancient Greek, “-isms” is appended to a word that then reflects a philosophical concept. In the case of art, it comes to mean the philosophy or approach to art that binds a group of artists together.

Select one representative example from each of the following “-isms” studied this week: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Realism. In 3 well-developed paragraphs, discuss:

  1. What is the philosophy or approach to art that is defined by the –ism.
  2. What are the specific visual characteristics of your example that are representative of the overall style of the –ism?
  3. How does the specific subject of your selected work reflect the philosophy of the –ism?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

It’s due tonight by midnight. Make sure to provide information text citations when needed and references.


For this assignment, find a scholarly article on your Week 4 short story in the SUO Library. First, complete the lecture on conducting research in the SUO Library. Next, enter the online library and find one credible, scholarly source examining the short story that was the focus of your Week 4 rough draft. Do not use popular publications, such as Masterplots summaries or other media that are not research oriented. Refer to this Research Guide and this videoprovided for this course by South University Online Library Services.

Post an annotation of your source to the discussion board. Your annotation should include:

  • A complete APA citation of your scholarly article
  • A paragraph of summary of the key points presented in your source
  • A paragraph explaining the source’s quality and how it is relevant to your analytical essay

Here is an example of an annotated APA entry (not an actual source):


 Smith, A. (2016). Journey into the unknown. American Literature, 22(3), 4-5.

This article compares Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path,” discussing the protagonists’ journeys as a focal point. The article examines these two main characters and their different paths in life. Those paths led Young Goodman Brown and Phoenix Jackson into the forest on very different quests, but both were determined to take these journeys that were emotional, meaningful, and dangerous.

Smith’s article offered a fascinating perspective on the motives and outcomes of these two disparate characters and their life paths that led them into the unknown. I gained a better understanding of my character, Phoenix Jackson, by reading this article and contrasting her with Young Goodman Brown. There are several quotations and ideas I will be able to incorporate into my final draft.

Examples of Journals with Scholarly Articles:

  1. Studies in Short Fiction
  2. The Explicator
  3. Modern Fiction Studies
  4. Language and Literature
  5. Critique
  6. Modern Language Notes
  7. Nineteenth-Century Fiction
  8. Twentieth-Century Literature

The short story I did my Fiction Analysis- Rough Draft on in Week 4 is  “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway.  

Attached below are two scholarly articles. You must choose one of the articles to do the annotated APA entry on. Please do not plagiarize because it has to be submitted through Turnitin for grading! 

This assignment is due tonight at 11:59PM Central Standard Time, but I can give you until tomorrow morning at 8:00AM Central Standard Time to complete.

Respond to these three


I agree with positive discipline.  It teaches children to be responsible and respectful. Positive discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and it also teaches. It offers a positive long term affect for children. Adults must also model in a positive way for the children. Children develop effective communication and problem solving skills. Positive discipline help the children learn new skills like problem solving. 


I was brought up only aware of the negative discipline and I hadn’t heard of positive discipline until now. Some people may see positive discipline s a way of letting children have their way but that is not true. Adults are still guiding children along and offering assistance when needed in a positive way. 




A form of positive behavior is guidance which is pointing out, showing the way, leading, or directing (Marion,2015). Redirecting a student is like showing them there are other ways to handle negative things and turn them into something that is positive. An example would be a a student hitting another student because they want a toy that the other student has. It’s a teachers job to positively reinforce and redirect that child, by showing him/her that there are other toys that they can play with. It is also important to tell children to use gentile hands when playing with their friends. 
I can only say that I agree with this positive discipline to a certain extent. Most children learn from positive discipline, but their are some children that need that stern hard punishment. I believe some children take better to negativity than others. For example one of the children my class will not listen to positive reinforcements. He thinks it’s funny when teachers try to redirect his negative behavior. He also continues the negative behavior, and then continues to act even worst. He needs a stern discipline method in order to understand. I believe that this particular student doesn’t have the correct guidance from his parents therefore he’s out of control when he comes to school. I think it all starts at home. When parents and teachers and parents join together when guiding and disciplining it is a much better outcome. One insight I gained from reading is that guidance  is a positive form discipline, I never knew that it could be considered as a form of discipline at all. I just thought it meant redirecting.



Discipline comes from the root disciplina, which means teaching or learning. Guidance is a form of discipline and is always a positive one. When we guide children, we are directing them because we know that children “just don’t know what to do” as Merilyn Gootman mentioned in the video program. We also know where children should go and have the map. It is our responsibility, as adults to make that map as fun and as interactive as possible.

I absolutely agree with the principles and strategies associated with positive discipline. The strategies are based on developmentally appropriate practices. They are also based on an authoritative style of caregiving. Some of the principles associate with positive discipline is using problem solving skills. For example, Dr. Gootman suggested having the victimizer comfort the victim. This is a great way to teach children walking on the other person’s shoes. The child who puts on iceberg the child he just punched, will not only learn good behavior but, will also learn how to be a kind person.

