Week 4 Discussion 2


Instructions: Please post a substantive discussion post of at least 200 words that analyzes BOTH U.S. Cold War Policy AND the impact that the Cold War had on U.S. society, using the following questions as the basis of your analysis: 

  • Why did the Cold War start and how did it develop over its first three decades?
  • How did different presidential administrations, from Truman to Nixon handle Cold War affairs?
  • How did these approaches affect foreign policy?
  • How did the Cold War lead to changes within American society and culture?


Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and properly cite any references. When responding to these prompts, draw from the material in ONE of the following videos:


  1. Hawksworth, R., Hogan, H., & Spencer, S. (Writers).  The post-war years [Television series episode]. In R. Hawksworth (Executive producer), America in the 20th Century. Chicago, IL: Media Rich Communications, LLC. Available from http://digital.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=47585&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref=
  2.  Isbouts, J., & Johnson, B. D. (Writers), & Johnson, B. D. (Director). (1999). Superpowers collide [Television series episode]. In J. Florescu, J. Isbouts, & B. D. Johnson (Executive producers),Inside the Cold War with Sir David Frost. Los Angeles, CA: Porchlight Entertainment. Available from http://digital.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=8397&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref=
  3. Wattenberg, B. (Writer). (2000).  1930-1960 [Television series episode]. In A. Walworth (Executive producer), The First Measured Century: The Other Way of Looking at American History.Arlington, VA: PBS. Available from http://digital.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=44378&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref=

Also, draw from the material in TWO of the following documents:

  1. Byrne, M. (Ed.). (2000).  Electronic briefing book no. 28: The secret CIA history of the Iran coup, 1953 Retrieved from http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB28/
  2. Eisenhower, D. (1961, Jan. 17).  Farewell address Retrieved from http://www.vlib.us/amdocs/texts/ddefarew.html
  3. Herberg, W. (n.d.)  Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An essay in American religious sociology (1960) [Excerpt]. Retrieved from http://personal.ashland.edu/~jmoser1/herberg.htm
  4. Johnson, L. (1964, Aug, 5).  The Tonkin Gulf incident; 1964 Retrieved from http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/tonkin-g.asp
  5. Kennedy, J. (1962, Oct. 22).  Address on the Cuban crisis October 22, 1962Modern History Sourcebook. Retrieved from http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1962kennedy-cuba.html
  6. Kissinger, H. (1969, March 8).  March 9th memo from Kissinger to Nixon. Retrieved from http://www.historycentral.com/Vietnam/Documents/Kiss.html
  7. Nixon, R. (1974, Aug. 8).  Richard Nixon’s resignation. Retrieved from http://customers.hbci.com/~tgort/resign.htm
  8. Potter, P. (1965).  SDS Vietnam anti-war speech. Retrieved from http://www.hippy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=130
  9. Schlesinger, A. M. (1949). The vital center: The politics of freedom [Excerpt]. Retrieved from http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/vital-center.html
  10. United States Congress. (1973, Nov. 7). The war powers act. Retrieved from http://customers.hbci.com/~tgort/wpa.htm


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