
  1. Click Reply when in a post to nest your responses under that main post. 
  2. Your post must be highly organized, thorough and accurate.
  3. Advance the discussion or extend discussions already taking place.
  4. Responses must add new information not previously discussed. Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced. Consider new factual information tied with critical thinking. Interesting and current research on the topic.
  5. Do not simply summarize another student’s post and agree/disagree. Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I found said, Did you know, 3 things I found interesting were…”
  6. How to Post: Click Reply when in a post to nest your responses under that main post. 

The structure of a long bone

      Have you ever been wondering  what are the different type of bones ?  and yet they are five types of bones classified as flat, long, short,irregular and  sesamoid. Although, different types of bones have differing shapes connected  to their particular function. My main focus throughout this discourse  is on the structure of a long bone . For one thing, bones give the human body structure and support. Despite first impressions bones  are living  tissues that are constantly being remodeled.

       First and foremost,  the long bones function to support weight in the body and enable movement. They are located  in the appendicular skeleton and cover bones of the lower limbs such as the tibia, fibula,  femur (longest bone in the body) and bones of the upper limbs suchlike  the humerus radius ,ulna   metacarpals and phalanges. In addition , a long bone has two parts known as the diaphysis and the epiphysis . As an illustration, the diaphysis is the tubular shaft that runs in the middle of  the proximal and distal ends of the bone , and is made up primarily of compact bone which is a dense, strong bone composed of minerals , together with calcium, phosphorus . Furthermore , it also has a small hole that transport  nutrients to the compact bone cell.  Between the ephiphysis cap and the long shaft of the diaphysis is a wide section called the metaphysis which are also important for bone growth during childhood and adolescence.  The hollow region is named as  the medullary cavity. It has a thin membranous known as endosteum (inside) , where bone widening  and remodeling occur and a outer surface covered with a fibrous membrane  known as  periosteum (around). Above all, the periosteum contains blood vessels, lymphatic  and nerves that nourish compact bone. As a result, they are  filled with red bone marrow  in children and transititions to  yellow bone marrow as they become adults. 

    In the second place , the epyphises closer to the body is called the proximal epiphysis while the distal is at  the farther end. The epiphysis is connected to the bone shaft by the epiphyseal plate  which is a growth disk of cartillage and Its  main function is to distribute pressure accross the joints to assist in easier mobility. Moreover, epiphysis are filled with spongy bone carrying red bone marrow , that is red in color due to the fact that it makes red blood cell. Under the circumtances, each epiphysis is cover  on  with articular cartilage that connects the bone to the rest of the body while cushioning the end of the bone. (Saladin et al., 2018).

    In summary, long bones are longer than they are wide .They are strong bones because they must be able to withstand the force when the body moves  and changes directions. Based on several studies, the structure of a long bone allows the best visualization of all the parts of a bone. Therefore, 3D vizualization of bone structure is a significant aspect of medical image analysis and research. (Burrghardt et al., 2011).

Ds 1

Week 1: Philosophy of Science

Imagine that you are standing before the Grand Canyon. You want to photograph it, but you realize that one photo will not capture the expanse of what you see. You decide to take one shot, move slightly to one side, and take another photo, continuing this process numerous times. When you get home, you will take the many photos and connect them into one large panorama that represents what you saw.

The existing research in your field may seem immense, much like the Grand Canyon. Maybe you think that one photo, even a combination of photos, doesn’t come close to capturing the experience that lies ahead. However, your initial idea of combining photos to create a panorama is an excellent first step because you have created a framework from which to work, much like you will do when developing a research mindset, which begins with knowledge of the philosophy of science.

This week, you familiarize yourself with various philosophical orientations, including their underlying epistemological and ontological assumptions, to gain an understanding of the role of the philosophy of science in the research process.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Describe topic of personal research interest
  • Explain epistemological and ontological assumptions of philosophical orientations
  • Explain relationship between epistemological and ontological assumptions and research approaches
  • Apply APA Style to writing

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Chapter 1, “Human Inquiry and Science”

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., & Crawford, L. M. (2016). The scholar-practitioner’s guide to research design. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing.
Chapter 2, “Philosophical Foundations and the Role of Theory in Research”

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016a). Introduction to research design [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 14 minutes.

Dr. Patton gives context to the research process, including a discussion about the terms epistemology and ontology.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2009e). Roundtable: Research methods [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 26 minutes.

Walden University researchers discuss quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research approaches.

