d.b.question unit 3

Hi Prof Can you respond to this person who commented on my d.b.question unit 3 please




I like your post and your recommendations, but they did get me thinking and I’d like to share those thoughts with you.  When you said in the first three of the recommendations you made that we should change the constitution and/or the language thereof; I wonder if the gravity of that recommendation was considered.  What I mean by that is that our constitution is the highest law of our land and changes to it are never done lightly if at all.  Even when changes are made in the form of constitutional amendments, they are to further clarify or to explain/expand the meaning of a clause within.  The rights of the people, executive, judicial, and legislative branches have been in place since our country’s birth and are only altered upon the extreme need to do so.  While I agree that some of the provisions of our constitution need a second look, I don’t agree that the constitution should be changed without an extreme reason to do so.  Under that thought process; my question for you would be “what has happened to make those changes dire and necessary for the well being of the nation?”  I would like to say that I think your recommendation of getting the public involved in the decision making process would be beneficial to our country; but only under the review of an “informed public” if you will.  I have to say that in this day and age; our populous has become quite ignorant to the needs of our country and the processes through which change can be affected.  One example I have of this is sites like change.org.  On those sites, people can write up a petition and submit it to the powers that be after collecting a usually paltry sum of signatures.  Many people believe that they can change the laws of our country and “force” officials to decide in their favor.  After learning how things truly work within our governmental structure; I can safely say that it doesn’t work that way.  This leads me to my next question of “how do you propose that the people are made a part of this crucial decision making process.”  Thank you for your thought provoking post and I hope to hear back from you soon!




Karen Bingaman


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