Respond to these three


I agree with positive discipline.  It teaches children to be responsible and respectful. Positive discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and it also teaches. It offers a positive long term affect for children. Adults must also model in a positive way for the children. Children develop effective communication and problem solving skills. Positive discipline help the children learn new skills like problem solving. 


I was brought up only aware of the negative discipline and I hadn’t heard of positive discipline until now. Some people may see positive discipline s a way of letting children have their way but that is not true. Adults are still guiding children along and offering assistance when needed in a positive way. 




A form of positive behavior is guidance which is pointing out, showing the way, leading, or directing (Marion,2015). Redirecting a student is like showing them there are other ways to handle negative things and turn them into something that is positive. An example would be a a student hitting another student because they want a toy that the other student has. It’s a teachers job to positively reinforce and redirect that child, by showing him/her that there are other toys that they can play with. It is also important to tell children to use gentile hands when playing with their friends. 
I can only say that I agree with this positive discipline to a certain extent. Most children learn from positive discipline, but their are some children that need that stern hard punishment. I believe some children take better to negativity than others. For example one of the children my class will not listen to positive reinforcements. He thinks it’s funny when teachers try to redirect his negative behavior. He also continues the negative behavior, and then continues to act even worst. He needs a stern discipline method in order to understand. I believe that this particular student doesn’t have the correct guidance from his parents therefore he’s out of control when he comes to school. I think it all starts at home. When parents and teachers and parents join together when guiding and disciplining it is a much better outcome. One insight I gained from reading is that guidance  is a positive form discipline, I never knew that it could be considered as a form of discipline at all. I just thought it meant redirecting.



Discipline comes from the root disciplina, which means teaching or learning. Guidance is a form of discipline and is always a positive one. When we guide children, we are directing them because we know that children “just don’t know what to do” as Merilyn Gootman mentioned in the video program. We also know where children should go and have the map. It is our responsibility, as adults to make that map as fun and as interactive as possible.

I absolutely agree with the principles and strategies associated with positive discipline. The strategies are based on developmentally appropriate practices. They are also based on an authoritative style of caregiving. Some of the principles associate with positive discipline is using problem solving skills. For example, Dr. Gootman suggested having the victimizer comfort the victim. This is a great way to teach children walking on the other person’s shoes. The child who puts on iceberg the child he just punched, will not only learn good behavior but, will also learn how to be a kind person.

Some of the insights that I gained from discipline and guidance include to always evaluate my strategies and change as needed. A Misconception that have been dispelled is to not stop hope when you see child cursing or using bad words because his parent does the same thing. Mr. Santini and how he guided his student teachers to deal with similar problem dispelled my myth. It bothers me too much when I see parents misbehaving in front of children and I feel bad for that child whenever I see him saying or behaving same way as his parents did. No matter what they hear or see, I learned our responsibility is still to guide children to use appropriate words.


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