100 words – Due Sept.29 by 2 pm US Central Time



Use this reference also: Appelrouth, S., & Edles, L. D. (2010). Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings (2 ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

in response to the below do at least ONE of these:  offering advice or strategy; posing a question and providing an alternative point-of-view, 

Forum to reply to: 

Sam – 

I found this week’s reading very interesting, things we all too often take for granted play a far larger role in our day to day than I realized.  According to our text: “Phenomenologists and ethnomethodologists analyze the taken-for-granted everyday world that is the basis for all human conduct.” (p. 262) One of the concepts that is key to phenomenology’s main goal of explaining how people actively produce and sustain meaning is Schutz’s stocks of knowledge. “Stocks of knowledge (Erfahrung) provide actors with rules for interpreting interactions, social relationships, organizations, institutions, and the physical world. This is the “lower stratum” of consciousness that does not receive a “reflective glance”; it consists of what has already been experienced and is thus taken for granted (ibid.:80).” (p. 265) Our interpretations of things that go on around us is what produce and sustain meaning for us.  The text pointed out that no two people can be in the exact same place, with the exact same view, at the exact same time…and even if they could, what they get from that experience would be completely different because they have gone through their own separate life experiences.  

   In terms of my stock of knowledge on marriage, it comes from what I have learned over my lifetime.  It takes largely from my parents’ marriage as that is the one I draw most of my experience from.  I am not married myself so my stocks of knowledge come from other’s marriages.  This translates to my everyday life because in influences my relationships and the expectations I have for my partner and myself, this my be subconscious at times as well.  Even though I am not married I can absolutely see where my stock of knowledge about marriage has indeed affected my relationship; from things I am will to tolerate to communication skills, what a “health” marriage is and what a dysfunctional one is.  For example, both my grandparents’ and my parents’ marriage have lasted over 30years (my grandparents much longer than that..); and this has made me want the same, to find someone who I can see myself with for 30, 50, or more years and it makes my work harder in my relationship to keep a happy healthy one with longevity.  


Appelrouth, S., & Edles, Laura D.. (2011). Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

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