M5D2 352

The Draft and Growing Anti-War Movement

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This discussion addresses the following outcome:

Compare and contrast public opinion and the anti-war movement associated with the US-Vietnam War with popular opinion of recent US wars (CO#2);

In 1967, public support for the US war effort in Vietnam dropped significantly. Support for the war continued to decline and opposition to the war continued to increase in the years that followed. Opposition to the war was a rallying cry for many young people during this era.

In this discussion forum, we will consider the declining public opinion, the anti-war movement, and what role the draft played in galvanizing opposition to the war among both US civilians and those in the service. Then, we will compare the public attitudes concerning the US-Vietnam War to those of recent US wars. After completing all of the Module 5 readings, viewing/listening to the Module 5 Notes Presentation

 (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

, and viewing Sir! No Sir

 (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

, [film, 1 hour 24 mins] craft a response to the following questions in a post of at least 250 words:

In your estimation, what were the top four reasons (rank them most important through least important) why public opinion of the war turned in 1967? Provide a brief explanation of each.

Though there was significant domestic dissent concerning the recent US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, this dissent did not seem to manifest itself to the extent that Vietnam Era dissent did. In your estimation, how much of this historical difference is ascribable to there being an all-volunteer fighting force in recent years (compared to a fighting force comprised of both draftees and the enlisted during the US-Vietnam War) and how much is ascribable to other factors? Be sure to also make note of these “other factors.”

History 1302


QEP Critical Thinking Written Assignment – copy these two pages and paste them into a Word document, answer the questions, save your work as a Word document, and then submit the document as an uploaded file. You will receive 15 bonus points added to your final point total. To clarify, we will add up your 13 highest grades, add 15 more points, then divide by 13 for your semester grade. If you miss the deadline for submitting this you will NOT receive the bonus.  

Critical Thinking Paper /Moral Reasoning Dilemma

Here is a situation that is a dilemma for moral reasoning. Three weeks before the students’ psychology term papers are due; Jennifer and two classmates visit the campus library to conduct online literature searches on their topics. After 30 minutes of surfing the Web, Blake announces that he’s found a Web site that offers inexpensive term papers on a variety of subjects, he tells Jennifer and Sharon that he is planning to buy one when he finds one on his paper topic. Jennifer, who has never cheated in her academic career, says nothing and maintains her concentration on her own research. Sharon, who is appalled by Blake’s intention to cheat, vows that she will report Blake to their professor.  Blake believes: “There’s no way I’ll be caught. I don’t think the professor even knows what a Web site is.” Jennifer is still listening to what Blake is saying and is not certain she wants to get involved.  Sharon is starting to get irritated and distracted by Blake’s actions. They are all considering difficult decisions that affect themselves and others.

Your job is to imagine the thinking that each student might have and answer the questions relating to their moral reasoning.  

  1. Stop and think to determine the facts.

            What one question has this situation has caused you to think about?

  1. Identify options.

What are two possible issues that you can find in the presented situation?

  1. Consider consequences for yourself and others.

            Do you believe that there is a better solution to the problem than telling the professor? 

  1. Make an ethical choice and take appropriate action.

            What would you say about the situation as a fellow student?


  1. Include at the top of the assignment (as the heading) the CRN and Course Name/Number listed below.

CRN# 10215

      United States History 1302.101

  1. Please Do Not include your name on the assignment (I can identify your assignment in the grade book once it is submitted.)
  2. Word maximum: 300 words. 10-12 font.
  3. Check all spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

history essay

This assignment is a “think piece,” which is an essay that requires you to interact with a subject and develop your own interpretation based on that experience.  After your initial analysis of a specific topic, you should synthesize that with other outside research to support your ideas.  You should use a minimum of two other scholarly, peer-reviewed resources found in the APUS library. 

