150 words each part. Use one reference and include in-text citation.
Respond to their opinions about the correlation equals causation debate.
Ask questions about their responses to why they might question how well one predicts another.
Comment on their reasons why their genetics and/or childhood experiences might fail to predict their decisions/actions as adults. Contrast their response to this question to your own response. How and why are they the same? How and why are they different?
Part 1
The reason of course that twins are used is because they are identical genetically, and therefore you are taking out a variable that could potentially change the validity of the research. There is actually a documentary out that delves into this interesting topic, and reunites three identical triplets that were all separated at birth. All three showed similarities even though they were raised in different environments. In my opinion there really isn’t one answer. You can’t deny that genetics play a factor, however, how one is raised and their environment can also greatly shape an individual as well. They aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. I do believe genetics play a heavier hand in regards to mental and behavioral disorders, and how individuals handle different stressors or events. What they witness in childhood absolutely shapes them as adults. This is why many individuals state that children are extremely observant, and they are like sponges absorbing all the information and behaviors around them. Although I have a lot of the same behavioral and physical traits as my parents, that does not guarantee that everything will be the same. I went to a different college, and chose a different career path. Through these different life choices, certain outsourced behaviors can be learned. Nature vs. nurture is still to this day one of the highest debated topics, and one that is extremely fascinating!
Part 2
The use of twin studies can clarify whether characteristics are determined by genes or environment based on how many commonalities they have. The more commonalities they have the more data is produced to prove nature or nurture. Twins raised apart with similarities prove shared genetics. Twins raised together with similarities are interesting, but cannot prove if genetics or environment are the cause of the similarities. However, many other factors could come into play for these individuals. Twins raised apart could have similar childhoods or be exposed to traumatic events that lead to similarities or differences.
These studies are very controversial. I recently watched a documentary about triplets who were purposely separated at birth for the purpose of studying them. They ended up finding each other in college and found out they have many similarities. Although they had these similarities though, their separation left psychological damage. So I think you could predict that one variable could be like another, but there is always a possibility it will not be.
Thinking about my own life experiences my childhood might fail to predict my current career and adult life choices. My family, including all my grandparents, my parents, and siblings, all have worked for General Motors. I was raised as thinking my future would be working at GM like the rest of the family. However, I chose to go to college when I was 18 and have been working in the science field since. So one would probably predict I’d also make a career at GM, but I did not.