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Human beings are naturally different and diverse.

Human beings are mostly in a natural sense different and diverse. In the recent years, diversity in the country has become a popular topic. The result of the interest in diversity is that most corporations, big or small, government agencies, and even nonprofit organizations have all engaged in policies that embrace human diversity. In schools curriculums today, there are units on diversity being offered and in some required. There are several issues that make diversity an important issue in the country. First, is the presence of a media platform that connects people not just in the country but also the globe, this brings about corporations that deal in international markets and need to embrace diversity. Second, is that the makeup of the country’s population has changed dramatically and lastly is the fact that individuals have embraced and now celebrate their differences and do not compromise their unique while trying to fit in.

The country’s media, from the local radio to broadcast television, should fully be representative of the different communities it serves. A diverse media would bring into its fold the minorities and women in the content it provides, employment, and in ownership. This will mean that all the stories and information of the country can be told and heard. Despite this, the reality is different by far. There is a narrow representation of minorities and women in the country’s media. When the presence of minorities is achieved, the portrayal is not accurate and fair enough.

Different communities face different challenges from racial profiling, disability rights or immigration reform, and media and communications influence the understanding and perception of these challenges for the policy makers and the community as well. When media and communications policies lack structures that ensure diversity and reflect the community’s perspectives struggles and victories, then all of the country loses (Luther, C. A., Lepre, C. R., & Clark, N. 2011).

Human life is inherently creative

Creativity is a force in human life that cannot be overstated; it is a mental process that involves the generation of new concepts or ideas, or news association between the existing concepts or ideas. The creative thought has products that are often considered to have both appropriateness and originality.

 Media is about communication, and the delivery of the message is inextricably linked to the message itself. This period is the most creative time in the media. The media sits at the intersection of marketing, technology and people.  The challenge and opportunity the media faces is in being able to enable the great ideas to flourish in the industry. This can be reached by using device, data, and channels, and by delivering the message and its distribution in new and creative ways.

The media provides a platform for creative individuals to promote their work and for connecting with other people who share the share interests. This enables some of them to pursue their creativity beyond a pleasure activity to one that can sustain them. Though there is a section of people, who believe that the advent of technology in the media is posing a risk to creativity (Torrance, E. P. 1995).

Human beings have curiosity

Human beings usually have a nature that is deeply curious, and more often than not it is about the minor issues in our lives. Human curiosity has individuals doing things that are utterly unproductive, like reading news about individuals they will probably never meet, learning topics they will never use the information, or exploring places they will probably never visit. The answers to these questions drive human beings to search for information to satisfy their curiosity.

Curiosity is one of the main factors that encourage people to engage with the media. The media should be able to raise some level of curiosity so that it may attract the attention of its target. There is a pivotal contribution of human curiosity in making up creative and participatory content for the media and the society to consume. Media can be used for teaching as it satisfies a need to learn, in other word curiosity (Edelman, S. 1997).


















Edelman, S. (1997). Curiosity and exploration. Northridge: California State University.

 Luther, C. A., Lepre, C. R., & Clark, N. (2011). Diversity in U.S. Mass Media. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Torrance, E. P. (1995). Insights about creativity: Questioned, rejected, ridiculed, ignored. Educational Psychology Review.










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