us history [Pin It] Midterm Paper: Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?

us history

Midterm Paper:  Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today? 


  • 3-4 pages; paper must include a thesis statement.
  • Use specific examples to support your argument and cite all sources carefully. 
  • This is not a summary of the two primary source documents, but an analysis of their similarities, differences, and effectiveness. Make sure to show thought and analysis throughout the paper.


HIS201 Midterm Rubric

Midterm Paper:  Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?


·         3-4 pages; paper must include a thesis statement. 

·         Use specific examples to support your argument and cite all sources carefully.

·         This is not a summary of the two primary source documents, but an analysis of their similarities, differences, and effectiveness.

Make sure to show thought and analysis throughout the paper.










Thesis Statement

0 Points

No thesis statement.

1 Points

Unclear or incomplete and does not demonstrate an understanding of social studies concepts.

2 Points

Weak or inadequately developed, and marginally demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.

3 Points

Clear, developed, and demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.

4 Points

Clear, well-developed, and demonstrates an understanding of social studies concepts.

Answers the Question: Which had the greater effect on Revolutionary America?

0 Points

Does not answer question.

1 Points

Answers questions but lacks specific, credible, and relevant support.

2 Points

Inadequately answers question; minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

3 Points

Adequately answers question; supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

4 Points

Well-supported answer with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

Answers the Question: Effective Today?

0 Points

Does not answer question.

1 Points

Answers questions but lacks specific, credible, and relevant support.

2 Points

Inadequately answers question; minimally supported with specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

3 Points

Adequately answers question; supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

4 Points

Well-supported answer with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant evidence.

Showing Analysis: Comparison of Documents

0 Points

No comparison offered; only offers a summary of the two documents.

1 Points

Development of comparison is inadequate; Answer includes more of a summary of the document then a comparison.

2 Points

Development of comparison is uneven with a stronger focus on one document over the other; Answer includes more of a summary of the documents compared to a comparison.

3 Points

Development of comparison is thoughtful and persuasive. Shows a combination of analysis with the summary of the documents.

4 Points

Development of comparison is well-developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive. Analysis is present throughout paper with facts used to support thinking.

Clarity, Organization, Grammar, and Spelling

0 Points

Argument is not organized or clear. Transitions not used to connect ideas. Grammar and spelling are deficient.

1 Points

Lacks organization, logic and clarity. Transitions seldom used to connect ideas. Lacks polish and does not demonstrate proficiency in grammar and spelling.

2 Points

Somewhat organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions sometimes used to connect ideas. Somewhat polished and inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling.

3 Points

Generally organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions often smoothly connect ideas. Generally polished and demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling.

4 Points

Organized, logical and clearly articulated. Transitions smoothly connect ideas. Polished and demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and spelling.

Paper Format

0 Points

APA paper format is not used.

1 Points

APA format is rarely used throughout the paper.

2 Points

APA format is attempted with errors and/or missing requirements/components.

3 Points

Use of APA format is present throughout the paper with few errors present.

4 Points

Proper use of APA format is present throughout the paper.


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