Prior to completing this discussion assignment, students should have read and understand the concepts discussed in the textbook’s (Applying Quality Management) chapters 9-13. Students should follow these instructions:
- (30 points) Create an initial post by day 3. The initial post should be at least 200 words long (but it can be longer), and at minimum, it should these guidelines (but more can be discussed if the student desires):
- (30 of 30) Chapter 10 discusses data analytics. As students make progress through higher levels, data analytics is a topic that will most likely become almost unavoidable. The book describes descriptive analytics as answering these questions:
- What is happening?
- How often and where is it happening?
- What may be causing the results?
- When should action be taken?
For this discussion, select a problem or topic (that is healthcare related) and describe how descriptive analytics could be used to resolve the topic in focus. See an abbreviated example below for assistance.
What is happening?, How often and where is it happening?
“Many people today are using Fitbit fitness trackers. The tracker’s built in goal is for the user to take 10,000 steps per day.”
What may be causing the results?, When should action be taken?
“How do we know 10,000 steps per day truly makes us healthier? I think we should study some users who take 10,000 steps per day and explore if those users truly are healthier than people who do not take 10,000 steps per day. ”
The easiest way to complete this portion of the assignment is to think of something that annoys you in today’s healthcare system and focus on how the issue can be resolved using data. This is a springboard assignment for students who are considering obtaining a Master’s or doctoral degree.
Not the problem does not have to be solved in this discussion, but a problem has to be presented along with a descriptive data could be used to solve it.