Discussion: Philosophy of Science

How does the lens from which you view the world shape your approach to research inquiry? Why is it important as a scholar-practitioner engaged in research to acknowledge your worldview?

The Learning Resources in this first week will help you answer these questions, and they will provide you with a foundation in the philosophy of science that will help you appreciate various research designs and methods. With this foundation, you will be encouraged to reflect on how your assumptions about the acquisition of truth and the nature of the world influence your approach to the research process.

For this Discussion, you will identify an area of interest for a possible research topic. As you read about the different philosophical orientations in this week’s readings, consider if one of these orientations most closely aligns with your worldview and a particular approach to research.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview and explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this orientation. Then, explain how these assumptions lend themselves to one or more research approaches.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.


The tensions between science and culture extend far beyond disputes over evolution. In some cases, science and culture disagree not only on what is true, but on which actions should be taken in the real world. The story of Kennewick Man is a perfect example of this.

In 1996, while two tourists were visiting Kennewick, on the Columbia River in Washington, they stumbled across a human skull. After the police collected the skull and an almost completely intact skeleton, they determined that the bones came from a Caucasian man. But strangely, there was no murder investigation. This is because, in a very strange twist, Carbon-dating tests showed that the bones were more than 9,000 years old – much older than the earliest recorded Caucasian visits to North America in the 14th Century.

Anthropologists, paleontologists, biologists, and archaeologists all whipped themselves into a fury of excitement over these bones, which were soon given the name “Kennewick Man.” Everyone, it seemed, wanted to study these remarkably well-preserved remains. At the same time, the local Umatilla Indians, whose ancestors have lived on the Columbia River for thousands of years, claimed the rights to rebury the remains, under the North American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). To this ancient tribe, the bones are the sacred remnants of their ancestors, and as such, they should be returned to the ground.

Before you begin this week’s Discussion, read Edward Rothstein’s article, “Antiquities, The World Is Your Homeland,” and think carefully about the complicated ownership issues in this case.

Once you have read the article, visit the PBS website about Kennewick man, focusing on the anthropologists’ justifications for studying the remains:


Debates over human remains and repatriation continue. More recently, additional human remains possessed by the University of California, San Diego, have been the center of a custody battle similar to that of the Kennewick Man. Review the basics of the dispute here:


Kumeyaay Cultural Repatriation:


Science and culture

Taking Sides: 
ALERT HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS: *************First, take a side in this controversy by outlining the following:
Who do you think deserves ownership of the remains in each case and why?
What should be done with these remains and what concessions would this require the scientific community and/or the tribes to make?
Respond to your classmates’ posts and work together with them, as a class, to come up with some compromises to this issue.
Learning from our mistakes: Without question, similar problems will be faced in the future as scientific exploration continues and more remains are likely to be found. Although the scientific method provides us with a framework for how to conduct our research of the remains, it does not take into account the ethics of scientific research. What are some additional criteria you could add to the scientific method in order to ensure that research is conducted in a moral and ethical way? Provide an example of an area of research/science that requires a code of ethics when suggesting your modifications to the scientific method.


Additional Requirements 

Who do you think deserves ownership of the remains in each case and why?
What should be done with these remains and what concessions would this require the scientific community and/or the tribes to make?



Your initial response should be at least 200 words. You need to respond to two students’ initial posts, and each of these responses should be at least 150 words. The initial post plus two peer responses, according to the rubric, has the potential to earn a C grade. Four posts of high quality, according to the rubric, has the potential to earn a grade of B, and five high-quality posts all meeting the highest rubric standards has the potential to earn a grade of A, or all the points available. 

Please note that this forum has several parts, so read these instructions carefully.
In this forum, post your thesis statement (a complete sentence) and a brief outline for the critical evaluation essay. For your critical evaluation essay, you will probably want to evaluate the same essay that you chose and discussed in last week’s Forum. In fact, The Week 2 Forum was designed to allow you to get a head start on your critical evaluation essay by first analyzing your chosen essay within Forum 2, before developing it further here, in Forum 3.
Then, discuss how you plan to show how your chosen author uses ethos, pathos, logos, etc.  Choose one original example of this support,  and explain how it was effective in the essay’s argument. Cite this example correctly using MLA style documentation.
Finally, consider the following. During this section of the course you evaluated an essay. How can this sort of critical evaluation of another author’s work be used in future courses at APUS?

