Sociology of Race and Ethic Relations

Latinos: the question of Pan-ethnicity 

How new pan-ethnic identities are formed? How Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Dominicans and other Latino sub-groups develop a new identity that is different to their “national identities”? This is the writing assignment that you are expected to do for this learning unit. You will write a 500 words (OR MORE)  message addressing these questions:

After viewing the video clip:

“Who is a Chicano?”(,

reading the book chapter 9: ( and the three short articles:


·        “At the Crossroads, Latinos in the New Millennium” by Rubén Martínez


·        “Is There Such a Thing as Latino Identity?” by Otto Santa Ana


·        “What It Means to Be Latino” by Clara Rodríguez


After reading these materials you are expected to answer these questions:


What cultural elements seem to “unite” Latinos living in the US? Do Latinos constitute a pan-ethnic group or are they too diverse to be a united group of people? In your posting you need to compare and discuss the views of Rubén Martínez, Otto Santa Ana and Clara Rodríguez. In addition, I would like to hear your opinion about the video clip “Who is a Chicano?.”

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