Some of the insights that I gained from discipline and guidance include to always evaluate my strategies and change as needed. A Misconception that have been dispelled is to not stop hope when you see child cursing or using bad words because his parent does the same thing. Mr. Santini and how he guided his student teachers to deal with similar problem dispelled my myth. It bothers me too much when I see parents misbehaving in front of children and I feel bad for that child whenever I see him saying or behaving same way as his parents did. No matter what they hear or see, I learned our responsibility is still to guide children to use appropriate words.



Question 1: Monumental Architecture and Sculpture

The cultures we studied this week produced architecture and monumental sculpture, in addition to smaller works of art. Locate three examples of architecture or monumental sculpture from three different cultures listed here: India, China, Japan, Korea, or the Pacific Cultures.First, completely identify each structure or sculpture you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location.In a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs address the following questions:

  1. Who created each work of architecture or sculpture? Who commissioned its creation?
  2. What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work?
  3. How do the visual characteristics of each work contribute to or enhance its message or meaning?
  4. How do the reasons these works were created compare with those of a more modern example of monumental art work, such as Mount Rushmore, the 9/11 Memorial, etc.?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work of architecture or monumental sculpture.

Question 2: The Function of Art ObjectsSome of the art objects created by the cultures surveyed this week, whether African masks, Japanese tea bowls, or Micronesian navigational charts, served functional roles in their society. Locate three such objects, one each from the following: Asia, Africa, or the Pacific Cultures.

First, completely identify each object you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location.In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs discuss:

  1. What was the function of each object at the time of its creation?
  2. What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work?
  3. How do the visual characteristics of each object contribute to or enhance our understanding of its meaning?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work.

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each 

History of Art from Middle Ages to Modern Times (Discussion)

Question 1: Monumental Architecture and Sculpture

The cultures we studied this week produced architecture and monumental sculpture, in addition to smaller works of art. Locate three examples of architecture or monumental sculpture from three different cultures listed here: India, China, Japan, Korea, or the Pacific Cultures.

First, completely identify each structure or sculpture you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location.

In a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs address the following questions:

  1. Who created each work of architecture or sculpture? Who commissioned its creation?
  2. What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work?
  3. How do the visual characteristics of each work contribute to or enhance its message or meaning?
  4. How do the reasons these works were created compare with those of a more modern example of monumental art work, such as Mount Rushmore, the 9/11 Memorial, etc.?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work of architecture or monumental sculpture.

Question 2: The Function of Art Objects

Some of the art objects created by the cultures surveyed this week, whether African masks, Japanese tea bowls, or Micronesian navigational charts, served functional roles in their society. Locate three such objects, one each from the following: Asia, Africa, or the Pacific Cultures.

First, completely identify each object you would like to discuss by listing its name, date, and location.

In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs discuss:

  1. What was the function of each object at the time of its creation?
  2. What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each work?
  3. How do the visual characteristics of each object contribute to or enhance our understanding of its meaning?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each work.

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

american Literature

3rd Entry – Fight for Freedom Consider Douglass’s speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”  What logic does he use to make his point?  His speech contains a lot of emotion, including anger.  His anger is certainly justified, but does his anger take away from the effectiveness from his argument?  Describe a time when you argued a position you were angry about.  Were you able to make an effective argument?  Why or why not?

Week 3 (One entry this week)

4th Entry – Rationalization.  Consider Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.”  A common (mis)interpretation of the poem is that it’s about taking the nontraditional path.  However, it seems to be more about a poem about rationalizing one’s actions, as described in the video below.  After reviewing the video, comment on this tendency of humans to rationalize actions.  Why would this narrator tell a story where he/she clearly alters events? 

Embedded Video Player: Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”




Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”

User: Ithaca College – Added: 2/29/08

Ithaca College. (2008, Feb. 29).  Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” .  Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5140uJOUDE.


Week 4 (Two entries this week)

5th Entry – Creative Nonfiction: In the preface to nonfiction (p. 2803 of your text), the editors tell us that creative nonfiction illustrates that “no direct duplication of reality is possible in language, that all writing is affected by the author’s point of view” (Baym et al, 2014, p. 2803).  Do you think that is true?  Can there such a thing as a truly reliable narrator?  Consider the excerpt from Danticat’s Brother, I’m Dying that you read this week as you prepare a response to this question.  How is this point made (or not) in Danticat’s writing?

6th Entry – Conclusion: Write a summary and evaluation of how well you met the goals you set for yourself in the first week of class.

reply another student


Reply to a classmate regarding post 1; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing! Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format. Your post must be at least 150 words.