In your responses, find a classmate who chose a different argument than yours. Do you agree with your classmate’s discussion? See if you can find a different example of where support is used within that chosen essay (or point out a possible fallacy to your classmate). Continue this conversation over a few days. Also, if you find that your chosen classmate has misunderstood the critical evaluation essay instructions (incorrectly summarizing the essay or giving historical/ biographical information rather than offering a critical examination of the work), please help that student get back on track.

Art Appreciation

Brief Overview of Module #3 Assignments: 

  1. Create a Digital Poster (including MLA Style Bibliography) featuring an assigned Art History topic.  Note: You are not creating a PPT Presentation!
  2. Upload Digital Poster & Bibliography in the Mod. #3 Discussion Forum
  3. Select One (1) Student Poster to Perform a Peer Review & Critique
    • Select a post that hasn’t already been selected by another student!
    • Students are responsible for ensuring that all assignment posts are summarized/reviewed/critiqued!
  4. Thank student for reading your post & offering Peer Review & Critique!
  5. Modify your assignment for improvement; use peer suggestions!
  6. Submit Final Assignment (Modified Digital Poster & Bibliography) to Instructor.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Research an assigned Art History topic, utilizing academic educational online resources related to assigned topic. 
  2. Write an MLA Style Bibliography containing academic educational online resources related to assigned topic.
  3. Synthesize research material to creatively design an educational Digital Poster featuring information about an assigned Art History topic.  
  4. Practice Critical Thinking & Visual Literacy Skills by applying pertinent vocabulary terms, concepts, and ideas to chosen art forms selected for creating a Digital Poster, as well as those created by peers.
  5. Obtain additional knowledge about an Art History topic by selecting one student presentation to perform a Peer Summary & Review. 
  6. Perform Peer Teaching by critiquing one student presentation and discussing topic. 


Please read all content & refer to linked files – this is merely an outline!

1.  Identify your Module #3 Assignment Topic.  

Click Here For:  Module #3 Assignment TopicPreview the document

2.  Design a Digital Poster featuring your assigned topic:

3. Upload Digital Poster & MLA Style Bibliography in the Module #3 Discussion Forum

  • Upload your Digital Poster (Final Draft) in the Module #3 DF  prior to 11:00 pm, 7/15/19
    • Students need time to select, read, summarize content, critique, modify their own presentation
  • Warning #1: You must first post your own presentation prior to summarizing & critiquing another student’s presentation!
  • Warning #2: Any student who does not submit a presentation in the DF by scheduled due date/time (7/15/19 prior to 11:00 pm) will not earn points for the  Discussion Forum regardless of whether or not the student participates with the discussions and will only receive 1/2 points earned for the Final Assignment submission.
  • Warning #3:  It is the responsibility of students enrolled in this course to ensure that all students who post a Final Draft receive a Peer Review/Critiqueso that all students have an opportunity to earn points for this part of the assignment. 
  • Refer to Specific Directions & Rubrics prior to post.

4.  Perform a Peer Summary & Review of One (1) Student Presentation Featured in the Discussion Forum (Due prior to 11:00 pm, 07/21/19)

  • Do the following:
    • Select a poster that interests you – which hasn’t already been Peer Reviewed/Critiqued!
      • In order for all students to earn points, you’ll need to select a presentation that hasn’t already been selected by one of your peers.
      • It’s the responsibility of students of this class to ensure that all DF posted student assignments receive a Peer Review & Critique.
    • Use Outline Format (easier for students to read & instructor to grade) 
    • “Summarize” 5 Key Points featured in poster
      • Identify & List 5 Key Points featured in poster.
        • Do not copy and paste student poster material for this list or you will not receive points!
        • Please use your own words and ideas which requires you to actually interpret & synthesize pertinent content.
    • Critique Assignment: Identify what was done well, areas in need of improvement, and specific suggestions for improvement.  
      • A total of 5 items for maximum points. (Review Rubrics For Ideas)
    • Offer additional material (5 items total) related to topic (you must research topic to  find additional websites, compositions, content, terms, visuals that could be added to student’s poster…this will assist you with also learning about the topic ). 
      • Note: You must perform research in order to complete this portion of the “peer review/critique” & cite your sources! (Review Directions & Rubrics)

