Blog post
For this blog post, summarize one of the articles below. Be sure that you provide the APA reference for the article you located. Your post may take the form of an annotate bibliography. You must write at least 50 words.
21———. (2016). Number of foreigners employed in China. Statista. Available at:; Yang, G. (2016). Hiring foreign employees in China. Available at: (accessed October 8, 2016); ———. (2004). 2002 worldwide survey of international assignment policies and practices. ORC Worldwide, January 4. Available at:; Feng, S. (2009). Expatriate localization: A Chinese solution. Available at:
23Martins, A., & Lengre, J. (2007). Expat networking: Helping you improve the success of expat assignments. Available at:; Wederspahn, G. M. (1992). Costing failures in expatriate human resources management. Human Resource Planning, 15, 27–35. Note that there is evidence that failure rates might not be nearly as high as originally claimed [see Harzing, A. (1995). The persistent myth of high expatriate failure rates. Human Resource Management, 6, 457–475; Christensen, C., & Harzing, A. (2004). Expatriate failure: Time to abandon the concept? Career Development Journal, 9, 616–626—but, this article also cautions practitioners not to conclude that expatriate failure rate is not an important issue, despite the original claim rate]. See also: Kraimer, M., Bolino, M., & Mead, B. (2016). Themes in expatriate and repatriate research over four decades: What do we know and still need to learn? Annual Review of Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior, 3, 83–109; Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., Harrison, D. A., Shaffer, M. A., & Luk, D. M. (2005). Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment. Academy of Management Journal, 48, 257–281.
50Schuler, R. S., Jackson, S. E., & Tarique, I. R. (2011). Framework for global talent management: HR actions for dealing with global talent challenges. In H. Scullion & D. G. Collings (eds), Global Talent Management. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 17–36; see