case brief


    1. Title and Citation (e.g. Jones v. Smith, 123 F.3d 456 (11thCir. 2004))




    1. Type of Action (e.g. civil suit for money damages for violation of free speech rights under the First Amendment.)




    1. Facts of the Case (Discuss relevant facts; what happened? Why is this matter in court?)




    1. Contentions of the Parties (What are the best arguments favoring each party?)


      • Smith argues that:

      • Jones argues that:




    1. Issue(s) (The issue relevant to the subjects studied in the module in which it is assigned, e.g. Were Jones’ rights under the First Amendment violated when he was fired for speaking at a political rally?)




    1. Decision (How did the court rule on that issue?)




    1. Reasoning (Why did the court rule the way it did? This is the most important part of the case.)




    1. Rule of Law (What one legal point do we take from this case?)

Length: Should not exceed 2 pages.

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