Robert Hayden carries his experiences through his poems. Three of his poems that show these experiences are, “Middle Passage”, “Homage to the Empress of the Blues.” And “Those Winter Sundays.” Hayden talks about what it was like first hand on a ship as a slave. He talks about how the men around him went crazy. He says,” That there were hardly room ‘tween-decks for half the sweltering cattle stowed spoon-fashioned there; that some went mad of thirst and tore their flesh and successful the blood.” (Hayden, R. 2013/1962 p. 2372). He also talked about what it was like being on the “voyage of death”. The way Hayden words his poems are powerful, it really give you a detailed mental image. “A charnel stench, effluvium of living death, spreads outwards from the hold, where the living and the dead, the horribly dying, lie interlocked, lie foul with blood and excrement.” (Hayden, R. 2013/1962 p.2375). In his poem, “Homage to the empress of the Blues”, he is comparing his pain and suffering to a dance. “Because Grey laths began somewhere to show from underneath torn hurdygurdy lithographs of doll faced heavens…” (Hayden, R. 2013/1962 p.2377). As for the poem, “Those Winter Sundays”, he reflects on the Sunday mornings when he was younger. The poem showed what has been lost in African-American experience. The poem started out as a pleasant memory but quickly turned sour. The father worked hard for his family but felt like everyone was ungrateful. “Speaking in differently to him, who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well…” (Hayden, R. 2013/1962 p. 2377.)


Hayden, R (1962). Middle Passage. Homage to the Empress of the Blues. Those Winter Sundays. In N. Baym, W. Franklin, P.F. Gura, J. Klinkowitz, A. Krupat, R.S. Levine, M. Loeffelholz, J.C. Reeseman, & P.B. Wallace (Eds.), The Norton anthology of American literature (Shorter 8th ed.) New York, NY: Norton.

Reply to a classmate regarding post 3; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing! Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format. Your post must be at least 150 words.

Art Spiegelman shows how deep and delicate his work is which in all we expect from his long established novels and as well as his expanded nonfictional text in his novel “Maus”. In Spiegelman story  “Maus” he illustrates the true events throughout the story. The graphic novel “Maus” is a exceptional nonfiction work about the history on Jews. Maus is a story about a Jewish woman and man in Germany from the start of the Holocaust. Both the woman and man are trying there best to stay away from any harmful situations and to not to be seen or confronted by anyone they may know. The couple, the man and woman start to go from house to house trying to stay hidden and sheltered while still trying to find a way out. Finally one of the houses they had sheltered them told them that it was safe in Hungary, she did so by telling the couple “two people I know smuggled them into Hungary. I heard he and his boy were doing well” (Spiegelman, 1986/2013, pg. 2749). As time went on it was not what you could call a safe zone  for “Thousands-  Hundreds of Jews… So many it wasn’t even room enough to bury them all in the ovens”  (Spiegelman, 1986/2013, pg. 2749). As Spiegelman goes on with the story he does magnificent job making his novel a graphic novel with the imagery he uses. As he goes on in the story he makes you feel as if your there while the Holocaust is going on and you see the terror that is occurring.

Spiegelman, A. (1986). Maus. In N. Baym, W. Franklin, P.F. Gura, J. Klinkowitz, A. Krupat, R.S. Levine, M. Loeffelholz, J. C. Reesman, & P.B. Wallace (Eds.), The Norton anthology of American literature (Shorter 8th ed.) (pp. 2372-2377). New York, NY: Norton. (Original work published 1916).

Discussion Response Needed KK

Read the following post.  Substantively comment on the entry comments of no less than 200 words.



I feel a bit blind-sided as to how much slavery still existed today, 27 million souls. I can only assume that many people were not aware of the mass murders of Jews during World War II. One of my favorite spiritual guys speaks of morality saying “Really accepting ‘what is’ depends on self-awareness, knowing your true existence – Being what is. When we know our essential nature as absolute bliss consciousness, we transcend the man-made notions of right and wrong borne of dualistic awareness, yet we imbibe the inherent virtues of being such as love, compassion, truth, joy, and wisdom. These qualities are not cultural or social values of morality, but inherent expressions of existence itself.” Deepak Chopra. I feel that Slavery today and WWII both have something to do with the morality of a few men that make the decisions to carry out ill intent. The majority of mankind is good at the core and of sound morality.

In life you can look at two sides of a coin. You can choose to focus on the people that bring you down, say that you can’t succeed in life that people are just faking it or going through the motions. You can also choose to see the good in people, to assume the best case scenario, to believe that they are being genuine (unless proved otherwise). The dangers of customary behavior is believing that everyone out there is just being nice to you or smiling at you because it is a custom and not because they really mean it. Truth be told, there are likely people out there that are not 100 percent genuine, but let me ask you this, is it better to assume that everyone is genuine and be a happy fulfilled person, open to new friendships or connections or assume that everyone is just going through the motions?  The later options seem pretty empty.

