Blogging and Social Networking: Read at least 6 articles and write about it. Articles Attached Below
-After reading at least six of the articles, post your thoughts. Be explicit in talking about the articles you read, write the title of the article when used. Add some visual interest to your blog by including an image that is thematically related to this week’s topic, or of a chart or graph from one of the articles you read, or of any evocative image related to social networking.
– Here are some questions you can write about (you don’t have too):
How has social networking evolved in the past 10+ years?
- -What is the appeal of social networking and of publicly sharing private information?
- -In what ways is this online content different from the social engagement of the past, and in what ways is it similar?
- -What are some of the demographic differences among users of various social networking platforms?
- -What does the growth and change in social networking mean for big business, for news organizations, for governments and politicians, and for ordinary individuals?
- -How do companies and news organizations use blogs now, and what attracts users to “follow” or “friend” an organization’s posts?
- -How is micro-blogging on sites like Tumblr and Twitter different from the blogs of the past?
Attachments (articles)
Write down references used (the articles above)