MLA format
•Malcolm in the Middle, Season 1, Episode 16 “Water Park”
HUM110HM—Assignment 2
Directions: After watching the “Water Park” episode of Malcolm in the Middle, write an
essay that answers the following questions.
Integrityisanextremelyinterestingconcept.Whenweuseittorefertoabuildingor a bridge, we are referring to structural issues: the building or bridge’s ability to withstand not only normal uses but also extreme circumstances: storms, earthquakes, and floods, for example. When we use this term to describe people, we can mean their ability to maintain their moral standards even in the face of temptation. What is your definition of integrity?
a) Hal and Lois’s decision to procure a babysitter–any babysitter–for Dewey so that they can have fun at the park.
b) Hal’s decision to smuggle a pint of rum into the park.
c) HalandLois’sdecisiontoignoretheirtwosonsandconcentrateoneachother.
d) The behavior of the attendant at the top (entry point) of the monster water ride.
e) The decision by Francis and Spangler to deliberately lose each game of pool that they play against each other.
f) The fact that after the elderly babysitter is taken away via ambulance, both the emergency medical technicians and the neighbors fail to realize that Dewey has been left home alone.
Guidelines: Use the following guidelines for this assignment
Use a minimum of 700 words
The essay must be typed, double-spaced, and follow MLA format
ThematerialincludedinthePerspectiveandInteractionsectionsofeachmoduleis intended to provide you information and to give you issues to think about. These overviews are not intended to be used to help you complete your essay. In other words, please use the ideas from the overviews, but do not use their language. As well, do not use any outside research or information when completing this assignment. I am interested in what you have to say.