2 discussion responses 150 words each
Respond to two students ado conversation do not grade or critique work.
First response to Timothy
Cultural distance is a fascinating concept, which outlines how differences in culture, both in standards and applicability, can influence how groups act, interact, and succeed or fail. The idea of cultural distance is simple: cultures have values, beliefs, standards, and approaches to the world which are standardized by the culture’s adherence to, and valuation of, these components. When different cultures become intertwined, typically by sharing a society or community, there may be clashes or differences which undercut the ability to act, and interact, in a cohesive and mutually beneficial manner. To this end, cultural distance is a term used to describe not only the gaps between the various components which define communities in relation to one another, but equally, how these gaps influence how these groups act, interact, and mesh together (or not). To address this, I found an article entitled, ‘The Relevance of Cultural Distance between Patients and Physicians to Racial Disparities in Health Care’ (Somnath, 2006). Specifically, this article addresses how healthcare disparities exist between white and minority communities, even when accounting for equal access across racial lines; the research found that because many minority groups, as well as the white group, typically lives and interacts within themselves, and only interact with members of other groups sparsely, that there is limited trust between said parties (Somnath, 2006). At the same time, this limited exposure means that abilities to communicate effectively and build relationships are minimal, meaning that these communities get lesser health care, because they do not trust medical professionals and the professionals have trouble wading through this distrust and conveying messages or instructions (Somnath, 2006). The real-world implications of this outcome are devastating, with minority groups then suffering worse conditions, more often, and also having manageable conditions become unmanageable due to lack of care or help. The researchers concluded their work by noting that more research was needed, but also stating that their work served as a platform for acknowledging the role of cultural distance in creating health disparities, thereby outlining the need to close these gaps and engender better outcomes.
Somnath, S. (2006). The Relevance of Cultural Distance between Patients and Physicians to Racial Disparities in Health Care. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1484660/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Second Response to Katrina
Topic 3: Review the Meriden Public Schools: Courageous Leadership and Innovation in Action. Please examine this case from a change leadership perspective. How did the superintendent approach this change? How did he gain buy-in and support? Can this approach be replicated nationwide? Why or why not?
The superintendent suggests in the case video that running public schools traditionally does not lead to any innovation or change. Moreover, he states that any innovation which does not lead to a successful change should be ceased so that another option can be attempted (Edutopia, 2017).
He gained buy-in and support by including the students in the decision making process by process of collaboration (Edutopia, 2017). This approach can definitely be replicated nationwide, if not should be implemented world-wide. Bringing students into the process of innovation and change will make them more willing to comply with any new rules, regulations or procedures. Being listened to and knowing that teachers are taking your view into account makes for a more respectful classroom atmosphere. This is a situation which should be encouraged across the globe.
One other change which the superintendent talks about is the extension of the students’ days while shortening, or making more flexible, the teachers’ days (Edutopia, 2017). It is important that children have a fully-rounded education and that school days do not finish earlier than they should because teachers are mentally exhausted. Allowing teachers to have shorter days so that another can take over is something which should be considered nationwide. Although the children’s days end at the school bell, the teachers have hours more of work to complete. This type of change is sure to gain the support of teachers and parents alike.
Edutopia (2017). Meriden Public Schools: Courageous Leadership and Innovation in Action. Retrieved from http://fod.infobase.com.portal.lib.fit.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?contentID=2K6194mhOds&channel=Edutopia&chnID=9 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.