Art Appreciation

Brief Overview of Module #3 Assignments: 

  1. Create a Digital Poster (including MLA Style Bibliography) featuring an assigned Art History topic.  Note: You are not creating a PPT Presentation!
  2. Upload Digital Poster & Bibliography in the Mod. #3 Discussion Forum
  3. Select One (1) Student Poster to Perform a Peer Review & Critique
    • Select a post that hasn’t already been selected by another student!
    • Students are responsible for ensuring that all assignment posts are summarized/reviewed/critiqued!
  4. Thank student for reading your post & offering Peer Review & Critique!
  5. Modify your assignment for improvement; use peer suggestions!
  6. Submit Final Assignment (Modified Digital Poster & Bibliography) to Instructor.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Research an assigned Art History topic, utilizing academic educational online resources related to assigned topic. 
  2. Write an MLA Style Bibliography containing academic educational online resources related to assigned topic.
  3. Synthesize research material to creatively design an educational Digital Poster featuring information about an assigned Art History topic.  
  4. Practice Critical Thinking & Visual Literacy Skills by applying pertinent vocabulary terms, concepts, and ideas to chosen art forms selected for creating a Digital Poster, as well as those created by peers.
  5. Obtain additional knowledge about an Art History topic by selecting one student presentation to perform a Peer Summary & Review. 
  6. Perform Peer Teaching by critiquing one student presentation and discussing topic. 


Please read all content & refer to linked files – this is merely an outline!

1.  Identify your Module #3 Assignment Topic.  

Click Here For:  Module #3 Assignment TopicPreview the document

2.  Design a Digital Poster featuring your assigned topic:

3. Upload Digital Poster & MLA Style Bibliography in the Module #3 Discussion Forum

  • Upload your Digital Poster (Final Draft) in the Module #3 DF  prior to 11:00 pm, 7/15/19
    • Students need time to select, read, summarize content, critique, modify their own presentation
  • Warning #1: You must first post your own presentation prior to summarizing & critiquing another student’s presentation!
  • Warning #2: Any student who does not submit a presentation in the DF by scheduled due date/time (7/15/19 prior to 11:00 pm) will not earn points for the  Discussion Forum regardless of whether or not the student participates with the discussions and will only receive 1/2 points earned for the Final Assignment submission.
  • Warning #3:  It is the responsibility of students enrolled in this course to ensure that all students who post a Final Draft receive a Peer Review/Critiqueso that all students have an opportunity to earn points for this part of the assignment. 
  • Refer to Specific Directions & Rubrics prior to post.

4.  Perform a Peer Summary & Review of One (1) Student Presentation Featured in the Discussion Forum (Due prior to 11:00 pm, 07/21/19)

  • Do the following:
    • Select a poster that interests you – which hasn’t already been Peer Reviewed/Critiqued!
      • In order for all students to earn points, you’ll need to select a presentation that hasn’t already been selected by one of your peers.
      • It’s the responsibility of students of this class to ensure that all DF posted student assignments receive a Peer Review & Critique.
    • Use Outline Format (easier for students to read & instructor to grade) 
    • “Summarize” 5 Key Points featured in poster
      • Identify & List 5 Key Points featured in poster.
        • Do not copy and paste student poster material for this list or you will not receive points!
        • Please use your own words and ideas which requires you to actually interpret & synthesize pertinent content.
    • Critique Assignment: Identify what was done well, areas in need of improvement, and specific suggestions for improvement.  
      • A total of 5 items for maximum points. (Review Rubrics For Ideas)
    • Offer additional material (5 items total) related to topic (you must research topic to  find additional websites, compositions, content, terms, visuals that could be added to student’s poster…this will assist you with also learning about the topic ). 
      • Note: You must perform research in order to complete this portion of the “peer review/critique” & cite your sources! (Review Directions & Rubrics)

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