hmgt 400 assignment
Assignment #3: Quantitative Analysis Part 2 (14% of the grade)
For this assignment, students will be given data from a quantitative analysis and will be asked to analyze it using RStuido, SPSS, STATA, SAS or any other software (your choice).
Data set:
Medicare National Data by County
Students will develop an analysis report, in five main sections, including introduction, research method (research questions/objective, data set, research method, and analysis), results, conclusion and health policy recommendations. This is 5-6 page individual project.
Here are the main steps for this assignment.
Step 1:
Comparing average annual percent of diabetic Medicare enrollees age 65-75 having eye examination between B and W.
Data set:
Minnesota Healthcare Database.xlsx
Medicare National Data by County
MN Hospital Report Data by Care Unit FY2013
MN HCCIS Imaging Procedures 2013
Step 2: Develop the research question and
Step 3: Run the analysis using RStudio and report the findings using the assignment instruction.