Spring 2016 English 101-F and 101-G Exemplification Essay Exemplification is the use of details and examples to illustrate a claim or argument. We often use exemplification in our daily lives. When you have a legitimate reason why you can’t make it to cla

dth: 0px; “> Spring 2016 English 101-F and 101-G Exemplification Essay Exemplification is the use of details and examples to illustrate a claim or argument. We often use exemplification in our daily lives. When you have a legitimate reason why you can’t make it to class, your claim becomes much more credible and reasonable when you can offer specific, detailed evidence to support your claim, such as a doctor’s note for your instructor’s file and reference. Exemplification is also a key component of academic writing. Without offering detailed, relevant examples to support your thesis, your essay will not be convincing. 1. Spoiler alert: Star Wars Episode VII was commended and condemned by critics and moviegoers for having an extremely similar plot to Star Wars Episode IV. Make an argument about what criteria should be involved for a sequel, reboot, or adaptation to be considered a new contribution to an already existing canon. 2. Occasionally, groups with no affiliation with the university will come to campus to hand out literature, hold public discussions, etc. Make an argument about who should have access to a university’s campus, and consider the larger question of a university’s relationship with the community surrounding it. 3. February is Black History Month. Some claim Black History Month unfairly compresses African American history into a laughably small timeframe. Others claim that in an age of continuing racial unrest, Black History Month is relevant because it brings African American history to the fore of the public’s conscious. Make an argument about whether we should continue to acknowledge a Black History Month. In addressing one of the above questions, you must conduct at least two interviews and use these interviews to support your thesis. The essay should be 3-4 pages in length (excluding the Works Cited page and the interview transcripts, both due with your final draft). The rough draft for this assignment is due in class Tuesday, February 16th. The final draft is due on Moodle Friday, February 19th. While writing your essay, consult the self-assessment and essay rubric, pages 23-24 and 34-35 of the Composition and
Rhetoric Guide, to have a clearer idea of expectations for your writing.

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