GOOGLESCHOLAR: Module 7 assignment
Directions: Visit the USAID/OFDA website, ( and navigate to the Annual Reports page. Open the most recent annual report and read about the disaster response and recovery activities USAID/OFDA has been conducting over the last year. Select a recent disaster and describe the assistance that the U.S. government provided to the affected government(s). Then answer the following questions.
- What is the affected country or countries?
- What is the disaster/hazard type?
- Describe the disaster impacts.
- Describe the assistance provided by USAID/OFDA to the affected country.
- What is the dollar value of the assistance provided?
- In your opinion, was the assistance provided the best use of resources? Why or why not?
Directions: Based on your review of the article “The Importance of Studying International Disaster Management Studies” (see link at the end of the Lecture Notes) write a summary report. Please ensure that your report is at least 1.5 pages in length, using 12-point font and double spacing. Be sure to cite any sources you use. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for concise guidelines on APA format.