Specifically for this assignment we will use an interactive map of westward expansion from 1860 to 1890. You can access it at this URL:http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/asset/akh10_int_expansion/ (The interactive map will often not work with Google Chrome). Once you have the map open, click on the boxes for Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories.  At the bottom of the map, you will notice the decades 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890.  Click on each of these decades in succession and you will see the ways in which the country changed. The goal of this assignment is for you to interpret, synthesize, and analyze what you are seeing on the map. You will make a well-organized argument, support that through research, and then write a conclusion for your findings.

Analysis is the process whereby the researcher separates something into its component parts.  In an analytical essay, the writer examines a subject relative to its own terms, and explains the problem by studying the individual parts.  In contrast, synthesis requires that the researcher examine individual unrelated parts in an effort to discover something new.  A good essay will utilize both analysis and synthesis.  Instead of examining the simple facts of a problem, the writer will go beyond the obvious, making connections between different pieces of evidence to discover something new.

As an example, consider a modern map of the world illustrating the growth of the internet over the last thirty years. It demonstrates the new ways in which the world is connected by facilitating the spread of ideas through instantaneous communication. Access to much of the information that once required us to physically travel to a library is now accessible through a computer at home (or a mobile phone in your pocket). Social media has also given us the ability to discuss and debate ideas, not only with our friends and family, but with people we may have never met.  We all have the power to disseminate knowledge around the globe within a matter of seconds.

If you were writing a paper on this topic (this is an example only, as your paper will focus on the period from 1860 to 1890) you could analyze this larger topic by focusing on a specific aspect like use of the internet in online education. You might make the argument that the internet has enabled more non-traditional students to pursue a higher education. Your synthesis would include understanding the connections between your outside research and your argument.

This essay should be at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Bibliographies and citations can be in MLA format. 

The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, informal language, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper.


Discussion Question #1: What was Thomas Jefferson’s most significant accomplishment and why?

Discussion Question #2: Was the War of 1812 justified? What were the major weaknesses and strengths of the United States during the war?


                                               CLASSMATE’S POST

Question 1 RESPONSE

Thomas Jefferson had a lot of significant accomplishments. His greatest accomplishment for himself in my opinion was becoming the third president of the United States. I believe drafting the Declaration of Independence was his most significant accomplishment. He even had written on his tomb stone, “Author of the Declaration of Independence”. This was not only significant in our country’s history, but it was also something he himself thought was very significant. When I hear the name Thomas Jefferson, I do not think of the Louisiana Purchase, I think of him being a founding father and author of the Declaration of Independence. 

Question 2 RESPONSE

The war of 1812 was absolutely justified because of Great Britain was obviously trying to over throw the Americans by seizing ships and blocking trade. A weakness of the United States was America still did not have the numbers and strength the British had as far as military power. A strength, similar to the revolutionary war, was the war was being fought on American land and the terrain was very well known by the Americans. The Americans certainly had confidence building towards the end of the war. Land was gained and confidence in the Americans military gave them status as powerful nation. 

history forum week 6

On September 30, 1938, the League of Nations passed a unanimous resolution for the “Protection of Civilian Populations Against Bombing from the Air in Case of War.” In that resolution, the League noted that “the Intentional bombing of civilian populations is illegal,” and that “any attack on legitimate military objectives must be carried out in such a way that civilian populations in the neighborhood are not bombed through negligence.”[1]

The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939 with a budget of $167,000 to explore the feasibility of a nuclear chain reaction.  By October 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt officially approved the atomic program, and established a committee to oversee it.  On July 16, 1945, the US tested its first nuclear explosion.  Less than a month later, on August 6, 1945 the US dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, and three days later, a second bomb on Nagasaki.

On June 27, 1945, the Undersecretary of the Navy, Ralph A. Bard sent a memo to Secretary of War Henry Stimson.  “Ever since I have been in touch with this program I have had a feeling that before the bomb is actually used against Japan that Japan should have some preliminary warning for say two or three days in advance of use. The position of the United States as a great humanitarian nation and the fair play attitude of our people generally is responsible in the main for this feeling.

