The Impact of Science and Research on Healthcare Practice


Choose one of the following to complete:

Option a) Illustrate the impact of scientific principles and practiceson a healthcare situation.

Description: Discuss how scientific principles and research affect the practice of your medical occupational specialty on a daily basis. Your discussion should include a) four scientific principles and/or practices, b) examples from the literature or from personal experience that illustrate their application, and c) a discussion of their value, i.e., how would patient care or healthcare in general be different without them? You may illustrate your response with actual or hypothetical situations or present a generic overview. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed for anonymity.


Option b) Illustrate the use of research practices and findings in healthcare.

Description: Discuss how research principles and practices affect the practice of your medical occupational specialty on a daily basis. Your discussion should include a) four research practices and/or findings, b) examples from the literature or from personal experience that illustrate their application, and c) a discussion of their value, i.e., how would patient care or healthcare in general be different without them? You may illustrate your response with actual or hypothetical situations or present a generic overview. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed for anonymity.


Options a or b: 2–6 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc., APA, 2 references

Unit 10-A Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points (Assignment Option A)

Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student
Analyze four scientific principles and/or practices in healthcare   0–60  
Provide examples that illustrate their value to healthcare practice 0–40  
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.
Adjusted total points
Instructor Feedback:  

*Instructor will also leave feedback comments within Assignment paper.  

Unit 10-B Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points (Assignment Option B)  

Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student
Analyze four research practices and/or findings in healthcare   0–60  
Provide examples that illustrate their value to healthcare practice 0–40  
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.
Adjusted total points
Instructor Feedback:  


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