history project
Proposal Rubric: Please submit a Project Proposal of 250 words that includes the following:
1) The project needs to be as focused as possible on a narrow topic:
Suggestions for narrowing the theme:
– consider the span of time you are covering and do your best to limit it to 25 years,
– center it on a single event or period in a the History of BioMedicine from 1800-1980,
– base your investigation on a limited set (or single) primary source (e.g. publication, map, scientific documents, personal papers)
2) A thesis statement in the form of a question that reflects the aims of your research project.
3) A short Bibliography that includes:
– Primary Source(s) – At least one source that was produced during the time of, or by one of the people involved in your project.
– Secondary Sources – At least two scholarly works (essays, books) written by historians that help you to provide the social, intellectual, cultural context for the primary source.
– Formatting of sources: Use Chicago Style to format your bibliography. Do not include URLs.
Here is a brief and useful webpage:http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html
4) Descriptive Title. Think of writing titles as a poetic challenge and write one that reflects the project thesis (or question). Avoid writing titles like: “History Proposal”
5) Makes sure to include your name, course info, date.
Essay Length: 1500 words.
Goal: Examine the development of one or two aspects of History of BioMedicine during a narrow time period (limit it to 25 years, e.g. 1900-1925). Do not tell the history of an entire epoch (like the history of the Hospital), but rather be selective and more focused.
Some ideas:
– A specific type of medical research (surgery, vaccines, public health, medical genetics etc, but then focused a single experiment/program/person/institution).
– Biography–pick an ‘scientist or natural philosopher (Pasteur, Bernard, Budd and more obscure figures) and talk about some aspect of their work (writings).
– Focus on the medical practices of a certain area (Philadelphia nurses)
– Or on a single scientific institution (University, Academy, Laboratory)
1) one or more primary historical sources (documents written during the time you are focusing on and by physicians, or medical administrators). Sometimes students get confused about this, so I will assess these in your proposal. But if you are writing a short biographical essay about a single scientist, then a primary source would be one of his/her writings.
2) at least two secondary historical sources that place the primary sources in their historical context (works written by contemporary historians),
3) If you want, a Map from the time period.
For the topic: Focus on one narrow aspect of biomedicine, maybe focused on the NIH. Here is a good chapter to get you going; use the sources listed in there for more on the topic.