Assignment 1: Formulating a Research Question

Below is the first assignment. Please follow the directions as well as utilize the resources at hand listed below. If you have any questions please let me know. The assignment is due no later than  march 22, 2018
Module 1 Readings and Assignments
The Nature and Tools of Research: https://digitalbookshelf.argosy.edu/#/books/9781323328798/cfi/6/16!/4/2/2/4/2@0:0
The Problem: The Heart of the Research Process: https://digitalbookshelf.argosy.edu/#/books/9781323328798/cfi/6/36!/4/2/2/4/2@0:0
Review of the Related Literature: https://digitalbookshelf.argosy.edu/#/books/9781323328798/cfi/6/58!/4@0.00:0
Planning Your Research Project: https://digitalbookshelf.argosy.edu/#/books/9781323328798/cfi/6/74!/4@0.00:0

Assignment 2: Formulating a Research Question

Research investigators often encounter the following saying: “A problem that goes unnoticed or ignored is a problem without a resolution.”

Discuss a problem from the field of forensic psychology that you would like to have resolved through investigative research methods.

Use the following questions as guidelines for formulating the actual quantitative research question with respect to the problem that you identify:

What is the specific problem?

What is the evidence of the problem?

What do you suspect is causing the problem?

Is the research question clearly expressed without being too general or too narrow?

Does the question relate to the identified problem?

Is the research, based on the research question, feasible?

Will the research, based on the research question, add to the body of knowledge in the forensic psychology field?
After you submit your research question, read the responses of your classmates and critique the research question of at least two of them. To ensure each of your classmates receives feedback, please first respond to those who have not received any from your peers. Use these same questions as critique criteria in your response to other classmates:

Is the question clearly expressed without being too general or too narrow?

Does the question relate to the identified problem?

Are there any barriers to the research?

Will the research, based on the research question, add to the content body of knowledge?

Were these questions fully addressed?
What is the specific problem you are encountering?

What evidence do you have that there is a problem?

What do you suspect is causing the problem?

Post your response in a minimum of 300 words.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

PLEASE READ THE BELOW ESSAY AND WRITE A SUBSTANTIVE 300 WORD REPLY Make sure that you are adding new and relevant information with each this reply.

  PLEASE READ THE BELOW  ESSAY AND WRITE A SUBSTANTIVE 300 WORD REPLY   Make sure that you are adding new and relevant information with each this reply. 

wth the rise of technology and online ordering it has been known that companies are changing their ways of online ordering. Many companies are providing individuals to order online and pickup their merchandise the same day. For instance, Walmart is even doing grocery online ordering. This is allowing individuals to not have to challenge others in long lines or even in the grocery store all together. Walmart is increasing their line of stores from superstores to neighborhood stores. This allows individuals to just get in and out of the neighborhood stores rather quickly. The neighborhood stores are less square footage than the superstores and only sell specific items.

            The unique attributes of this is that it not only saves the individuals time from having to grocery shop it allows Walmart the chance to have their employees shop for others. This improves the service that Walmart is entailing to their customers as well as training opportunities for their employees. Other attributes are that it offers a pilot program to their customers for prescriptions that other companies do not.

            Several factors that make Walmart unique comparatively to its competitors include: pickup from online ordering, competitive pricing, broad spectrum of products available online, and a committed customer service team. Walmart has a business driven and focused company that offers educational aspects to their employees. Walmart provide a unique supply chain capability to lower costs and build deep digital relationships with customers. They have strengths and assets to build on and making progress to position the company for the future.

            Hitchner (2017) states, “an analysis of the risks of the subject asset will help identify where along that spectrum is the subject company’s required return (p.187).” In addition, the risks that Walmart most recently has seen is in their annual report on Form 10-K. It was filed with the SEC and the results differed in projections, estimates and expectations. They considered the forward-looking statements in their release of the annual Form 10-K. Walmart urges other companies to consider all the risks, uncertainties and factors identified in the forward-looking statement. Hitchner (2017) states, “forward-looking statements are historical data vary depending on the period over which the premiums are calculated, the risk-free rates that are used, and whether a geometric or arithmetic average is used (p.205).”

            In other words, risks can be detrimental for any business. However, Walmart has invested in people and technology and it has been driven strong with shareholder returns over time. Walmart has seen economic factors in which currency exchange rate fluctuations and changes in market interest rates are, consumer confidence, disposable income, debt levels, spending levels, and demand for certain merchandise. Their balance sheet remains strong and have said that they would only use it for strategic purposes. Walmart is more of a low risk and high financial strength business. It provides an expectation of inline performance over many years to come.

