paper 11

2 assignments 

the first one 

I want you to read the pages I POSTED (upload ) and answer these 4 question with a paragraph for each question , critical thinking . try to make it page and a half . double space . font 12 

– The most important information/key concepts we need to understand from these chapters are:

– How can I use the information in the chapters to help me with my daily mindfulness practice?

–  In what ways will the material learned in these chapters help me manage my stress more effectively?

–  What are your thoughts and feedback regarding the information and activities for each chapter?

assignment two: I have attached a sheet called mindful awareness  just fill it out with 2 sentence in each question .

The whole purpose of this assignment is to start getting in the frame of mind that when you encounter a stressor in life, you automatically default to this mindful model to help become responsive vs. reactive. Therefore, this is done weekly with that goal in mind. The chapters that you read can be an inspiration for your journal, however, you can apply your weekly journal to ANY mindful experience you choose to participate in, it doesn’t have to be directly linked to the chapter. Examples of what you may journal about: breathing, eating, cooking, walking, exercising, gardening, journaling, painting etc.

1. Acknowledge (describe the experience).

2. Intentional Attention (describe what each of your senses were experiencing during that moment).

3. Accept Without Judgment (discuss about how you were able to be present in that experience without any external filters or distractions and what that felt like).

4. Action Toward Change (write about what you learned as a result of this experience and how this experience made you more aware for the future).

5. Mindful Meditation Experience (Mindful Practice) write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences you had during or after your meditation experience.

Each of us is different so we will all have unique experiences and interpret the readings/materials in various ways. There is no right or wrong answer with this assignment. It is meant for you to practice learning mindfulness as part of your daily routine. As long as I can tell you are reading the course materials and are somehow relating it to what is happening in your daily life, what you decide to reflect on is up to you. It is your journal for personal growth and reflection! It is also kept private between student and instructor.



The readings are here:

1/ Please respond to these two comments in one paragraph each (which is about the reading) informal and direct way (like saying: I agree with you…. , that is a good answer but I have different opinion than yours which is I think …., what do you mean by …., or any think )

First comment:

In “The Storm”, it is difficult to say whether Kate Chopin is even trying to “say” anything to the readers. The story simply describes a rekindling of two former lovers who are overcome with their respective loves, lusts, and dreams in the heat of a moment. Since they had a relationship in the past, there is obviously going to be some feelings between the two that are always present. Although, Alcee does seem to resist entering the house at first, he eventually enters only because the storm begins to worsen and shows no signs of letting up. I would consider Alcee a good man, much like Bobinot, who just got caught up in a sudden urge when trying to comfort a worrying mother. Calixta also is initially standoffish against Alcee, but is soon too overwhelmed with her own passion. Clarixta may be perceived as a tramp, but I think her and Alcee are one in the same. I do think what they did was wrong, since they both commited an act of infidelity against their very respectable spouses.  This is a simple sequence of events where it is difficult to identify a message from the author. If there is a message, I think it is probably that no matter how good of a person you are, like Bobinot, something negative will inevitably occur in your life. Why should something like that occur to a good man who is likely committed to his spouse? In any case, the whole story can be summarized as a tale of sexual desire, with no real ramifications afterward, except for the aforementioned acts against the good Bobinot and Clarisse. 

Second comment: 

I don’t know what the author was “trying to say,” and I’m not convinced she was necessarily “trying to say” anything.  The story itself is interesting without a “message” or “moral” for the reader.

What does it do to the story to have a main character commit an act of infidelity against a man who seems to be pretty decent?  I think the story clearly establishes the following themes in the paragraphs leading up to and following the adultery:

pursuit of happiness: “So the storm passed and everyone was happy.” This sentence seems to ask the question: Is it wrong to do something that leads to everyone being happy?

freedom: Calixta and Alcee feel trapped in their relationships and remind each other of a time when they could/did do what they wanted.

gender roles: We see into Calixta’s and Alcee’s minds and feel the difference in their attitudes.  They express the roles they are written into.  Also, what does it say that this question prompt is phrased pointedly towards Calixta when Alcee is guilty of the same crime?

All of this contributes to the moral ambiguity that generates debate about what we think of Calixta.  This is an English class, not an Ethics class: the language that establishes these themes is more interesting to me than going back and forth about whether something is right or wrong.

Thank you 

Discussion Essay

The idea of sending people to Mars in hopes of colonizing the planet has long been out of the realm of possibilities but big thinkers like Elon Musk are determined to keep trying (link).

From what you have learned from this class:

  • Why is Mars considered so inhospitable?
  • What would be needed to ensure humans could survive on Mars? In particular, where would we get our food, our oxygen, our water and our energy?
  • If you were tasked with sending people to Mars, give a time-line of how they would get there, what would they bring, how long would they stay and what advice you would give anyone who wanted to go?