During recent weeks I have also had the feeling very definitely that the Japanese government may be searching for some opportunity which they could use as a medium of surrender.”[2]

In his combat memoir With the Old Breed, Eugene Sledge would write that “We received the news with quiet disbelief coupled with an indescribable sense of relief.  We thought the Japanese would never surrender.  Many refused to believe it.  Sitting around in stunned silence, we remembered our dead.  So many dead.  So many maimed.  So many bright futures consigned to the ashes of the past.  So many dreams lost in the madness that had engulfed us.”[3]

Clearly, some sought a different solution from the bomb, while others, and especially those who had fought in the Pacific, found great relief that they would not have to endure another minute of combat.  Justification for dropping the bomb, and opposition to it came from many quarters.  For this debate, you are not limited to the months prior to August 6, 1945.  The argument concerning theh use of nuclear power raged on for years to come.

You have been divided into two groups. For this forum, Group A will assume the role of an individual who supported the use of the bomb, while Group B will argue against. Each of you should post a statement in support, or in opposition to the idea of using nuclear power in World War II. Your submission should be a minimum of 200 words in length. Try not to make assumptions. Instead, assume the historical role of someone who lived in the United States at this point in history. Be creative.


Discussion Response to students 150+ words each

Reply to  2 Students as a student do not grade or critique work be curtious and add to conversation

First reply to Joseph


The Vietnam War was fought by the military in both Vietnam and at home. The Vietnam War was the first war that the American public strongly opposed. This opposition was exasperated by the use of media. Photographs and videos of the war were televised and broadcasted across the United States. The graphic images and depictions of war made many Americans doubt why they were fighting the war. The guerrilla warfare tactics and local insurgents made the war impossible to win. This damaged the morale of the American soldiers, and consequently the American public. Additionally, gruesome events such as the 1968 My Lai Massacre of 347 women, elderly, and children further damaged public opinion.

The antiwar movement at home was lead by young teenagers who protested the war effort. This youth revolt was referred to as the “counterculture” movement. “The youth revolt was inconceivable without the war’s destruction of young Americans’ belief in authority. By the late 1960s, millions of young people openly rejected the values and behavior of their elders” (Foner, 2017). The war caused young Americans to reject the beliefs of their parents and question authority. They viewed the decisions of the American government to continue the war effort as irresponsible and inhumane. This movement was difficult for elders to understand. Many of these teenagers elders were veterans from the World Wars. These veterans grew up during a time of nationalism and had pride for their country. They sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the country and now their youth is rejecting that countries values. 

Foner, E. (2017). Give me Liberty!: An American history(5th ed., Vol. 2). New     York: W. W. Norton & Company.

Second reply to Adriana


The “counterculture” movement transformed the United States in many ways, both on the societal level and the individual levels. To start, it took the societal norms many were accustomed to and changed the perspective of many adolescents and young adults to be more explosive in nature. The aggressive state of mind that surrounded the movement was very contagious for many of those young, inconclusive minds that were susceptive to the message it carried. As Dr. Theresa Richardson clearly put it, “it promoted a political and cultural ideology based on profanations against the domain assumptions that had guided modernism” (2012).

Second, was its influence and the extensive outbreak it had across the country, so much that many challenged the way history was viewed as a result of this movement. Just as we often see today, where the media distorts the truth to appease the viewer’s socio-political inclinations. The same can be argued about the “counterculture” movement in that it challenged the status quo of that era. Not to mention, the profanations inferred by the movement created much hostility amongst those who favored the movement and those who opposed it. Notwithstanding, that those who opposed it often silenced their point of view due to the chaos and hostilities that would come of their opposition.  

In essence, history seems to be repeating itself today as it did in the 1960s, the socio-political divide that existed in the “counterculture” movement was very similar, if not identical in many aspects, to what we witness today. The tension in the country, coupled with the consistent argumentative statuses of each side and the transgressive normality of race and gender, is, as it was then, the witness to the country’s divisiveness. We could only hope that this time around, it’s end result proves to be more positive in its course.


