


This exercise begins with a list of tasks for a wedding project. Working in Microsoft Project, you will create the task list, including summary tasks and their sub-tasks, create links between tasks and their predecessors, add resources, and make changes to the original plan.


A. Enter the following tasks, including the specified duration, specified predecessors, and specified resources. Tasks that are bolded are summary tasks and the indented tasks are sub-tasks. Task ListPreview the documentView in a new window


B. Enter the following list of resources into the same Microsoft Project file that you entered the above task list. Resource ListPreview the documentView in a new window


C. Change the Project from being scheduled from a Start date, to being scheduled from a Finish Date. The Finish Date is the date of the wedding, November 12th, 2015.


D. Change the constraints on the following Tasks:


Task                                                     Constraint

Update list of Guests Attending        Finish no later than     November 10, 2015

Final Fitting                                      Finish no later than     November 6, 2015

Schedule Rehearsal Dinner             Must start on               November 11, 2015

Apply for Wedding License              Finish no later than     November 10, 2015


Finally, submit your finished homework assignment to Canvas.


Saving/Naming Your File:


When you save your file make sure that your name and the project number are included in it.


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