Read Chapter 9 and choose only one “Case study” to answer the “Case study Questions”. Make sure when you answer the Case study questions, you need to use reference (ch9 articles) to support your idea. You also can add a short reflection (you opinion) in the end. Totally, no more than 1 page.


I also have 2 more Case study writing in next few days. I will contact you after you done Chapter 9.


Also in the end, I have a final paper need to write. I will tell you more detail after you do this 3 Case study writing.




The discussion forum tool will be used to consider the case studies included in the textbook. You must contribute once to all five forums, answering the questions in the textbook associated with a chosen case study. You may choose whatever case study you like, but each post must come from a different chapter. You will be graded on thoroughness and depth of your answers.


You can get to the forums through the link on the menu, or through a Lessons module. The following are directions for each forum post. For each case study forum, post a detailed and carefully considered response to one case study. Case studies can be found at the end of each chapter in your textbook. Each case study is followed by a few questions. The following are requirements for each submission:


  • When you “Start a New Conversation” in each forum, title your post with the case number and page (e.g. “CASE 10.4, page 446”)
  • Answer the questions following the case study you chose
  • Add additional thoughts inspired by one or more readings from the associated chapter
  • Choose a different chapter (not just a different case study) for each forum (in other words, you will discuss, all together, five case studies from five different chapters)
  • Your post should be thoughtful, in-depth, specific, and reference a reading from the associated chapter
  • Replies to other students are not required

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