
Write a short essay of 150-200 words answering the following questions



1. (A) Select the country in which you have spent the majority of your time up to 

now. Is the type of leadership in that country/culture changing? What is the 

basis/ evidence for your answer? (B) Select a large and influential country (in 

terms of the world’s economy) other than the country you name in part A. Is the 

type of leadership in you (A) country becoming more or less similar the type of 

leadership in the (B) country/culture? Explain your reasoning. 

This question works best in a class with high ethnic and national diversity. 

2. Think of a specific leader in your work situation, in a friendship group, on a sports 

team, or in the news. What types of power does he or she appear to use? How 

does he or she use these different types of power? Would you consider this 

person to be an effective leader? Why or why not? 

3. Do you think people are born leaders? Are there specific traits that can be seen 

early in a person’s life or career that identify that person as leader? Can 

someone without these specific traits go on to become a leader? 

4. How would you characterize yourself – as a transformational, transactional, or 

charismatic leader? Which would you rather be? Can you change your style? 

5. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Jim Jones, Kenneth Lay (Enron), Bernard Ebbers 

(WorldCom) – all were “leaders.” Were they effective leaders? Why or why not? 

6. Think of a leader you have had at work, school, or some other situation. How did 

you actions as a follower help or hinder that leader’s effectiveness? What kind of 

a relationship did you have with the leader? Did it differ from the relationships 

the leader had with other members of the group? If there were different 

relationships, did this situation contribute to the group’s effectiveness? Did is 

seem fair to you? 

7. Using a specific situation, analyze the contributions of the leader, the followers, 

and the effectiveness of the leader. 

8. Which of the many approaches to leadership do you think is the best? Defend 

your reasoning. 


 Explain the two primary approaches the government uses to reduce the number of human behavior-related deaths. What are other approaches the government can use to reduce mortality rates due to human behavior?



                                                               CLASSMATE’S POST

Education and regulation are the two ways the government has continued to work towards reducing human behavior related deaths. Throughout the years, diseases such as HIV or AIDS have left an impact on death rates in the United States. Public health officials are ever changing in ways to reach the population their serve. For instance, with the AIDs epidemic in the 1980’s it was imperative to find which population was most susceptible to contracting the disease. It was found to be heavily prevalent in the gay community or more specifically in those MSM. It was found that through education with the gay community to educate on the practice of safe sex. 

           Regulating or imposing laws in order to prevent diseases has been done in previous years as well. Tobacco use and alcohol is a huge contributor to death rates still today even with laws in place. Through laws such as a legal drinking and smoking age, it has helped to decrease some of the effects on our youth. Labels have also been required on tobacco products to alert users to the risks of using the products. High-risk behaviors such as tobacco use can also be linked to parental influences as well, so educating parents on the risk factors for youth is also increasingly important. The government in the future will need to continue to use different tactics to combat the disease or conditions that have high death rates. For instance, drug regulation for opiate medication is crucial to preventing the spread of drug abuse-related deaths. Some states have imposed computerized systems to monitor prescriptions, but some states are still lacking and at this time the DEA is not involved in state prescription drug monitoring programs. In fact, in 2011 only 37 states had fully functioning systems. 

Starbuck Case


 Starbucks Case Study

Read the three articles noted below about an actual union-organizing effort involving Starbucks in New York City: Use the link for the case.

After reading all the articles and considering additional research, address the following questions (feel free to use supplemental authoritative resources in your response):

  • Do you think the administrative law judge and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) went too far in overruling Starbucks? Why or why not?
  • How much leeway should an employer have in setting standards for conduct, customer interaction, and attire in the workplace?
  • Does the NLRB decision unfairly limit Starbucks in the management of the stores? Why or why not?
  • What is your view of the court’s decision?

Ensure to provide references.

Attached is a sample work by a student from another school I found on the internet through Coursehero. Please be advice this attachment is just for a guide and note photocopy. Ensure Safe Assign work.


you have 2 days only

please do part 2

Part 2: Reflection Paper (100 Points) • In your own words, summarize each completed assessment; that is, include sufficient details about each assessment such that someone unfamiliar with them could understand their purpose and what’s involved. Each is unique; thus, do not generalize all four together. • Discuss what each completed assessment revealed about yourself (do not bundle the four): o Where did you fall within the scope of each assessment? o What does this mean for each assessment? o In your judgment, does each set of results accurately reflect who you are within said contexts? Discuss your answers. o What did you learn about yourself based on completing each assessment? o Etc. • Synthesize various findings based on all completed assessments: o Based on results specific to you, did you find common threads among all four assessments? Discuss your answers. o Based on results specific to you, did you find any differences among all four assessments? Discuss your answers. o Discuss general takeaways from having completed four different assessments. HRD 675 – Leadership in Human Resource Development 3 • Consider the purpose of assessments in general and how results may be used for leadership development. o Identify and describe three (3) areas of opportunity for personal development and growth within the context of your professional goals and objectives. Summarize a plan of action to close performance gaps. (Note: To receive credit, your objectives should be measurable, such that success is defined and can be achieved.) o Discuss potential obstacles you may face and list possible ways to overcome them. • Identify what may be your biggest challenges as a leader in today’s fast-paced, globalized economy. • Concluding paragraph(s) – do not skip this section; ensure your takeaway is substantive. General Guidelines for Reflection Paper: Format and Organization • Paper is professional in appearance. • Paper is error-free. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar have been checked and all mistakes have been corrected. • APA (American Psychological Association) style formatting, according to the 6th edition. • Double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. • 12-point type, Times New Roman font, page header (e.g., Last Name | Topic). o https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ • Paper includes three major sections: o Title Page [including course number and name, title of paper, your name] o Main Body (which addresses each of the aforementioned items) o Bibliography (include your textbook as one reference, and any other supplemental sources you may have reviewed to complete your work) o https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

