G-BioSport Dilemma Worksheet – 3 of 5
G-BioSport Dilemma Worksheet – 3 of 5
The Problem: The Case of the Brightest and the Best
From the increased communication and reports, the Board of Directors has indicated that new hires have to be one of the company’s top priorities, despite the fact that the financial situation remains unstable. In the current job market, finding new hires at the salaries the Gnomengen Group can afford is very difficult. Faced with increased pressure for more manpower from all levels, you have decided to examine current hiring practices and policies.
One proposed solution to the hiring situation is to advertise your positions at salaries above what you know you can pay. When applicants are interviewed, they are told that their skills do not match “the optimal skill set we were assuming in advertising that salary.” Thus, if they want the job, they are forced to take the lower salary that you intended to pay from the beginning, with the promise that if their skill set increases, they may be able to work up to the pay scale that you had advertised. The expectation is that by drawing on a larger applicant pool, the number of hires should increase, and because of stock options employee retention is expected to stay high.
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Be Reasonable: Explore the Options
- Basic Liberties Choose three options to analyze. You will analyze multiple options to help ensure that you choose a reasonable option to implement.
After brainstorming with the leadership team, you have identified four options:- Advertise at “optimal” salaries or position grade in order to get as large of a pool as possible.
- Advertise at only what you are able to pay with an appropriate grade.
- Do not put any information about salaries or position grade in the ad. Just say “salaries commensurate with experience.”
- Advertise the appropriate grade and complete job description, then indicate that salaries will be commensurate with experience.
In this step, identify the basic liberties to which each constituent is entitled. Compare the options and discuss which option (assuming a clean process) best meets the basic liberties requirement. Discuss why the other options do not meet the requirement for the basic liberties as well.
Advertise at only what you are able to pay with an appropriate grade. Advertise the appropriate grade and complete job description, then indicate that salaries will be commensurate with experience. Do not put any information about salaries or position grade in the ad. Just say “salaries commensurate with experience.”
- Just Savings
Now — how well does each option meet the requirements of the just savings principle, assuring that resources are available for next generations. Which option best meets this requirement. Discuss why the other options do not meet the requirement of the just savings principle as well.
- Equal Opportunity for Success
Next, consider how well each option assures that social and economic inequalities are arranged so that all constituents have an equal opportunity for success. Which option best meets this requirement. Discuss why the other options do not meet the requirement of equal opportunity for success as well.
- Reflective Equilibrium
Now, using the tool of reflective equilibrium, which option gives the best advantage to the least advantage without unduly burdening those who are the most advantaged. Which option best meets this requirement. Discuss why the other options do not maintain reflective equilibrium as well.
- Ecology of Care
Finally, consider whether each option contributes to an ecology of care. Which option best meets the requirement for building a strong community and strong institutions.
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