            I believe Walmart will continue to grow and have very low risk, however, as we all know all businesses will encounter risk here and there. However, Walmart is positive that they will continue to increase in sales and make customer service their priority.


Hitchner, J. (2017). Financial valuation: Applications and models (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

ISBN 978-1-119-28660-8

Response three of my classmates discussions 150 words today in hour

Post by Gabby Bains

21 hours agoWeek 6 Discussion

What I found surprising or significant about the movement of the Holy Spirit, particularly in Acts chapter 10 is the profound activation of the Holy Spirit. Although one should never be caught off guard by the glory of God in the sense of the boundless, infinite supply of power He possesses, it still amazes me how God utilizes the Holy Spirit to pass through barriers. Even through acceptance of the unfathomable, it is crazy to process His mighty being. It is very important and, personally, simple to recognize the fluidity and impact of the Holy Spirit through these stories and through the witnessing. The Holy Spirit, can be seen through these chapters especially in Acts chapter 10, as God’s finger, or His signature.

  I think Holiness relates to the Holy Spirit in a very important way. The Holy Spirit must be “summoned” and when it is, the impact of it spreads like a contagious ailment. We can see that the proper holy temple, or properly “prepared” place- with expectancy of something as holy as the Spirit, must be in order to receive the Holy Spirit. Not meaning that us of the ordinary and of the unclean can’t receive it, but we must be spiritually aligned in an altruistic, humble sense. Furthermore, “we must present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God…” so that we can be true disciples and be open homes welcoming the Holy Spirit.

Post by Bertha Baltazar

1 day agoRe: Week 6 | Discussion – The Spirit’s on the Move

In Acts chapter 10, Peter receives an important message from God that sets forward a surprising movement in the ascension of the church.  When he is on the rooftop praying, he becomes hungry and at that moment, he sees a sheet coming down from heaven and on it are all types of animals, including reptiles and birds.  God then tells Peter to “kill and eat”.  Peter believing these animals to be “profane and unclean” tells the Lord that he has never eaten anything like this.  Then God says to him, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane” (Acts 10:9-16).  

Peter continues thinking about his vision and tries to decipher it’s meaning.  At that moment, three men that Cornelius had sent to look for Peter find him.  They tell him that Cornelius, who is a religious and respected Jewish man was instructed by a holy angel to seek him out so he could hear what he had to say.  Peter accepts and joins the men (Acts 10:17-23).  When Peter arrives, he finds Cornelius has gathered relatives and friends to hear Peter speak.  Peter tells them that they know it is unlawful for Jews to associate themselves with a gentile, but God has shown him otherwise.  Peter then associates the message he received from God regarding the animals he sent him to eat with the belief that Gentiles are “profane and unclean”.  He tells them that God has shown him to not call anyone profane or unclean which meant that He loves all humans equally.  As Peter continues speaking, the Holy Spirit falls upon all who are present, including the gentiles.  At this moment, the Jewish people see for themselves that God is not only reserved for them, but for all who believe.  

Because God is holy, the holy spirit is part of God.  When the holy spirit fell on to the group gathered, he brings the essence of God’s holiness on to them.   As a catholic, I have received the holy spirit through the Sacraments of baptism, confirmation also when receiving holy communion.  But in order to receive the holy spirit, I must be absolved of my sins by confessing and repenting, praying and worshiping God.  

Post by Stephanie Gonzalez

1 day agoWeek 6 Discussion

What I found significant about the movement of the Holy Spirit in Acts 10 was that it brought two men of different backgrounds together. I don’t understand why Peter is also called Simon but none the less, he listened to Cornelious slaves and followed them back to Caesarea. These two men are good at listening and following directions. The holy spirit didn’t have favorites and that is something that stood out to me.

I think holiness relates to the Holy Spirit directly. One needs holiness to receive the Holy Spirit. One needs to follow the path God has set which calls for costly discipleship and costly grace. It’s the only way to truly receive God teachings. Once that is set, one can reach God’s kingdom and reap the rewards of living a devout life. I think the Holy Spirit only affects those who follow God, those who do not don’t know anything about it and therefore live life oblivious to it. 

161 wordsReply

Response three of my classmates discussions 150 words

Post by Nicole Vasquez

15 hours agoThe Story Spreads

One the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to the apostles. In Acts 2:2-4 we see a glimpse of the kingdom, “ And suddenly from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability” (NRSV, Acts 2:2-4). This passage describes the kingdom of God by showing how all tongues will praise His name in heaven. The apostles all spoke different languages yet they were all able to understand each other. More importantly than the different languages they were speaking was what the apostles were saying. The apostles noticed they understood “in [their] own languages [they] hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power” (NRSV, Acts 2:11). In the Kingdom of God, everyone will praise his name in their own native tongue as they did on the day of Pentecost. 