disscussion replies in own words plz not outide sources

1: Most organization understand the need to have the right number of people on the staff without going over board. The question is the balance needed to make sure you have enough without having too many,  What do you believe the proper mix is for staffing levels? ( this one he is asking the one u replied)

2: Planning for needs & Staff Recruitment is part of the employment cycle.  The main idea that I took away from this video is the importance of the employees to the organization.  When hiring employees it is very important that the business employs enough people to get the job done but not too many people because that could cost the organization unnecessary money.  People want to be comfortable when they are employed with an organization which means being in a position that is appropriate to their skill level.  The jobs that are being offered to potential employees need to meet the goals of the organization to ensure the best fit and the best overall outcome for the organization.  As the video stated, I believe that it is very important to offer incentives to employees that will keep them engaged in the process and keep them interested in providing their best to the organization. 

3: What are the major functions of Human Resource management?  How does HRM support the overall strategic mission of an organization?  Please ensure to utilize the text to address this topic. 

4: Human Resource Management functions include acquiring, training, appraising, rewarding employees. HR is also responsible for providing a safe ethical and fair environment. They also conduct job analyses, labor needs and are responsible for recruiting job candidates. They are responsible for employee relations while providing incentives and benefits for employees. HR should be the center for making sure staff and line level managers are trained in the areas of equal opportunity and ethics as well as affirmative action. HR should be the example of the company’s core values and vision statement. With out a good HR you have no backbone for the company. 


Three of the most important study designs in modern epidemiology are ecologic studies, cross-sectional studies, and case-control studies. Briefly explain each of these study designs. Also, for each design, present at least one example of a research scenario in which the design would be appropriate. 



                                                             CLASSMATE’S POST

Ecologic studies-In ecological studies the unit of observation is the population or community. Disease rates and exposures are measured in each of a series of populations and their relation is examined. Often the information about disease and exposure is abstracted from published statistics and therefore does not require expensive or time-consuming data collection. The populations compared may be defined in various ways. An example would be to look at geographical correlations between disease incidences and mortality rates and the prevalence of risk factors. The mortality rate of people dying of measles in the present day in Houston and compare it to the mortality rate of the measles mortality rate 50 years earlier.

In a cross-sectional study, data are collected on the whole study population at a single point in time to examine the relationship between disease (or other health related state) and other variables of interest.

Cross-sectional studies therefore provide a snapshot of the frequency of a disease or other health related characteristics in a population at a given point in time. This methodology can be used to assess the burden of disease or health needs of a population, for example, and is therefore particularly useful in informing the planning and allocation of health resources. An example of a research scenario would be the random sample of children in the urban school elementary schools prevalence of excessive absenteeism due to poor compliance of asthma treatment.

Case Control Studies- By definition, a case-control study is always retrospective because it starts with an outcome then traces back to investigate exposures. When the subjects are enrolled in their respective groups, the outcome of each subject is already known by the investigator. This, and not the fact that the investigator usually makes use of previously collected data, is what makes case-control studies ‘retrospective. An example of research pertaining to this would be a situation in which a large number of cases of post-operative endophthalmitis have occurred in a few weeks. The case group would consist of all those patients at the hospital who developed post-operative endophthalmitis during a pre-defined period.



post a substantive response to the post below

Yes. My door is always open for other opportunities. Working overseas gives me a chance to work with other people coming from different backgrounds and with this, this will provide me with a chance to develop cross-cultural communication skills and will force me to create stronger communications skills and confidence as I progress in my career.     

Taking an overseas job or living abroad is a challenging experience as you will have to adapt to a new culture and a new way of living. For me, the county that I feel like I am not comfortable, and I think I would not dwell in is China. China invaded my country Philippines one thousand years ago, and up to now there presences still existing in our country. They have China town in the Philippines were in all rich Chinese business people living and running their business.  

During my college days, my professor gives us the assignment to search and observe how Filipino people work with Chinese people. So I went to China Town located in Binondo Manila, Philippines. And I interviewed one of the sales ladies how they are doing in terms of salary and benefits and the treatment. Out of ten participants, only three sales lady says they have treated well the rest they have no choice but to deal with common derogative words, and the salary and benefits are not enough.    

