Illustration Paragraph


 Write an Illustration Paragraph (5 – 7 sentences).

Why attending a community college is right for me.


ENG 0113 (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeForm Topic Sentence or Thesis Statement about a Given Issue
20.0 ptsWell-constructed topic/thesis sentence is made about a given issue

16.0 ptsA somewhat convincing topic/thesis is made about a given topic or issue

12.0 ptsTopic/thesis sentence is vague or poorly constructed

8.0 ptsTopic sentence/thesis has been attempted. *Written as a fragment or run-on.

4.0 ptsNo topic/thesis sentence has been stated.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganize and Connect Major Ideas Logically (Use of a pre-writing activity)
20.0 ptsOrganization is so clear that the reader knows at all times what the purposej is and how the writer intends to accomplish it.

16.0 ptsOrganization is clear though lacking full clarity and coherence.

12.0 ptsOrganization is evident but not effective.–pre-writing incomplete

8.0 ptsOrganization is unclear. –pre-writing is missing–under written

4.0 ptsThe paragraph lacks a beginning, middle, and/or end.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWrite a Variety of Sentence Structures.
20.0 ptsThe writing displays a variety of sentence structures. Sentences reflect student’s mastery of language.

16.0 ptsThe writing contains a variety of sentence structures; however, content lacks cohesion

12.0 ptsThe writing contains a variety of sentence structures with isolated errors (fragments and run-ons)

8.0 ptsThe writing lacks a variety of sentence structures with significant errors (fragments and run-ons)

4.0 ptsThe writing contains excessive sentence structure errors.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExpress Ideas in the Clearest Form of Standard English
20.0 ptsFree of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Collegiate level vocabulary is used throughout the writing.

16.0 ptsMinor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage.

12.0 ptsIsolated errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Clarity and credibility are reduced.

8.0 ptsGrammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage errors are frequent.

4.0 ptsGrammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage are severely deficient.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Process Document According to MLA Guidelines.
20.0 ptsWork meets MLA guidelines.

16.0 ptsWriting displays adequate format with isolated/minor oversights.

12.0 ptsDocument has 2-3 areas with significantt format errors.

8.0 ptsMakes attempt to follow format guidelines with difficulty.

4.0 ptsMakes no attempt to follow format guidelines.
20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0


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