Terrorism and Organized Crime

Assignment Instructions The Research Paper will consist of 15-20 double spaced pages (not including title page and reference page). The research will address one of the following five topics: 1. Terrorism and Organized Crime: Similarities and Differences (Connected to Course Learning Objective #4, i.e., Report on how terrorism differs from organized crime). 2. History of Organized Crime in the U.S. (Connection to several Course Learning Objectives #2. Assess organized crime’s ability to continue flourishing through the application of sociological and criminological theory; #3 Interpret the historical and socio-political patterns of organized crime in the United States; #6 Compare the origins, characteristics, and national makeup of Asian Crime and Russian organized crime groups, #7. Separate traits and characteristics of the two main Italian Mafia groups, that is, the well-known Cosa Nostra and the newer Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta; and #8. Scrutinize major organized crime statutes, such as the Harrison Act, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), and Prohibition). 3. Explaining Organized Crime Through the Lens of Rational Choice Theory, or another sociological and or criminological criminal justice theory of your choice. (Connected to Course Learning Objective #2, i.e., Assess Transnational Organized Crime’s ability to continue flourishing through the application of criminological theory). 4. Which Poses the Biggest Threat to the U.S….Russian or Asian Organized Crime? (Connected to Course Learning Objective #6. Compare the origins, characteristics, and national makeup of Asian Crime and Russian organized crime groups) 5. A topic of interest to the student, which is fully related to this course, and approved in advance by the instructor. Note: Any proposed topic must be shown to directly connect to one of the course learning objectives identified in the syllabus This paper must have at least 10 references from primary sources, for example the weekly readings, peer-reviewed journals, etc. Use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum but a fine for background material. Students are encouraged to use the APUS online library in order to utilize peer-reviewed journals to the maximum extent possible. Web sources should be evaluated based on the site sponsor, among other things, such as: How long has the site existed? Is there sufficient information to judge credentials, authenticity, credibility, and bias? Are facts supported by cited sources? Is the material published only on the web? Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. The paper will be evaluated on the grading rubric listed in your week 6 lesson. It is also attached to this posting. The research paper must be written using American Psychological Association (APA) style. In part this must include the following: (b) Times New Roman style, (c) 12-point font, (d) double-spaced, with (e) 1 inch page margins all around. For general guidance see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition, 2010; and, web links at: http://www.apastyle.org/ http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/print/research/PDFs/r_apa.pdf http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796 http://webster.commnet.edu/apa/apa_index.htm

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