essay conclusion

How to write a strong essay conclusion

How to write a strong essay conclusion

Many students find writing an engaging essay conclusion to essays a challenge. The essay writing process can also be challenging. These include choosing an great essay topic, writing the thesis statement, beginning an essay and outlining it. We have shared some tips and tricks to help you overcome them and write an essay that stands out. Now it’s our turn to deal with the elephant in the room. We have skinned all of the deer and left only the tail. Let’s stop with the analogies. Let’s get to the point.

Every student dreams of impressing their professor or instructor, which can guarantee them an A. An essay concluding paragraph is one way to do this. This comprehensive guide to conclusion paragraph writing, outline, examples, and tips is so strong that you can use it even to learn how to write a conclusion to your research paper.

These are the top tips from our top writers. Read the following sections to learn how to write essay conclusions like a pro.

What is an essay conclusion?

Let’s start by understanding what an essay conclusion looks like. A conclusion, also known as the closing paragraph or concluding paragraph, is, in simple terms:

The final paragraph of any essay, term paper, research paper or other college paper (term papers, research papers, thesis, statement-of-purpose, dissertation, report etc.) is the most important. The conclusion paragraph summarizes the main arguments and thesis statements in an academic paper. It is meant to help readers understand the overall theme of the essay. The conclusion paragraph distinguishes between audience and non-audience.

  • It is important to know how to close an essay.
  • The conclusion is the final point in your essay.
  • This concludes your essay and highlights the main points.
  • It is intended to be an introduction for serious audiences. Sometimes, professors and instructors will read the introduction first, then skim through the body of the essay.
  • Your essay conclusion is your chance to impress your readers. It gives you the opportunity to tell them what the paper was about.
  • The essay conclusion usually answers the question “So what?” Or What next?
  • This allows your audience to connect with your ideas after they have finished reading your essay.
  • You must also end the paper on a high note.

Don’t forget that a conclusion is not your chance to present new ideas. It is your chance to wrap up your writing. You will need to reiterate your thesis, summarize the main arguments and grab your readers’ attention one more time. That’s it!

Outline/Anatomy a Closing/Concluding Paragraph

Whether you’re writing an academic paper or an essay research paper, the conclusion anatomy remains the same. The appropriate word limit for essay conclusions varies depending on whether it is an academic paper or essay. Your conclusion should not exceed 10% of the total word count. This rule applies to both your introduction and essay. Your conclusion should be a skeleton.

1. Essay Conclusion Signal or Starter

This sentence sets the tone for the paragraph. This is where you should reiterate the thesis of the essay. Instead, paraphrase or reinvent the thesis statement.

Or instance, if your thesis read Children should not be exposed to violent parents. Then, the first line of your conclusion, or the conclusion signal, should read Violent parents can affect children psychologically, socially and sometimes spiritually. It is necessary to stop them from interfacing with the kids.

2. Summary of the main arguments

Your main arguments should be summarized in 2-3 sentences. Next, connect the ideas to the thesis statement. Then, explain how the arguments relate to your thesis.

  1. Conclusion sentence/clincher

This is the final sentence of your essay, or any paper. This is an excellent way to close the essay and connect your readers with the ideas in the introduction. It is not a place to add new ideas. Sometimes it is a reflection on the main ideas.

A clincher is a crucial part of writing a strong conclusion. The clincher should inspire your reader to have a different view of the topic you are discussing in your essay. Your paper should also trigger emotions that signal closure.

Three steps to successfully writing an essay conclusion without failing

Here are some steps to take to make sure your conclusion stands out.

Step 1: As your conclusion signal, state your thesis.

A conclusion is more effective, as we will see in the article. It signals to your reader that the essay is over by returning to the main argument. This authentically saves you from the embarrassment caused by using the clichA(c), conclusion transition words that we have highlighted in this guide.

You are not repeating your thesis statement. Instead, you will rephrase or reinvent your thesis statement so that it is clear from the introduction to the body paragraphs.

Step 2: Reexamine your main arguments

The next step is to remind your reader/audience of the key arguments that you used in your essay.

Avoid summarizing the body sections. Instead, focus on bringing together your key points in order to create a connection between the thesis, the body paragraphs and the introduction.

It is the conclusion that demonstrates how paragraphs work together to support your thesis.

Step 3: Link the conclusion to the topic or thesis

Now, you need to conclude your conclusion by explaining how it is important to your reader. You should now have a wider view of your topic. Consider the implications of the arguments you make in your essay. You should examine the application of your arguments in multiple contexts. Also, consider the connections between your arguments and themes or debates. Finally, think about whether your arguments answer particular questions. It is also possible to check if the conclusion helps you understand the topic, and if it echoes or predicts the main points.

No matter the topic of your essay or the type of essay, the conclusion must emphasize your argument and link it to the real world. You will get an excellent grade if your essay concludes on a strong note, with a decisive sentence or a clincher.

Take a look at the examples in this guide to learn how to write conclusion paragraphs.

What to avoid in your Essay Conclusion

Your conclusion should be able to take readers from your world into their own. But there are some things it doesn’t. Your conclusion does not have to be something that everyone hates. These are some things that can make your essay conclusion useless.

1. Do not dwell on the summarizing of facts

Your conclusion should not only summarize the main arguments of your essay. You can simply rephrase your thesis in a new format, highlight the main ideas of the body, and end with a positive tone.

You don’t necessarily have to reiterate your supporting arguments if you’re writing a brief essay. The readers will see that you have only copied the paragraphs in the body.

2. Avoid falling for clichés

Yes, we have all heard terms such as In conclusion, to summarize, in summary, or to sum up. There are so many ending cliches. These phrases are great for presentations but introducing your conclusion in this manner can be demeaning for an audience. Your readers will already recognize the signs that your essay is finished. Reminding them that the sweet essay is over is annoying. Don’t do what is obvious. Be different.