I have heard that people today speak in tongues but I have never witnessed it. I am not sure if I believe that people continue to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. I would like to talk to people who say they have experienced the gift to hear about what happens to them.

The significance of Acts 2:17 for how the story will spread is by God giving his spirit to everyone so that they will proclaim his name throughout the world. This is significant because everyone will have an opportunity to hear about Jesus. 

Post by Jillian Dineros

16 hours agoWeek 5 | Discussion – The Story Spreads

In the first few chapters of Acts, the kingdom of God is described as God’s reign. Jesus finally appears to his disciples after 40 days to bestow the good news upon them. The kingdom of God is not necessarily a play, but it is described as God’s power. In order to “restore” God’s reign to the people on Earth, he sends down the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit allows people of different lands to speak in the same tongues and everyone is able to understand one another. In my experience, the story of the Holy Spirit being able to unite people of different background together is similar to music. People of different backgrounds and morals all come together in one place when they attend music festivals or performances. People are united by music as they are through the Holy Spirit. 

The significance of Acts 2:17 is that God is able to send the Holy Spirt through his children and allow them to learn and prosper. The Holy Spirit encompasses the reign of God and therefore the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is able to run through us and spread to others.

Post by Stephanie Gonzalez

18 hours agoWeek 5 Discussion

The kingdom of God is described in the first chapters of Acts as a place of greatness. Jesus doesn’t directly answer questions he’s asked by the people, but he does give them an insight as of what is to come. Those who have been devout disciples are anxious to enter God’s kingdom because it sounds like a wonderful place. A place where God and humans can exist together and form a covenant. I think the kingdom of God can vary in meaning from person to person. For me, the kingdom is a place where you can trust God, where humans can all come together, and love trumps hate. I can’t say I’ve experienced this as I am still on a journey back to my religious upbringing. 

For me, the significance of Acts 2:17 means that Jesus will share a piece of himself onto others and make them see a bit of what he sees. This way, they can become disciples and spread the word of the Lord. This also leads to salvation of those who follow God. The kingdom of God and the human race can exist as one if Jesus can get the people to follow him. 


Project: Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment


Assessing a client’s biological, psychological, and social history is a holistic approach that is an essential aspect of social work practice. Since one area often affects the other two, it is important to get as accurate an assessment as possible when working with a client. Social workers use the bio-psycho-social tool to communicate specific information, and possible conclusions, about a client to other professionals. It is, at once, a summary of current issues and problems; a listing of past factors that may be relevant to the current situation; and a description of potential issues that may have an effect on the client in the future. In addition to describing the client’s challenges and problems, the assessment identifies strengths and assets that are available to provide support. For this Project you create a bio-psycho-social assessment.

By Day 7

Submit a 6- to 9-page paper that focuses on an adolescent from one of the case studies presented in this course. For this Project, complete a bio-psycho-social assessment and provide an analysis of the assessment. This Project is divided into two parts:

Part A: Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment: The assessment should be written in professional language and include sections on each of the following:

  • Presenting issue (including referral source)
  • Demographic information
  • Current living situation
  • Birth and developmental history
  • School and social relationships
  • Family members and relationships
  • Health and medical issues (including psychological and psychiatric functioning, substance abuse)
  • Spiritual development
  • Social, community, and recreational activities
  • Client strengths, capacities, and resources

Part B: Analysis of Assessment. Address each of the following:

  • Explain the challenges faced by the client(s)—for example, drug addiction, lack of basic needs, victim of abuse, new school environment, etc.
  • Analyze how the social environment affects the client.
  • Identify which human behavior or social theories may guide your practice with this individual and explain how these theories inform your assessment.
  • Explain how you would use this assessment to develop mutually agreed-upon goals to be met in order to address the presenting issue and challenges face by the client.
  • Explain how you would use the identified strengths of the client(s) in a treatment plan.
  • Explain how you would use evidence-based practice when working with this client and recommend specific intervention strategies (skills, knowledge, etc.) to address the presenting issue.
  • Analyze the ethical issues present in the case. Explain how will you address them.
  • Describe the issues will you need to address around cultural competence.