Respond to Enoji Due by 10 pm


As you prepare your response be sure to:

1. Respond to all components of the selected discussion topic (1-3 above)


2. Limit your response to no more than 3 well crafted paragraphs. Use subheadings to identify the topic of each paragraph


3. Cite at least one current source to support your discussion post (i.e. journal article, textbook, etc)

4. Proofread and edit your post and correct all spelling, grammar, and syntax errors, as well as typos. 


The Contributions of Gestalt, Person Centered and Pragmatic Therapy

  The contributions of the Gestalt Therapy to the psychotherapy community deal with the client in a way that is relevant. The Gestalt therapy brings the past to life and shows the client how past issues are affecting their current situations. This theory also pays attention to the details of verbal and nonverbal leads and tries to bring the client to the awareness of “what is.” The behavioral Therapy focuses on goals, procedures and target behaviors. Clients can gain a clear understanding of making a plan of action out of unclear goals. This theory is focused on doing more than just mere words, the therapist emphasizes on research into and assessment of treatment outcomes for their clients. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be used in a wide diverse setting with different clients. With CBT one can use many techniques and follow a plan of action for their clients. The treatments are using brief, but effective and cost effectiveness. CBT can be used in many clinical problems and can be used effectively in many settings with diverse populations, and is considered the “gold standard” by which the effectiveness of therapy is judged.

The Approach that Resonates with me

The Gestalt Therapy resonates with me, because I understand and have experienced the effectiveness of working with people on their past. Many theories don’t believe that it is necessary to go backwards, but do to my experience and the experience of others I believe differently. The major focus is on assisting the client to become aware of how behaviors that were once part of creatively adjusting to the past environment may be interfering with effective functioning and living in the present (Corey, G. (2017). 

This therapy focuses on the awareness of every client; it focuses on the process and doesn’t believe in the client as resistant when the process is not going smoothly. This therapy focuses on the pressing issues that the client wants to talk about. I would be willing to use this form of therapy with my clients. 

Addressing Strengths 

There are some principles that the Gestalt Therapy considers such as holism, believing that we are and should operate as a whole being. This approach focuses on the thoughts, feelings, body, memories, dreams and behaviors. Another principle is Field Theory therapy, the therapist studies the client and their environment observing the boundaries that is currently occuring in their surroundings. Understanding that what a client is currently going through can be seen by how a individual makes contact with the environment. 

This approach is well suited for group setting, where different people can come together and interact with one another. The relationship between the client and the therapist using this approach builds a person to person relationship. This approach is also used with diverse cultures on many settings if used appropriately and in a timely matter. The Gestalt takes into account each person and their diverse background. 


Corey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Pacific Grove

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