Richardson, T., PhD. (2012). The Rise of Youth Counter Culture after World War II and the Popularization of Historical Knowledge: Then and Now. Retrieved November 24, 2018 from the Internet at https://www.bu.edu/historic/conf2012/Richardson.doc.

Native American


Read the short story “Deer Woman” by Paula Gunn Allen and submit your response to assignment 10.1. For your response, choose anything on which you would like to focus from the story and write a paragraph about it.  “Deer Woman” is not in your text.  Use the link in this assignment description to access a PDF of the story.  The link to the author includes three quotes by the author that are worth your consideration.  “Deer Woman” is similar to the TRICKSTER stories we read in that you need to accept what is written, even if you don’t think it would really happen.  Here, I remind you of the quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge I mentioned in class when we discussed coyote trickster figures: 

“Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the poet and author, called drama ‘that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith …’

Any creative endeavor, certainly any written creative endeavor, is only successful to the extent that the audience offers this willing suspension as they read, listen, or watch. It’s part of an unspoken contract: The writer provides the reader/viewer/player with a good story, and in return, they accept the reality of the story as presented, and accept that characters in the fictional universe act on their own accord.”

link to help : http://kings.mrooms2.net/pluginfile.php/309838/course/section/54567/Deer%20Woman%20full%20text.pdf


Discuss how the Anglo-American-Soviet alliance came apart in the aftermath of World War II. Were the British and Americans justified in pursuing a containment strategy against the Soviets?


                                      CLASSMATE’S POST

The alliance between the US and Soviet Russia during WWII fell apart after WWII.  Stalin believed that the opening of a second front in Europe was going to be intentionally delayed the Allies so that Russia might be able to continue to bear the German War.  After the death of President Roosevelt in April, and finally the surrender of Germany in May 1945, President Truman met with the Allied leaders in Germany.  The containment policy against Soviet Union is also known as the Cold War foreign policy.  This policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to increase Communist influence. Therefore, I believe that we the Americans were justified in pursuing a containment strategy against the Soviets.  If we hadn’t of done this, America might very well be a Communist nation. The alliance between the US and Soviet Russia during WWII fell apart after WWII.  Stalin believed that the opening of a second front in Europe was going to be intentionally delayed the Allies so that Russia might be able to continue to bear the German War.  After the death of President Roosevelt in April, and finally the surrender of Germany in May 1945, President Truman met with the Allied leaders in Germany.  The containment policy against Soviet Union is also known as the Cold War foreign policy.  This policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to increase Communist influence. Therefore, I believe that we the Americans were justified in pursuing a containment strategy against the Soviets.  If we hadn’t of done this, America might very well be a Communist nation.

Supreme Court Ruling Analysis


The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices who are responsible for deciding whether or not laws are in line with the U.S. Constitution. These individuals serve life-long appointments once they are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate. Below is a list of some of the most controversial decisions in the last few decades by the Supreme Court. These cases are often mentioned by politicians during campaigns because the issues are still debated, even after the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Write an essay analyzing one of the following key Supreme Court rulings:

·  National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius

·  District of Columbia v. Heller

·  Roe v. Wade (abortion rights)

·  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

·  Obergefell v. Hodges

Your essay must ADDRESS:

Answer these questions to complete your analysis of your selected Supreme Court ruling.

·  Tell the reader which of the five key Supreme Court ruling you selected to analyze.

·  What was the law being challenged in the case?

·  Tell me any of the states or government entities that were part of the case.

·  Who was the Petitioner in the Case?

·  What was the Petitioner’s argument?

·  Who was Respondent?

·  What was the Respondent’s argument?

·  What part or parts of the Constitution were discussed in the case?

·  Why were those parts of the Constitution discussed in the case?