Make sure to:

  • Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words. 
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
  • Include at least 2 references in your discussion and cite your sources.
  • Do not plagiarize.
  • You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell check before hitting post!
  • As part of the assignment, you must also reply to ONE of your classmates with at least 150 words. You will have to POST FIRST to see your classmates’ postings. Make sure your replies are thoughtful and relevant to what your classmate has posted. Try to build the discussion and keep it going.

reply to student #1

Life on Mars? Never would I have thought to have any sort of life on Mars. Mars is a very cold and has no water type of place. There is this very toxic chemical compound called Perchlorate, which consists of salt and chlorine. This chemical is used a lot in rocket fuels, scientists have found that Perchlorate is produced in the soil from Mars. The soil Mars produces isn’t just Perchlorate is other chemicals we have yet to discover which could be even worse.

The article in the link states there would be a base by 2028. That is very emotional, I believe humans will make it livable. There is this light that kills the type of bacteria or chemical that is produced in Mars. Having a base full of supplies will be one logic idea so the people there would survive. The water will be used the same way we use in on Earth, since Mars has gravity. The oxygen can be split into parts to breathe and survive, it should be stored in the base for emergency reasons as well. Regarding the food, I believe plant based would be ideal and easy to store on the base. Maybe when killing the bacteria, the Martians could grow some type of vegetable.

My main advice to the selected few people heading to Mars would be curious. Being 21 and older if a must/ If you aren’t curious, I wouldn’t persuade you to go. Another advice would be creative and resourceful, we will need very enthusiastic and creative people to attend.  Staying in Mars for six months would be more than enough time to experience and encounter with Mars. It is enough time for the person to adapt and see how to make Mars a place to occasionally visit to make it a livable place, if that makes sense. With the technology we have and will have in the future, Life on Mars is a more believable idea than ever now.


Analyzing a Published Work

 (Need in 5 hours)

One of the most important skills you will use throughout your career and personal life is analytical thinking. Analytical thinking requires you to identify the purpose or intent of a document, and determine whether the assertions or claims are valid and reasonable.

This assignment will help you to develop the skills necessary to determine the meaning found within a text. You will find an op/ed piece from an online newspaper, then write an essay in which you analyze the article. The intent of this essay is not to argue for or against the content; instead, you are analyzing what the article does in terms of purpose, approach, and effectiveness.

*Note that no one writes a polished essay in a single sitting. Start early and give yourself time for multiple revisions.

Step 1:

Go to an online newspaper website such as:

·        Chicago Tribune

·        The Kansas City Star

·        The New York Times

Find an article in the Op/ED (Opinion/Editorial) section that is argumentative in nature.

Step 2:

Analyze the article using the following questions as a guide.

1.   What is the purpose of the text? In other words, what does the author want his or her readers to believe and/or do after reading the article?

2.   What strategies does the author use to achieve his/her purpose? Does the author use facts, examples, experiences, logic, assumptions, data, sources, expert opinion, and so on to prove his or her position? Be sure to give examples. You could also try to determine if the position is presented as more of a Classical argument or a Rogerian argument.

3.   What are the strengths and weaknesses of the approach the author used? Do you detect bias that is unreasonable? Does the author use unreasonable assertions, stereotypes, or faulty information to make his or her points? Does the author place the opposition in an unfair light? Does the author distort the arguments of those who disagree? Does the author fail to recognize the weaknesses in his or her own position? Does the author leave out important information? Does the author back up his or her assertions with evidence, or does he or she simply make assumptions? What would most improve the argument? Explain your answers.

Remember, you are not arguing for or against the content of the article you choose; you are analyzing how the author supports the claims that are made. Your analysis consists of identifying the author’s purpose, and determining whether the strategies used by the author are reasonable.  Be objective.

1.     To be clear: Your readers should not know what your position is about the subject. 

2.     Do not include personal opinion or personal judgments about the subject matter.

3.     Do not include personal narrative.

Step 3:

Analysis Checklist – Use these questions to evaluate your essay against the assignment requirements

1.     Does the source article discuss a current controversial topic?

2.     Does you analysis identify the argument (point of view)?

3.     Does your analysis use effective transitions as it progresses from paragraph to paragraph?

4.     Does your analysis avoid personal opinion, casual language, or first or second person language (I or You)?

5.     Is the analysis complete? Does information need to be added or deleted to complete the assignment?

6.     Does this analysis meet the assignment criteria?

Use APA Format for this assignment: This analysis should be presented in the form of a single essay, complete with a title page, an introduction, three body paragraphs (purpose, approach, and effectiveness), a conclusion, and a full References page.

Your analysis should meet the following criteria:

1.     Is based on a current topic and/or event;

2.    Should have title page, abstract (if used), and References page;

3.     Includes direct quotations and paraphrased passages from the text;

4.     Uses attributive tags that not only work to convey the mood of the writer, but establish him or her as an authority in the field of study;

5.     Avoids personal opinion;

6.     Is written clearly, concisely, and accurately;

7.     Is written solely in third-person;

8.     Includes a References page;

9.     Has been closely edited so that it contains few or no mechanical errors;

10.  Is ordered with a title page, an introduction, three body paragraphs (purpose, approach, and effectiveness), a conclusion, and a full References page.

View your assignment rubric.

writing paper  

These are 10 articles, I want a summary of each no more than 1 paragraph in 24 hours 

I want it to be very SIMPLE words but very good grammer