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The Role of a Nurse Practitioner in Preventing Drug Reaction in Patients      

Healthcare is a compassionate organization which needs a lot of care. When speaking about excellent care in a healthcare organization, we look at the role of a Nurse Practitioner, in a health care organization a Nurse Practitioner plays a significant role because a nurse is the one who takes care of patients, before and after treatment. NursesPractitioner are supposed to make full care of all patients more especially during drug taking.

Nurses Practitioner are the one who knows when and how the patients are supposed to take their drugs. And this responsibility makes every Nurse Practitioner take their job seriously because if they cannot be able to give proper direction in medicine taking the same drugs that are supposed to ill will cause more problems.(Gray,2016)    Nurses Practitioner are supposed to provide necessary information to patients on how and when to take their drugs so that these patients will not overdose or underdose themselves because this will course more problems in the patient is healthy. As much as many medications are written when any the quantity to take it is still the role of the Nurse Practitioner to elaborate the way drugs are to be considered. Nurses Practitioner are supposed to start explaining the way medicines are to be used immediately when the patient is given this dose to avoid any mistake. Drug abuse is more severe than the disease itself this is because reversing the problem of drug abuse is very difficult and it may cause a terrible reaction.    

 From the research which was carried out by Gray, it showed that many of the patients who had drug reaction 50% they had it due to lack of information in how to take them and the other 20% was out of ignorance the rest it was not clear.(Berg,2016) I can conclude by saying that Nurse Practitioner have a prominent role in making sure that patients are taking drugs as prescribed by doctors. 


Berg, M. (2016). Implementing information systems in health care organizations: myths and challenges. International journal of medical informatics, 64(2), 143-156.Gray, J. M. (2015).Evidence-based health care. Evidence-based healthcare, 1(1), 1.

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