Criminal Investigation Joshua
. The Questioned Documents Unit (QDU) provides forensic support to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies by conducting examinations on evidence collected during their investigation as well as expert testimony concerning information contained in the reports. The Cryptanalysis and Racketeering Records Unit (CRRU) supports law enforcement by assisting in the analysis of cryptic communications such as codes found in letters, notes and diaries (
After an individual is arrested, I will obtain fingerprints and photographs of the subject and complete a number of forms that are used to start a criminal file on the subject. I will use the Buccal Collection DNA test kit provided by the FBI on my subject. Once completed properly and submitted to the FBI, the kit will be sent to the Federal DNA Database Unit (FDDU). The FDDU will take the DNA test kit and upload it into NDIS creating a DNA profile for my subject. The subject’s DNA profile will be searched against unknown forensic profiles from crime scenes across the country. If my subject’s DNA matches with another crime from another state he can be charged for that crimes as well. In my opinion this is the most important service the FBI has. This allows all agencies to communicate and share information based off of DNA evidence. The flaw is that they need the criminal to be apprehended and processed in order for the DNA to be in the system.
In Knoxville Tennessee, FBI Emergency Response agents train how to excavate a body at the Body Farm. The agents pair up in teams with forensic anthropologists to learn how to best identify and excavate human remains to preserve the clues and pieces of evidence that decaying bodies may leave behind. The weeklong training gives agents step by step instructions while surprising the agents with twists and surprises during their excavations. This was very interesting to me because it helps put things into perspective. Teaches them to put the victim first, which will motivate them to slow down, be methodical with their techniques and be very thorough because it only can be done once.
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