One of the most important things I hope you will take away from this class is an understanding of the layered and interconnected nature of events taking place in our world. For this assignment, students will be asked to find three news articles over the course of the semester from credible sites that cover specific events happening on various scales (local, regional, national, global). For example, you may find an article on a wildfire in California, or an impending decline of the world’s chocolate supply.
For each of the three assignments, you will be asked to:
1.) Clearly and thoughtfully summarize the article. What’s happening? Where? And, according to the article, WHY is this occurring?
2.) Next, draw upon at least two additional sources (news or journal articles, websites, the textbook if relevant) to more deeply investigate the geographic forces or processes involved. The key is to situate a specific event/issue within a broader geographic understanding, digging deeper into the underlying factors and interconnections.
For example, an article from Global News titled “Are We Running Out of Chocolate and Wine?” states that by 2030, the global demand for cocoa will exceed the supply. The article links this specific issue to “disease, drought, rapacious new markets and the displacement of cacao by more-productive crops such as corn and rubber.” After summarizing the article and explaining why this is occurring according to the article, find at least two additional sources that help you to better understand and then explain the underlying contributing issues. Use them to dig deeper, considering how something relatively specific (like the global cocoa supply) is linked to broader environmental, political, social, cultural and/or economic issues.
You might find, for example, an article exploring the related environmental issues (i.e. a GlobalPost article titled “Why climate change could mean the end of chocolate”) and another looking in more depth at the displacement of cacao by more-productive crops (i.e. The World Cocoa Foundation’s website includes a page listing the challenges to growing and selling this crop).
3.) Finally, think critically and reflect on this issue and what you’ve learned about it. How does your investigation demonstrate the interconnections between people, places and/or processes? How are relatively specific events situated within broader geographic issues, or how might it affect other people and places? What major global issues are at work in this specific incidence? How is an economic issue, let’s say, also tied to politics, environment, culture? Did anything surprise you? Concern you?
An example Current Event Assignment is posted on D2L along with the assignment write-up and rubric. Papers should be double-spaced, articles should be current (published within the month of due date) and sources should be cited both in-text (ex: Knox & Marston 2012, 17) and in a reference list at the end of the paper (please use APA style, a citation guide is posted on D2L). Be sure to include links to online articles, websites cited, etc. in your works cited list.
HINT: There should be a minimum of three sources properly cited (the original article and at least two supporting sources). Assignments should be between 400 and 650 words. Please include a word count (not including reference list) at the top of your paper.
In addition to these three articles, keeping up with current events by reading one or more credible news sources regularly will immensely help you apply what you are learning in class, cultivate your geographic lens and enhance your understanding of what is happening in our interconnected world.