3. Do Not Apologize!

After you have completed a research project and written an essay, it is not uncommon to feel like an imposter. It is normal to feel overwhelmed by knowledge but only a small portion of what you have learned in writing an essay should not worry you. If this happens, you will fall prey to the temptation to write a poor conclusion, which can ruin what could otherwise be a brilliant essay. Do not doubt the content of the essay if you are unsure. Do not undermine your authority by suggesting alternative approaches, demeaning the arguments or claiming inferiority.

4. Don’t introduce new ideas

Your conclusion paragraph should tie back to your arguments. However, it is important not to introduce new arguments, opinions or ideas. Your conclusion should not contain new ideas. These ideas can take away your marks from the previous paragraphs. They could be the reason that you fail to pass or score an average essay. Instead of thinking up new ideas, you can only reflect on what has been done.

5. Refrain from repeating the thesis

Rehashing your thesis is not a good strategy for closing. This is similar to starting your closing paragraph using overused phrases. Do not repeat the instructions word-for-word. This will confuse your reader and show that you’re not as creative than you have been in the body paragraphs.

If you do your conclusion well, it should demonstrate progression and dynamism. This cannot be achieved if the thesis is repeated. Even if the essay is short, a serious audience will notice it.

This is the reason that most students do better in the body and introduction paragraphs, but not well enough for the conclusion. Students are therefore more likely to get poor grades. If you have to eat the cake, make sure you start at the bottom. That is the essence of good essay writing.

Examples and styles of Essay Conclusion paragraphs

Students have a variety of options when it comes to writing the conclusion paragraphs for college papers.

1. Moving up

You have the option to either emphasize the main point of your essay, or write it from a different perspective depending on the context. This strategy allows your readers to see the topic from a different perspective. You also have the opportunity to combine your new ideas with your existing arguments, especially if your readers don’t already share your viewpoint. This creates meaning.

Example: Let’s say you write about the topic “Should we beat children?” A good conclusion could be:

Thesis statement : Children shouldn’t be beat, but rather talked to.

Example of essay conclusion: Physical Punishment is an appropriate and useful method for disciplining people in many cultures ( Restated thesis). However, it shouldn’t be used as a last resort for parents caring for children. Peace at home is essential to create a peaceful world. Teaching children to talk and not shout could help the world accept mediation and arbitration as a way of solving conflicts.

This excellent essay conclusion example clearly shows that the writer is linking conflict resolution to child punishment. Your readers will be astonished at your creativity if you offer a wider perspective.

Another example:

Topic Should dangerous sports be prohibited?

Thesis Statement: Dangerous Sports should not be banned. Instead, extra safety precautions are taken.

Conclusion Sports make our society healthier. Safety strategies must be developed that minimize injuries and accidents. It is also crucial to make sure that sports remain exciting, challenging, and fun.

These examples show how to end an essay that is persuasive. Let’s take a look at what you can do when echoing your essay.

2. Echoing the introduction technique

Paraphrasing your entire essay introduction is another common strategy. To help you understand the topic better, you could paraphrase your entire essay introduction. This strategy can be used to support your argument. You can’t simply repeat the introduction paragraph. To show that your paper is a new understanding of your topic, you must tie in the ideas you have mentioned in your introduction paragraph. Here’s an example:


The internet can be beneficial in nearly every area of society, as the covid-19 pandemic proved. You can overlook the occasional pitfalls to make the most of the many applications that the internet has in society. The internet has allowed people to navigate through difficult times, such as when they were unable to meet in person, by connecting to their businesses, doctors, and even learning centers. It allows for flexibility and timeliness, and it also breaks down geographical barriers. Despite its flaws, the internet has proved to be resilient to human society. It is here to stay forever. Instead of moving further, it should be prioritized.


The internet’s invention was a significant milestone in society. This is now confirmed by the COVID-19 global pandemic. It could have been dangerous for the world to stop moving, but the internet provided alternatives to many aspects of daily life. The internet would allow people to work from home, students could still take exams and attend lectures, and all businesses could operate online. Even though everyone believed the internet would not be helpful, even those who initially resisted, the pandemic reaffirmed the belief that the internet was the way forward for humanity in terms of finding solutions.

3. Predictive conclusion strategy

Your conclusion can be written so that it highlights the importance of your essay and gives your readers something to take away, mentally. To have a predictive effect, you can include the power words In case, if and when.


While we must ensure that the animals used to test new products are not suffering excessively, it is clear that animal testing is beneficial for humans in many ways. Stakeholders should consider switching to alternative methods to animal testing if they are feasible.

4. Challenging your readers

Your essay can be concluded by challenging your readers. This helps to redirect the information and applies it to the issues surrounding them.


Although serving on a jury is an enjoyable experience, and not a civic duty, many people see jury duty as something that interrupts their daily lives. Juries are an American promise to achieve a just society. If you are given the chance to take on jury duty, you should do so as a responsible citizen.

We can all agree that the conclusion is the most difficult part of writing an essay. Your essay conclusion should be considered a delicate part of the essay. Its purpose is similar to a memorable speech, or a presentation that leaves an audience feeling high.

How well an essay concludes will determine its meaning and power. The conclusion should not be a repeat of the introduction, summary of the paragraphs in the body, or the addition of new facts. Consider it a sales pitch for the essay.

Your conclusion paragraph should connect the main points of the essay, highlight your main arguments, and leave readers impressed. If you are stuck in writing any part of your essay, including essay conclusion, do not hesitate. You can place your order at for professional essay writing services.


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