Concepts to health care
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
Step 1: Put the following steps in the order of a routine patient care flow, from the beginning through to the end of the patient encounter flow.
- New patient paperwork is signed and returned to front desk with insurance information for verification of benefits
- Patient pays standard co-pay if applicable
- Hard copy record is pulled, or made if new patient
- Patient called to back office
- Height, weight, and blood pressure taken by CNA or CMA
- CMS 1500 form is coded and sent to insurance for reimbursement
- Signs in at reception desk
- Patient released from exam room
- Call in to schedule appointment
- Doctor, NP, or Physician’s Assistant examines patient
- Shown to patient care room
- Reason for visit reviewed with patient by CNA, CMA, or NP
- Any refunds due to patient or insurance sent out
- Collections efforts initiated if patient’s charges not paid, and any insurance appeals are processed
- Patient checks out and pays any deductible verified
- Explanation of benefits returns with breakdown of payments
- Height, weight, and blood pressure taken by CNA or CMA
- Practice manager applies payments, writes off amounts required by contract with insurance companies, adjusts patient’s account records, and initiates billing to patient that indicates insurance has processed charges
Step 2: Write an essay of 1–2 pages explaining how a new office would be set up or organized. Some of the elements included could be:
- The physical appearance of the office
- The types of personnel that would be needed
- The types of activities, policies, or procedures that would be put into place to mentor employees and promote teamwork
- Create and describe the demographics of the patients that would receive care at this facility.
- Remember that demographics include any and all of the following: type of population (rural, suburban, urban); male or female; adult or child; type of insurance, public assistance, or no insurance; emergency care needed or preventative care; and many others.
- Describe the specialized training that you, the office manager, need to help this particular facility accomplish its mission of efficient integrated medical care to its patient population.