Based on the citing official statistics, average migrant worked in 8.8 hours each day, and 85% of the migrant worked 44 hours a week, and they only earned 350 dollars per week (Lin, 2013). Aside from that, According to the Wall Street Journal, China often exploited migrant workers and the common complaints are over fatigue, insomnia, lack of energy, and frequent illness (Lin, 2013). Based on the research I have done these are the reasons why I am not comfortable to work in China.  



Luna Lin, (2013). The Guardian. How Does China Work. 

DUE TODAY IN 4 HOURS!!! – Office Training Project – What Do You Expect?

DUE TODAY IN 4 HOURS!!! 10/15/17


Background on Project:

You will work on a course project that involves the design and development of an effective HRD training program. Each week you will work on a specific aspect of the project.

You are the HRD Manager of a large trucking company called Fleet Trucking. You have been approached by several middle management personnel who are seeking your assistance to improve the productivity and efficiency of the administrative office personnel. Office personnel apparently are not being trained effectively in their job duties, especially with new equipment or procedures, and many aspects of their duties are either being overlooked or not completed properly.

The first thing that must be done is to convince upper management that a training project, beginning with needs assessment, is necessary. 

Last week, for Part 1 (see attached) a basic office training task (without a needs assessment) for my project was chose which was TRAINING ON HOW TO ANSWER A BUSINESS CALL

This week’s assignment is:

Explain the expected outcomes once employees have attended the training program you are designing. Submit a short report addressing the following issues: 

1. Outcomes: Explain the types of outcomes and the effects on employee motivation toward doing the job duties being targeted in the training. 

2. Performance Expectations: What type of improvement do you hope to see in performance after the employees have attended the training? (Show where this skill improvement fits in the overall chart of “Employee Behavior” in Figure 2-1 of your text SEE ATTACHED)

3. Job Enrichment: How will this training assist with job enrichment for the employees? (See “job enrichment” SEE ATTACHED)

4. KSA: Explain how your training will assist with the employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct their job duties. Why is this important? (Refer to the discussions of KSAs – SEE ATTACHED.)


When considering performance measurement processes, many considerations come to mind (e.g., which measures to include, how to measure them, who should measure them, when to measure them). In the last unit, you began to work on your strategic planning project, and in the second portion that you are working on this week, you will discuss plan stakeholders. Is it appropriate to have those outside of the organization involved in the strategic planning process? If so, does this apply to laypeople from the public?


                                                        CLASSMATE’S POST

It will be essential for us to consider the many stakeholders for our organizations. When working with an organization that has a variety of different stakeholders, there will be many different opinions and viewpoints that need to be considered. When making a strategic plan, one of those viewpoints should come from individuals outside of the organization. As employees within the organization begin to plan for upcoming changes, they may be blinded by only seeing from their perspective, internally within the organization. The strategic plan should be considered from all viewpoints, including externally, in order to make the most effective changes to the organization. Additionally, many organizations serve individuals who are outside the organization. These viewpoints and opinions are critical in organizational performance.

While considering external opinions is an important aspect of strategic planning, I do not believe that organizations should consider all the opinions from laypeople within the public. If an individual does not know about an organization or does not utilize the goods and services offered by the organization, they may not be equipped with enough knowledge to provide constructive feedback to the organization. In reviewing external opinions, it will be essential for organizational leaders to consider which viewpoints to use.

Read and respond


post a substantive response to the post below. Must be at least 50 words

our required reading expresses a variety of reasons as to why it is important to have management and leadership develop programs during the process, Cummimgs said, “OD  practitioners involved in organization design and employee involvement interventions have realized the need to bring human resources practices more in line with the new designs and processes.” (Cummings P.440). The streamlining of current practices and relevant processes are invaluable to the growth of any organization. When management and leadership have the opportunity to research other organizations, sit a table and brainstorm together, and finally roll out a comprehensive plan. Not only will it (in most cases)  be received well. But it will also show the camaraderie throughout various stages of management. This concerted effort will push any organization to unmitigated growth.


My personal experiences with managers and leadership programs I will rate at 50 on a scale of 100. Specifically, There were initiatives that we sought to implement as it related to the growth of the practice. From scheduling, to check in process, up to and including authorizations etc. We met weekly for approximately 6 weeks, there were brainstorming, passionate discussions, etc.  As time progressed there was no follow up, no implementation and the countless meeting hours were seemingly in vain.  I was taken aback because it seemed as if there would be progress, but it fell through. I was more disturbed because it then seemed like the voice of the employees were taken for granted.

These sessions were of no effect at all, because nothing ever came from them. Essentially, it was a waste of time, and I feel that it was a ploy to make the employees feel involved, meanwhile those in management knew that our voices, suggestions, and ideals would never be implemented.

In Conclusion, To improve effectiveness, I would have initiated processes on a meeting by meeting basis. By this, I would not have scheduled any new agenda items until was was being discussed, was properly implemented. We would have taken time on the roll out, to ensure no issues. Then once first initiative was successful, I would move on to the next, keeping everything in order.