·  What was the final Supreme Court ruling

o  What was the final score of the case was (for example 5 to 4 or 7 to 2 or some other combo that, in most cases, adds up to 9)

o  What was the date that the case was decided?

o  Which side won, was it the petitioner or the respondent?

o  What did it mean that this particular side won?

·  This is the most important part of the assignment: how does this case currently impact your life and the lives of Americans? Explore the political and electoral consequences of the ruling. Don’t just say, for example in the case of Roe v. Wade, women can now have abortions because only a small percent of the population is of childbearing potential – how did the case impact everyone else more generally? Think about how even this current or most recent presidential election was impacted by the ruling you have analyzed.

·  Provide a reference list.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.


Comment on the following two posts separently. Focus on their arguments, new concepts you learned from their post, where you agree and disagree with their point, etc.


The end of the Cold War created the conditions for an effervescent political climate in the United States. Vice President George H. W. Bush run for President and won an easy victory against the Democratic Dukakis. President Bush reinforced the political landscape of the nation by establishing a new order that influenced international behaviors.

Although communist conflicts ceased in Europe, regional disputes flourished in Central America. President Bush conducted foreign police to reinforce the potency of the nation as the remaining superpower and its humanitarian character. Interventions in Panama to capture drug smuggler Noriega and the Operation Desert Storm, characterized President Bush’s procedures (Schaller, 1054). However, by 1992 Bush’s popularity decreased and the elections of 1992 presented a new President to the United States of America: Bill Clinton. The new president was a new kind of Democrat, with proposals that embraced new cultural trends. His administration took a more modern approach, which consisted of promoting globalization, a phenomenon that enhanced the nation’s economy, technological advance, and an alert state of mind against Islamic terrorism. Somalia, Yugoslavia, and Haiti represent a continuity of the humanitarian interventions of the 1990s as part of the foreign policy (Schaller, 1069).

Republicans and Democrats held disagreements in the post-Cold War period. Republicans gained control of Congress, which led to severe disputes with President Clinton’s policies. As a result, government shutdowns occurred. Although differences emanated between Democrats and Republicans, the President recognized a bipartisan agreement in his State of the Union address in 1996. They all agreed that the permanent deficit spending must end since it will balance the budget and benefits business and ordinary people (Source 30.3). Another step that brought Republicans and Democrats closer was the approval of the American Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) by the end of 1993, which created one of the world’s largest free trade zones (Schaller, 1064).


The end of Cold war between 1919 and 1991 came along with favorable political conditions for the U.S. Experts predicted that people would “soon adopt U.S and Western European values of free market, capitalism, representative government, free civil institutions, and the rule of law” (Schaller 1046). Nevertheless, the collapse of Eastern Europe did nor favor these expectations at all. The military intervention in the Western Hemisphere and the war against Iraq left civilians in deplorable conditions. During that time American people gave more importance to their economic livelihood than his foreign policy expertise, reason why they defeated president Bush for reelections in 1992. Consequently, the 46-year-old governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton was elected as president. 

    The “New Democrat” promised tax cuts for the middle class, reconstruction of the nations bridges, roads, and airports, and an ambitious plan to provide health insurance for everyone in the country (Schaller 1055). As soon after taking office he started to work on the numerous international conflicts. His foreign policy included the deployment of military force in many regions primarily for the purposes of protecting civilians, or armed humanitarian intervention, as the result of civil war, state collapse, or oppressive governments, which would occur in Somalia and Rwanda, in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Yugoslavia and in Haiti. Clinton also worked his foreign policy on long-running conflicts in Northern Ireland, and in the Middle East he successfully mediated the half-century-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians (Schaller 1069).

     Republicans and Democrats went trough serious disagreements during Bush and Clinton years. There were multiple shutdowns in the government because the Republicans didn’t agree with Clinton’s policies and had most of the Congress control. Nevertheless, policies and agreements like the “Bipartisan Agreement” and the “North American Free Trade Agreement” helped both parties cooperate and succeed (Schaller 1064).