Federal Response during Disaster
How does FEMA define a major disaster for the purpose of making a declaration? Do you think a major disaster declaration should be available for all disasters? Why or why not?Declarations are broken into two categories. Emergency declarations and major disaster declarations. These declarations are need authorization from the President to further supplemental disaster efforts (Dept. of Homeland Security, 2018). Emergency declarations determination by the president supplements resources to state, local, or Indian tribal governments. Resources include emergency services, protection, property, public health, and safety (Dept. of Homeland Security, 2018). The total amount of assistance per emergency can not exceeded $5 million. Major disaster declarations can be made by the president for any natural event, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods. The president determines if severity is beyond capabilities of state and local government. This offers a wide range of federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure (Dept. of Homeland Security, 2018). I do think that a major disaster declaration should be available for all disasters that fits these categories. Depending upon the severity of the situation, local and or state governments may be handle emergency response efforts. Only after local and state resources face exhausting or deemed incapable of handling response efforts should such declarations be made. What are the ethical issues faced while enacting quarantine? What are the legal issues faced while enacting quarantine? Is it ethical to quarantine patients against their will? Why or why not?Quarantine is ethical in cases where less restrictive methods to protect the public from threats are not possible. It is applied to all persons at risk, regardless of social standings or class. Four major ethical principles affected are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. A quarantine patient due to risk of communicable disease must be cared for by health officials in a manner that is consistent with the four ethics principles (Reed, 2015). Legal implications could be a result of public resistance and lack of trust. The standard of care and legitimacy of quarantine can be in jeopardy if the community does not uphold theses standards (Reed, 2015). How does EMTALA apply in disaster situations? Should there be any exceptions to EMTALA in a disaster situation? Why or why not?EMTALA is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay (ACEP, 2016). The law did not any exceptions for large scale disasters, leading to emergency departments being unable to meet obligations. After the attacks of 9/11 and anthrax, congress acknowledged inadequacies of the law and took action to clarify (Gravely, Whaley & Sanders, 2007). Subsequent actions lead to regulatory exception of EMTALA requirements during specific disasters and emergencies (Gravely, Whaley & Sanders, 2007). Without exceptions, healthcare providers would be held liable of the transfer of patients and redirections. References:ACEP. (2016). EMTALA. Retrieved from of Homeland Security. (2018, Jan 8). FEMA: The disaster declaration process. Retrieved from, S., Whaley, E., Sanders, T. (2007, Mar 2). EMTALA compliance in disaster circumstances. Retrieved from, M. (2015, May 6). Quarantine: ethical considerations for public health officials. Retrieved from