Theory of change is something that has building blocks in order to reach a long-term goal. The inter-changing building blocks are outcomes, results, accomplishments or preconditions that help towards the pathway of change in building the framework. Theory of change is based off inventions in the outcomes towards a specific pathway. This pathway is often a complex design that is designed to bring about change. Stakeholders in the Theory of Change discuss the changing process and the framework established as a result of change. The results reveal assumptions that are evaluated through research which are strengthened through goals that are plausible. Stakeholders understand the vision of long-term goals. Measuring the progress along the way will help identify the likelihood of the pathway that they will travel down. Theory of change refers to strategic planning, decision-making and evaluation. Indicators will measure the success and generate action in order to reach goals. Specific instructions are needed in order to achieve goals. Articulating the decisions have to be tested and measured thoroughly. Theory of change is map to get you from point A to point B.
Some is that might prompt this dynamic are that the roadmap may be long and take several tries to get to the common goal in mind. As outputs lead to outcomes, the social value desired should be met. This map may contain small steps but might have many along the way in order achieve your designated goal in mind. After a step, do a reflection on the achieved results desired. As you progress in your theory of change model then make sure your illustrations visualize your end goal. Your design is set against other people’s behaviors.
As a chief, one must deal with the perception of the public as this theory of change progresses. It almost seems as if there is a partnership between the public and police officers. This concept directs how tasks are to be completed by the police instead of empowering them. The chief needs to make sure there is a shared vision that sees the big picture and deal with issues that think strategically towards the public.