2 Respond
2 Respond 100 words each
Student one
3 Topics for Professional Role
While though I am not currently in management now, I am heading a very large project for the company. The first topic would be the rational choice model. While though I have used a method similar in the past, the rational choice model is something I have immediately started putting into action. I have many fellow engineers in my group that have 40+ years of experience and have seen several programs come and go. Any decision I have to make now, immediately after I determine the time frame I have for the choice I have to make, I consult one or more of these experts. This allows me to see how things have been done in the past, patterns that may be occurring, lessons learned, and more valuable information. Then I can weigh my choices and make the optimal choice for the situation.
The second topic to apply to either a current or future position will be the John Kotter’s Model of Change. John Kotter’s model states that there are 8 steps; 1. Establishing a sense of urgency, 2. Forming a powerful guiding coalition, 3. Creating a vision, 4. Communicating the vision, 5. Empowering others to act on the vision, 6. Planning for and creating short-term wins, 7. Consolidating improvements and producing still more change and, 8. Institutionalizing new approaches (Board, 2015). This model is very important to me due to the fact that at my company getting into management in the current department I’m in is very difficult. There is not much movement usually so there is a good chance that at some point I will have to move departments in order to get into management. John Kotter’s model will be a great model to apply due to not only will the employees face change, but I will as well. This will allow me to evaluate how the department is reacting to change as well as how I am reacting to the change.
The last topic is Deontology. Deontology is “Name given to a species of ethical theory that places duty at the core of moral value. Deontology is particularly associated with Kant , and with the idea that a set of moral prescriptions that is objectively true, generally in the form of a set of rules, can be proposed by rational and conceptual analysis, not empirical inquiry ” ( CredoReference, 2018 ). This is a theory I’ve already had in place but want to continue to improve on in my current role and in a management role. Currently cost and schedule are key when it comes to the company I work for. As a result, to correct mistakes takes time and money so many times we are asked to do things in a not so ethical fashion in order to keep the shop moving on time. This sometimes can be pushed as hard as “you will do this, or we will find someone who will do this”. My current manager is very good about pushing back on these individuals to make it understood that is not how we operate. I want to keep living by this to hopefully at some point make people understand coming to me in those scenarios is wasting their time. If a mistake is made I will happily fix it as quick as possible but in the correct way. This I want to continue on into management. I want the company to know that my department strives for perfection, however we are human, so we will make mistakes and when we do we will fix it as soon as possible. It will be fixed in a correct and ethical fashion though.
Several of these approaches are already paying off. Using the rational choice model I am seeing my actions and decisions line up much closer to what management is expecting. I am also making fewer mistakes as I am being proactive in my decisions and learning as much as I can. This along with the fact I strive do the appropriate action at the appropriate time are quickly earning respect and trust in the organization. It has allowed me to start making a name for myself and I am starting to have more people come to me with their questions. I am hoping that by continuing to learn, work hard, and act in a morally and ethically appropriate manner it will carry me far into my career.
Student two
- Identify and explain the value of at least 3 topics from the course to your current or future professional role.
Emotional Intelligence: this is something I am passionate about in my professional life. It is knowing how to read an executive leader when you are presenting and adjusting on the fly. It is understanding that some people learn by reputation and some learn by simply reading a process document. In my previous role we had a classroom training that was called IQ vs. EQ. This class outlined that there was being book smart (Intelligence Quotient) and then there was the understanding on how to deal with your own emotions and read others (Emotional Quotient) I have only ever heard this term in the past 5 years, and honestly, I love it. I am glad attention is being focused on this. “ Goleman claims that people with a higher degree of emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed in senior management. He also believes that emotional intelligence can be developed over a period of time, although this has been disputed.” (Goleman, 1997)
Rational Model: I really enjoy this model and feel this can be used in almost any decision-making dilemma situation. This seems as if it has a full proof system for evaluating options. I am seeking people manager roles within my company and whenever someone has a thought process they can justify, such as this model they are greatly respected. I cannot wait to use this.
Regulatory compliance: In my previous role at Boeing, everything was about regulatory compliance. I have a deep respect for doing things the right way, the first time. The cost to perform rework is crazy,, the potential risk of Safety to not comply is too much to consider, and any loss of contracts/business as a result of not performing as expected could be detrimental In the future of my career I can be a spokesperson for why this is important, how it is needed and identify when we are not on track.
· Evaluate the effectiveness of any new behaviors or approaches you have applied.
Situational Awareness is the most relevant to me. I would have never thought there was a leader behavior that could modify. Honesty I have always felt that a leader was a leader because they had a steady style. I am sure there are other leadership abilities and types that go along with situational, and it is more of a capability rather than a style but calling it out on its own is amazing. As I am interviewing for new roles and they ask what my style is, I will add to servant and inspirational leader. As a project manager I have always had to use situational leadership to get people on board, I just always thought of it as agile or adaptable.
· Clarify, specifically, what new behaviors or approaches you plan to apply. In your discussion, highlight at least 2 specific theories or models from the course that you find valuable to your professional practice.
Two theories that feel that they can benefit me as I grow into a people manager role is Path goal theory and Utilitarianism Theory. I feel as a leader I can create a clear path for my future employees that will allow them to be successful in their roles. As I take a new role as a leader I will be significantly responsible for each employee’s growth professionally. “Likewise, a leader must select the best leadership style that supports the workers motivational level of needs.” (Board, 2015) Utilitarianism will be beneficial as I think about the organizational goals, departmental goals and company wide goals. If I led a team of project managers and there was a need for a new software, I would be able to evaluate if this software being requested benefited the entire company or somewhere between that and just my employees. I think that being able to see things from that higher level is very important.