Edu 4303 Week 5 Discussion
Article: Lewin, T. (2010, January 20). If your children are awake, then they’re probably online. The New York Times, p. A1.
Retrieved from the ProQuest Central database.In this article, the author summarizes the findings of a Kaiser Family Foundation study tracking the time youths spend using electronic devices including computers, cell phones, and televisions. Focus on what the study shows about children’s consumption of technology, and what effects this consumption might have on young people.
Web Resource: Rideout, V. J., Foehr, U. G., & Roberts, D. F. (2010). Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8- to 18-year olds. Retrieved from the Kaiser Family Foundation website:
Read pp. 1–5 and 9–14 only
In these sections of the Kaiser Family Foundation report, the overall media use of young people is presented and analyzed. Focus on the key findings regarding media use and media ownership of children.
Article: Celano, D., & Neuman, S. D. (2010). Roadblocks on the information highway. Educational Leadership, 68(3), 50–53.
Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.In this article, the authors discuss the digital divide, which refers to the lack of exposure to technology that many low-income children experience. Focus on implications of, reasons for, and possible solutions to the digital divide.
Article: Jansen, B. A. (2010). Internet filtering 2.0: Checking intellectual freedom and participative practices at the schoolhouse door. Knowledge Quest, 39(1), 46–53.
Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.In this article, Barbara Jansen examines how safety laws and Internet filters affect the use of technology in schools. Focus on federal Internet requirements for schools and how the need for safety has resulted in controversy over intellectual freedom.
As this week’s Learning Resources show, the use of media and technology continues to grow among school-age children. According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, children between the ages of 8–10 spend almost 5.5 hours a day consuming media, while children ages 11–14 spend over 8.5 hours consuming media each day. These developments have inevitably raised questions about how media use affects children’s development and whether or not limits should be placed on the time children spend consuming media. In this Discussion, you will consider what place technology and media should assume in the lives of children. Reflect on the following:
- What role do you think technology/media should play in the lives of school-age children? Specifically:
- How and to what extent should technology/media be used for educational purposes? For example, should teachers integrate technology as much as possible in their lessons? Should parents encourage children to study using educational software and the Internet? Or are more traditional learning methods preferable?
- How and to what extent should technology/media be used for recreational purposes? For example, are video games, television, and online virtual play spaces acceptable forms of entertainment for children? Or do you think children spend too much of their free time consuming media?
- How and to what extent should technology/media be used for social purposes? For example, what are your thoughts regarding the rise of child-oriented social networking sites, such as Club Penguin? Is this a safe and effective way to expose kids to social networking at an early age? Or is it unnecessary, even harmful?