Management 370 Grading Rubric for Discussion Questions and Responses CATEGORY Excellent (8) Good (6-7) Below expectations(5 or less) Replies to peers Posts are substantive (100+ words), contribute to discussion, and are professionally presented. Posts
Management 370
Grading Rubric for Discussion Questions and Responses
Excellent (8) |
Good (6-7) |
Below expectations(5 or less) |
Replies to peers |
Posts are substantive (100+ words), contribute to discussion, and are professionally presented. |
Posts are mostly substantive (<100 words), sometimes contribute to discussion, and are professionally presented. |
Posts are not substantive, may not contribute to discussion, and are not always professionally presented. |
DQ answers: |
Excellent (11-12) |
Good (9-10) |
Below expectations (8 or less) |
Clearly understands concepts and incorporates them in discussion.
Advances discussion with questions, sharing of resources, and/or personal experiences/examples.
Presentation of answer is professional looking with no grammatical or spelling errors. Text is divided into easy to read paragraphs and may have headings.
Length: 100 words or more |
Somewhat understands concepts and incorporates them in discussion
Includes examples and real life examples; may not be completely related and question may not be completely answered.
Presentation of answer is somewhat professional looking and has a few grammatical errors
Length: 51-99 words |
Not evident concepts are understood.
Responses have little to do with concepts. Does not advance discussion.
Presentation of answer is not Professional looking and has quite a few grammatical errors.
Length: 25-50 words |
Write at least 100 to 150 words and more for each question. If you are using any website for those question just provide the reference for each question and answers.
Chapter 4
1)Ethics and Social Responsibility
Should products that fail to meet tough FDA standards to be exported to other countries where government standards are lower? Why or why not? Please use the different ethical decision making approaches to explain.
Chapter 5
2) Environmen
Find an organization and identify its task environmental factors.
Chapter 6
3)Decision Making
Programmed versus non-programmed decision making
Actions for Programmed versus non-programmed decision making
Analyze two decisions you made over the past six months. One of them should be a programmed decision and one of them should be a non-programmed decision. Which model – the classical, administrative, or political – best describes the approach you took to make each decision?
Chapter 7
4)Planning and Strategic Management
Porter’s competitive strategies
Actions for Porter’s competitive strategies
Using Porter’s competitive strategies, how would you describe the strategies of Wal-Mart, Bloomingdales’ and Target?