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Second Nonverbal Journal Analysis (15%)
You will keep a journal in which you describe and analyze a nonverbal communication event that occurred in your life or that you observed. You may NOT use a movie or television clip, but rather an actual real life experience that you had. Use an experience that you actually participated in personally. Your assignment should be a minimum of three full single spaced pages using a size 12 Times New Roman font. Your journal entry should specifically address the nonverbal categories of physical appearance, kinesics, facial behavior, eye behavior, vocal behavior, touch, space/ territoriality/proxemics, and environment/space including olfactics. The journal entry should revolve around one of your daily life experiences and should clearly demonstrate your knowledge of course material and your ability to apply what you have learned in your analysis of your nonverbal communication event. Your submission should be rich with terminology, classifications, theories, styles, research findings, etc. and how they specifically relate to your nonverbal communication event. Use in-text APA citations where appropriate. Please take a look at the attached file that contains a high quality sample second journal entry.
For this assignment you must analyze a personal situation when nonverbal behavior played a significant role or somehow caught your attention. You may not use the same personal situation that you used in your first nonverbal journal analysis. You must select a new situation.
The journal entry should include:
1. Title Page: A separate title page with the title of your paper, your name, SPCH 472, and the date (pagination beginning in the upper right hand corner) consistent with APA format
2. Description of Nonverbal Experience: A detailed description of the nonverbal experience (the situation ) – do not provide analysis just a sound description of the interaction -at least ½ page
3. Nonverbal Communication Analysis: Your analysis of how nonverbal communication relates to this situation (apply what you have learned from the Weekly Learning Resources, discussions, and weekly powerpoint slides to the experience – specifically examining physical appearance, kinesics, facial behavior, eye behavior, vocal behavior, touch, space/ territoriality/proxemics, and environment/space including olfactics. Be sure to use APA in-text citations to reference the text. You must cite a minimum of 10 sources (stronger papers will use more) from the Weekly Learning Resources and weekly PowerPoint slideshows. You may use a few outside sources if necessary (this is not a requirement), but the vast majority of your material should come from the eResources/PowerPoint slideshows provided in the classroom. Also highlight or bold the concepts, principles, theories, etc. from the weekly learning resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides – at least 2 full pages
4. Personal Response/Reaction Explanation: What your response/reaction was to the situation and why -What were your thoughts and perceptions? How did you react verbally and/or nonverbally? Why did you respond or react in such a manner? –at least ¼ page
5. Lessons Learned/The Big Picture: What you learned about the codes (all the nonverbal categories that you examined) and how it applies to the situation? Most importantly, present the big picture of what this taught you about nonverbal communication- Be sure to address each nonverbal code individually –at least ¼ page
6. Reference Page: This page should be in APA format and contain full references for all of the sources that you specifically cited in the body of your paper. Only those sources cited in the body of your paper should be found on your references page.
Use the following four required subheading in your submission:
Description of Nonverbal Experience:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis:
Personal Response/Reaction Explanation:
Lessons Learned/The Big Picture:
You will lose points for not meeting the above requirements.
You will also use points if:
your paper is not single spaced (nothing should be double spaced including headings/subheadings)
you did not use a size 12 Times New Roman font
you neglect to include a title page
you do not use proper APA in-text citations for referencing the Weekly Learning Resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides (both in-text and reference page citations)
every theory, term, classification, research finding etc. from the course readings (Weekly Learning Resources and Weekly Powerpoint slides) was not in bold
you do not use the four required headings (as noted above)
highlight/bold the concepts, principles, theories, etc. from the weekly learning resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides
you do not meet the minimum page requirements for each section (you may be over the page requirement, but not under)
your submission contains errors, typos, awkwardly worded sentences, etc.
you choose a nonverbal communication event that lacks depth and does not lend itself to a rich analysis of the specific areas of nonverbal communication (noted above)
each of the areas of nonverbal communication (noted above) are not specifically and descriptively examined in your communication event
You did not cite a minimum of 10 sources from the Weekly Learning Resources and weekly PowerPoint slideshows.
your work is not submitted by the due date (20% deduction)
Late submissions are only accepted up until one week after the due date. A 20% deduction occurs whether it is submitted one minute or up to one week late. If you edit your paper after the due date, it is considered late.
Point Breakdown:
1. Description of Nonverbal Experience: 2.5 points possible
A detailed description of the nonverbal experience (the situation)
Be sure to include any necessary background information
Do not provide analysis – just a sound description of the interaction
This section must be at least ½ page-You may be over, but not under the page requirement.
2. Nonverbal Communication Analysis: 10 points possible
Your analysis of how nonverbal communication relates to this situation (apply what you have learned in from the Weekly Learning Resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides to the experience
Explicitly and in a descriptive manner exame each of the following nonverbal categories: physical appearance, kinesics, facial behavior, eye behavior, vocal behavior, touch, space/ territoriality/proxemics, and environment/space including olfactics
Use proper APA in-text citations to reference the weekly Learning Resources (eResources) and Powerpoint presentations and provide a reference page with full and proper APA citations after the Lesssons Learned/The Big Picture section
Cite at least 10 eResources and weekly PowerPoint slide presentations (appropriately link the readings/slides to the nonverbal behaviors you observed)
Highlight/bold the concepts, principles, theories, etc. from the weekly learning resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides
This section must be at least 2 pages -You may be over, but not under the page requirement.
3. Personal Response/Reaction Explanation: 1 point possible
What your response/reaction was to the situation and why
What were your thoughts and perceptions?
How did you react verbally and/or nonverbally?
Why did you respond or react in such a manner?
This section must be at least 1/4 page -You may be over, but not under the page requirement.
4. Lessons Learned/The Big Picture: 1.5 points possible
What you learned about the codes (all the nonverbal categories that you examined) and how it applies to the situation?
Most importantly, present the big picture of what this taught you about nonverbal communication
This section must be at least 1/4 page -You may be over, but not under the page requirement.
your paper is not single spaced (nothing should be double spaced including headings/subheadings) -.5 point
your paper did not highlight/bold the concepts, principles, theories, etc. from the weekly learning resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides -.5 point
you neglect to include a title page -.5 point
you do not use proper APA in-text and reference page citations for referencing the Weekly Learning Resources, discussions, and weekly PowerPoint slides -up to -1.5 points
every theory, term, classification, research finding etc. from the course readings (Weekly Learning Resources and Weekly Powerpoint slides) was not in bold -up to 1 point
you do not use the four required headings (as noted above) -1 point
you do not meet the minimum page requirements for each section (you may be over the page requirement, but not under) -there is a 1.25 point deduction for every 1/4 page that you are below the requirement -thus if you submit only two pages there is a 5 point deduction
your submission contains errors, typos, awkwardly worded sentences, etc. -up to 2 points
you did not use a size 12 Times New Roman font -.5 point
you choose a nonverbal communication event that lacks depth and does not lend itself to a rich analysis of the 9+ areas of nonverbal communication – up to 2 points
each of the 9+ areas of nonverbal communication are not specifically and descriptively examined in your communication event -up to 3 points
You did not cite a minimum of 10 sources from the Weekly Learning Resources and weekly PowerPoint slideshows. – up to 3 points
your work is not submitted by the due date (20% deduction) -3 points