DUE TODAY IN 4 HOURS!!! – Office Training Project – What Do You Expect?

DUE TODAY IN 4 HOURS!!! 10/15/17


Background on Project:

You will work on a course project that involves the design and development of an effective HRD training program. Each week you will work on a specific aspect of the project.

You are the HRD Manager of a large trucking company called Fleet Trucking. You have been approached by several middle management personnel who are seeking your assistance to improve the productivity and efficiency of the administrative office personnel. Office personnel apparently are not being trained effectively in their job duties, especially with new equipment or procedures, and many aspects of their duties are either being overlooked or not completed properly.

The first thing that must be done is to convince upper management that a training project, beginning with needs assessment, is necessary. 

Last week, for Part 1 (see attached) a basic office training task (without a needs assessment) for my project was chose which was TRAINING ON HOW TO ANSWER A BUSINESS CALL

This week’s assignment is:

Explain the expected outcomes once employees have attended the training program you are designing. Submit a short report addressing the following issues: 

1. Outcomes: Explain the types of outcomes and the effects on employee motivation toward doing the job duties being targeted in the training. 

2. Performance Expectations: What type of improvement do you hope to see in performance after the employees have attended the training? (Show where this skill improvement fits in the overall chart of “Employee Behavior” in Figure 2-1 of your text SEE ATTACHED)

3. Job Enrichment: How will this training assist with job enrichment for the employees? (See “job enrichment” SEE ATTACHED)

4. KSA: Explain how your training will assist with the employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct their job duties. Why is this important? (Refer to the discussions of KSAs – SEE ATTACHED.)

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