Customary behavior could be defined as behavior that is accepted by the general standards or behaviors of society. Bohme states that customary behavior and morality cannot comingle, “Morality only arises, only when for good reasons, one deviates from customary behavior…” I do not feel that this is necessarily true. I feel that a huge part of my day and my co-workers days are filled with compassionate care. I feel that one can be moral and continue on with customary behavior. Politeness is customary behavior yet I also feel the same behavior could be heart-felt emotion. I respect you and think highly of you therefore I want to be polite to show you I care about you. Another example that Bohme uses is commitment is deemed to be a customary behavior at a work place for example. Bohme indicates that this is faked because everyone is expected to be committed. This view point is focused on the negative, yes there are likely a few employees that ‘fake’ their commitment to their team, jobs, career; although I think there are many more people in the job force that work where they work because they are vested in what they are doing and because they care. I work for a non-profit agency and the nurses do not work there because they are paid more, they work there because of the mission, because of the team work, and because of what we stand for.

There is a very unsettling feeling to know that the everyday items that my family and I support the slave trade business. I think that most people agree that Slavery should be abolished. The challenge is how do we do anything to affect change? Kevin Bales speech was very informative and made me want to take action, but he didn’t really offer us solutions on how to take on the slave trade owners. I assume that one would start by not purchasing any of the materials on the survey’s website. After the survey I was shocked to learn the survey telling me that I was supporting the enslavement of 77 souls. The Conditions that make it possible for all people to be a part of the social ‘customary practices that sustain the structures of slavery is ignorance of slavery and when and where it happens.  I am not totally aware of what products are made by slaves or products that have materials forged by slaves. This video clip has driven me to dig deeper and conduct my own research to learn more about slavery. I am a mother of three beautiful children, and to see the mothers being reunited with their children who had been released from slavery was so emotional. I cannot imagine the heart wrenching feelings those mothers went through when their children, or any family member for that matter was taken from them; what a helpless situation. I still believe that most people are good and have a high moral fiber. Some situations like this one seem to be in the hands of people with powerful positions and not of the unknowing consumer. The United States government should have some responsibility of knowing where or how our products are coming into our country. If the US citizens are aware of Slavery you can be sure our government is aware, why is our government not doing something about this?

For phd doctorate only

Choose either Option A or Option B. Formulate an initial post in which you address the points noted in the prompt for your chosen option

Option A: Race and Identity
Historian Robin Kelley stated, “Race was never just a matter of how you look, it’s about how people assign meaning to how you look” (Herbes-Sommers, 2003). Considering what you learned from the Social Implications of Race video clip, your textbook (Chapter 3), and your own experiences, answer the following questions:

  • What do you think is meant by the term racial smog?
  • How do racial categories shape our identities and social status?

Option B: Language, Status, and Identity
Anthropologists believe that language sends messages about who we are, where we come from, and with whom we associate. Based on the readings, explain how language can determine status.  Using section 4.8 of the textbook, provide specific examples that illustrate and support your point of view.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly sources. Cite your sources in the body of your post and provide a complete reference for each source used at the end of it, By Day 7, respond to at least two of your peers, including one who responded to the option you did not choose. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic by respectfully asking questions, raising new points for consideration, or requesting clarification from your fellow students.


HUM 112 Discussion 7 Need only one paragraph !

      Great Composers and Color Analysis” Please respond to

one (1)

      of the following,

using sources under the Explore heading

    as the basis of your response:

    • Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler after listening to works by each at the Websites below or in this week’s Music Folder and after reading about them. Explain the reasons for your preference. Here we find musical composers inspired by poetry and by philosophy. Identify one (1) element within a work that you find interesting or intriguing by either composer, with regard to the manner in which the work is performed or conducted. Describe the types of things that inspire you to creativity.
    • Describe two (2) color paintings by different artists (selected from the list or sources in the Explore section below) that you believe represent the following quote by Kandinsky on the subject of color in art. Justify your response. From Concerning the Spiritual in Art: “If you let your eye stray over a palette of colors, you experience two things. In the first place you receive a purely physical effect, namely the eye itself is enchanted by the beauty and other qualities of color. […] These are physical sensations, limited in duration. They are superficial, too, and leave no lasting impression behind if the soul remains closed. And so we come to the second result of looking at colors: their psychological effect. They produce a correspondent spiritual vibration, and it is only as a step towards this spiritual vibration that the physical impression is of importance. … Generally speaking, color directly influences the soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky. Discuss these ideas for the use of color and its impact in our own times, such as its effect for advertising and sales, or its impact in the workplace and home.