Nursing Assignment: Clinical Labs and Instructional Videos

Nursing Assignment: Clinical Labs and Instructional Videos


Consider the following scenario:

You have been teaching a clinical lab for a few months. During each session, you have noticed that learners spend more time participating in the introductory part of the lesson and less time involved in problem-based, hands-on activities. After consulting current literature on teaching best-practices, you learn that many instructors require learners to watch introductory videos before participating in clinical labs. These videos ‘set the stage’ for the lesson while also demonstrating the skills in which students will engage during their lab. You know that you will still need to review material at the start of the lab but are excited about the advantages that this video could bring. As such, you begin to search the Internet for a video that will introduce your clinical lab.

To prepare

·         Review this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on the strategies and methods nurse educators use to elicit critical thinking and problem-based learning in clinical lab environments.

·         Consider a psychomotor or skills-based technique that an individual might learn in a clinical lab. (Note: Clinical labs are not just for nursing students. Nursing staff and patients might also engage in this environment.)

·         With these ideas in mind, search the Internet for a short video demonstration of a clinical lab. (Suggested search key words are clinical nursing skills videos). Once selected, carefully review the video, provide the link to the video, and identify the learning objectives and intended audience of learners. If these are not explicitly stated, use the content of the video to determine the objectives and intended audience.

·         Consider how you might use this video demonstration to better prepare learners for an upcoming clinical lab.

·         Use the Lesson Plan Template document as a guide to critique, create a lab-based lesson that could accompany the video demonstration that you have selected.


Questions to be addressed:

1.      A brief description of the video that you selected, including the objective(s), intended audience, and APA citation.

2.      Then, explain how you would use this video to prepare learners for an upcoming clinical lab.


Required Readings

Bradshaw, M. J., & Lowenstein, A. J. (2014). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

·         Chapter 5, “Clinical Reasoning: Action-Focused Thinking”


A large part of a nurse’s role is his or her ability to think critically. Chapter 5 outlines activities that nurse educators can use to prompt inquiry and the critical thinking process in nursing students.


·         Chapter 10, “Problem-Based Learning”


Problem-based learning (PBL) is a type of curriculum that requires active participation and problem-solving behaviors. This chapter describes the process of integrating PBL into nursing courses.

Herrman, J. W. (2016). Creative teaching strategies for the nurse educator (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.

·         Chapter 5, “Strategies for Clinical Instruction and Orientation” (pp. 149–196)


Nurse educators can use Chapter 5 to generate learner-centered strategies to integrate into clinical environments.


Optional Resources

Bradshaw, M. J., & Lowenstein, A. J. (2011). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

·         Chapter 17, “Interprofessional Education” (pp. 265–278)


NEAT & Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System. (2006). Nursing education and technology. Retrieved from


This website gives you access to learning objects that nurse educators can integrate into presentations, lessons, and learning activities. You may access the resources at this website for free. However, you must register to use the site. You might incorporate images from this site into your Screencast Assignment.



Nursing Skills Laboratory Online. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2013, from


This website consists of numerous video demonstrations. You may choose to investigate a demonstration from this website for your Discussion posting.




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