Sammury These Cases;
1- Cohen V. California (1971).
2- New Yourk v. Ferber(1982) .
3- US v. o’brien (1968).
4- Texas v. Johnson (1989).
The reqiermts that my instoctuer excpect from me as what is :-
The first paragraph is your introductory paragraph. Tell me why you are writing to me and a brief synopsis of what will follow: the cases you briefed, etc.,.
Then, for each major form of participation, spend a paragraph discussingsubstantively that participation. For example, discuss some points about the topic. Etc. So, explain the materials carefully (I will use these paragraphs to assist in my doing a qualitative measure of your participation). If a case, tell me about the case itself AND about the contribution you made in class. Remember, This is a thoughtful documentation, reflection and representation of your oral contribution and explanation of the substance of the materials.
– Agree or Dissagree with other classmate topic that they have talked about in the classroom.
– How you correlate with yourclassmates.
– Free plaigrisme.
– Use your own words.
Form requirements:
– 4 full pages, single space, but double space between paragraphs. Add some participate that I have agree with someone with my classmate.
– Do not indent paragraphs.
– italicize or underline the names of cases.
– 1 inch margins on all sides and typed in 12 point Times Roman font.
– I have attached my note for these Cases and wil helps you A lot.
Please make sure follow these steps as what it is.