Thesis Statement ![]()
0 Points
No thesis statement.
1 Points
Unclear or incomplete and does not demonstrate an understanding of social studies concepts.
2 Points
Weak or inadequately developed, and marginally demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.
3 Points
Clear, developed, and demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.
4 Points
Clear, well-developed, and demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.
Answers the Question: Which had the greater effect on Revolutionary America? ![]()
0 Points
Does not answer question.
1 Points
Answers questions but lacks specific, credible, and relevant support.
2 Points
Inadequately answers question; minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
3 Points
Adequately answers question; supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
4 Points
Well-supported answer with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
Answers the Question: Effective Today? ![]()
0 Points
Does not answer question.
1 Points
Answers questions but lacks specific, credible, and relevant support.
2 Points
Inadequately answers question; minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
3 Points
Adequately answers question; supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
4 Points
Well-supported answer with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.
Showing Analysis: Comparison of Documents ![]()
0 Points
No comparison offered; only offers a summary of the two documents.
1 Points
Development of comparison is inadequate; Answer includes more of a summary of the document then a comparison.
2 Points
Development of comparison is uneven with a stronger focus on one document over the other; Answer includes more of a summary of the documents compared to a comparison.
3 Points
Development of comparison is thoughtful and persuasive. Shows a combination of analysis with the summary of the documents.
4 Points
Development of comparison is well-developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive. Analysis is present throughout paper with facts used to support thinking.
Clarity, Organization, Grammar, and Spelling ![]()
0 Points
Argument is not organized or clear. Transitions not used to connect ideas. Grammar and spelling are deficient.
1 Points
Lacks organization, logic and clarity. Transitions seldom used to connect ideas. Lacks polish and does not demonstrate proficiency in grammar and spelling.
2 Points
Somewhat organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions sometimes used to connect ideas. Somewhat polished and inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling.
3 Points
Generally organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions often smoothly connect ideas. Generally polished and demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling.
4 Points
Organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions smoothly connect ideas. Polished and demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and spelling.
Paper Format ![]()
0 Points
APA paper format is not used.
1 Points
APA format is rarely used throughout the paper.
2 Points
APA format is attempted with errors and/or missing requirements/components.
3 Points
Use of APA format is present throughout the paper with few errors present.
4 Points
Proper use of APA format is present throughout the paper.